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презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Викторина Лондон


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Слайд 1

The capital of Great Britain is a) Liverpool b) Brighton c) London d) Leeds

Слайд 2

London is a centre for a) learning Geography b) writing stories c) driving d) business and tourism

Слайд 3

A) Los Angeles B) Bristol C) Manchester D) London … is the biggest city in Britain

Слайд 4

There are about … streets in London 1000 B) 10 thousand C) 100 D) 1 million

Слайд 5

London’s main shopping centre is … Westminster Big Ben Oxford Street Downing Street

Слайд 6

The largest park in London is … St. Paul’s Park King’s Park Green Park Hyde park

Слайд 7

Read to get some information about London. It's interesting to know... ... that Bloomsbury Square is one of the oldest in London. It is more than 300 years old. It is the literary part of the city. Many writers and critics live there. ...that the British Museum is not far from Bloomsbury-Square and the Square is famous for the Museum. The British Museum is very old. It was founded in 1753. It is in Great Russell Street. The British Museum has a large Reading Room. ...that one of the famous London cinemas is the "Odeon" ...that one of the oldest churches in London is St Paul’s Cathedral. ...that one of the famous London theatres, the Royal Opera House or Covent Garden, is in the centre of the former fruit and vegetable market. Read the first part of the sentence in A and find the second part in B A 1. The Royal Opera House 2. The British Museum 3. St Paul's Cathedral 4. Bloomsbury Square 5. Russell Street B a) was founded in 1753. b) is in the centre of the former fruit and vegetable market. c) is 300 years old. d) is not far from Bloomsbury Square. e) is one of the oldest churches in London.

Слайд 8

In Roman times Londinium was a small town with … The River Severn The River Thames The North Sea The River Volga

Слайд 9

Read to get some more information about London. It's interesting to know... ...that London is in fact two cities: the City of London and the City of Westminster. ...that London stands on the River Thames. There are 27 bridges over the Thames in London and 8 tunnels under the river ...that London is 46 kilometres from north to south and 58 kilometres from east to west. ...that London has more than 7 million people - 13% (per cent) of Britain's population.

Слайд 10

Read the beginning of the sentence in section A and find the end of it in section B. A 1) There are in fact 2 cities in London: 2) London stands on 3) There are 27 bridges 4) More than 7 million people 5) There are 8 tunnels 6) London is 46 kilometres 7) London is 58 kilometres B a) the River Thames. b) over the River Thames. c) live in London. d) under the River Thames. e) the City, the City of Westminster. f) from east to west. g) from north to south.

Слайд 11

William the Conqueror went to England from … Norway B) Germany C) France D) Poland

Слайд 12

11 It is … Hyde Park St Paul’s Cathedral Green Square Trafalgar Square

Слайд 13

… lives at 10, Downing Street A) The Queen B) William the Conqueror C) The British Prime Minister D) Sir Benjamin Hall

Слайд 14

13 The Tower of London is … now A palace A prison King’s Zoo A Museum

Слайд 15

14 Sir Christopher Wren built St. Paul’s Cathedral in … century The 15 th C) The 18 th The 17 th D) Te 19 th

Слайд 16

The Great Fire of London happened In October, 1796 In September, 1666 In August, 1565 In July, 1686

Слайд 17

The political centre of London is … Parliament Square St. Paul’s Cathedral Westminster Big Ben

Слайд 18

The Queen of England lives in… Westminster Abbey The Houses of Parliament Whitehall Buckingham Palace

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