конспект урока английского языка в 7 классе к УМК "Спотлайт"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Пашковская Светлана Леонидовна

конспект урока рассчитан на работу с применением интерактивной доски


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Предварительный просмотр:

Тема урока: " Who is who?". 

Цель урока:

 Развитие языковой компетентности учащихся по теме «Внешность»


практические - активизировать знания, умения и навыки учащихся по теме «Внешность»; учить логически строить высказывание на основе прослушанной и переработанной информации.

развивающие – развивать кругозор учащихся, творческие навыки;

воспитательные – создавать возможность для проявления индивидуальных способностей учащихся, развитие навыков к сотрудничеству;

образовательные – совершенствовать фонетические и лексические навыки, расширить словарный запас, активизировать знакомую лексику в речевых ситуациях, создать условия для спонтанной речи.

Оборудование и раздаточные материалы: мультимедийная установка, карточки с заданиями.

Тип урока: знакомство с новым материалом.


Ход урока:

  1.  Организационный момент,  введение темы.

Teacher:    Good morning. I’m very glad to see all of you today. I hope everybody is ready to work. How are you? What date is it today?

Today at our lesson we have guests and I hope you`ll show them all our knowledge.

To guess what we are going to talk about have a look at the screen. You can see a picture, try to guess what we are going to talk about at our lesson. (Слайд 1)

(Учащиеся высказывают свои предположения)

Teacher:    So today we`re going to speak about appearance and the theme of our lesson is “Who is who?”(Кто есть кто?). I`d like to begin our lesson with the question: Can you explain me this phrase Who is who?

                What does it mean?

Could you look at the screen. (Слайд 2) Use the words and try to make up a definition to this expression. You can write it in your copy-books. Think a little.

(Учащиеся высказывают свои предположения)

(Determining who someone is)

Teacher:    Supper!

  1. Речевая разминка.

And now I want you remember the words, which can help us to describe people. Let’s train our tongue a little. Look at the blackboard.  

(Учащиеся просматривают анимационный ролик и повторят слова)


  1. Актуализация лексики по теме.

And now could you open your student books at p.28.  Can you tell me what are we going to do during our lesson?

(Учащиеся высказывают свои предположения)

  1. We are going to study new words about this theme
  2. We are going to listen and read the dialogue
  3. We are going to study a new grammar material about Present and Past participles

Teacher:    Well done! And the first task for you is to look at the characters at this page. Which books are they from?

(Учащиеся рассматривают картинки и называют героев произведений американской литературы)

Now let`s work with card 1. Mach the characters with their authors.

Alice – “Alice in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll

The Duchess – “Alice in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll

Scrooge – “A Christmas Carol” by Ch. Dickens.

Bob Cratchit - “A Christmas Carol” by Ch. Dickens.

Dorothy – “The Woderful Wizard of Oz” by L.Frank Baum.

Wicked Witch – “The Woderful Wizard of Oz” by L.Frank Baum.

Peter Pan – “Peter Pan” by J.M. Barrie

Captain Hook - “Peter Pan” by J.M. Barrie

Teacher:   You were super!

                 But now let’s listen and check your answers.

 (Учащиеся прослушивают аудиозапись и проверяют свои ответы)

Teacher:   Well done! And now look at the table from ex 2 p 28 in your textbook. Which words from this table did you hear? Listen again and check your answers.

(Учащиеся просматривают таблицу и называют слова, которые они услышали в тексте)

Young, cute, freckles, long, brown, pigtails, old, ugly, thin, short, blond, skinny, elderly, grey, bald, red, tall, dark, curly, shoulder-length, middle-aged, tan, beard, scar, slim, pretty, straight, big, fat, round

(На доске слайды, на которых написаны эти слова) (Презентация)

Teacher:   Well done! And now let’s work with your partner. Choose a character  and ask to each other yes/no questions to find out who the character is.

(Учащиеся выбирают понравившегося им героя и в вопросно-ответной беседе угадывают его)

Now let`s work with card 2 which will help you in your work.

P1: Is it a man?

P2: Yes, it is.

P1: Is he tall?

P2: Yes he is?

P1: Has he got dark hair?

P2: No, he hasn’t

P1: Has he got red hair?

P2: Yes.

P1: Is it Bob Cratchit?

P2: Yes, it is.

  1. Физкультминутка.

Teacher:   I see you are so tied. Let’s have a rest. Look at the blackboard and repeat after the children.

(Учащиеся выполняют движения за героями ролика)

  1. Обучение аудированию и чтению

Teacher:   You were super! But now I would like you to read the first exchange in the dialogue in ex 3 p 28. Where are Clara and Fiona: at the theatre? at a party? Which characters in ex 1 were in the play? Listen, read and check.

(Учащиеся отвечают на поставленные вопросы и прослушивают аудиозапись, выясняя, были ли они правы)

PP: They are at a party.

PP: Alice and the Duchess were in the play.

Teacher: Read the dialogue again and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Now let`s work with card 3.

  1. Clara didn’t like the school play. (F)
  2. Clara doesn’t know the names of the actors. (T)
  3. Robert has got curly hair. (F)
  4. Julie looked slim in her new costume. (F)
  5. Clara is interested in Matt. (T)  

Teacher: Explain the words in  bold. Use the dictionary if you need.

Now let`s work with card 4. Mach the words with its difinitions.


Sth which makes you happy and enthusiastic (увлекательный, захватывающий)


part of theatre on which actors perform (сцена)

can’t tell

don’t know (не знаю)

blond (adj):

pale to white colour (светлый, белокурый)


role (роль)


nice looking (симпатичный, привлекательный)


meet and tell sb your name (представиться

Teacher: Let’s check up your answers.

Teacher: Take roles and read out the dialogue

(Учащиеся читают диалог по ролям)

  1. Обучение грамматике (Present Participles and Past Participles)

Teacher: I have written two sentences on the blackboard. Let’s translate them all together.

It is an exciting concert. (Это восхитительный концерт)

We’re excited! (Мы восхищены!)

Remember!   Выделенные слова в предложениях – это причастия настоящего и прошедшего времён.  

 We use present participles to describe something or somebody.

      It is an exciting concert.

We use past participles to speak about someone’s feelings.

      We’re excited!

Teacher:  Now let`s work with card 3. Choose the correct answer in the sentences.

  1. Jack is scared/scaring of spiders.
  2. I find maths lessons really bored/boring.
  3. Tonie is interested/interesting in football.
  4. The trip was tired/tiring.
  5. I’m disappointed/disappointing in you.

  1. Scared; 2. Boring; 3.  interested; 4.  tiring;  5. Disappointed

Teacher: And some words about the order of adjectives when we want to describe the people.

Remember! When describing people, mind the order of adjectives. Do not use more than three adjectives before a noun.

  1. Opinion
  2. Height/Age
  3. Origin
  4. Noun

Teacher: If you have understood, now let`s work with card 4.   Make your own sentences.

  1. Mr Brown: teacher, elderly, kind, French
  2. Sandy: colleague, patient, middle-aged, British
  3. Boris Schwartz: tennis player, German, young, tall

Mr Brown is a kind elderly French teacher

Sandy is a patient middle-aged British colleague

Boris Schwartz is a tall young German tennis player

  1. Peфлексия.

Your`ve done a great work! All of you are great hard-working students and you  got excellent marks.

Did you like the lesson?

Was it interesting?

What new words have you learnt today?

Who was the best pupil at the lesson?

  1. Домашнее задание. 

          The lesson is over. Your homework: SB p.28   ex.8

 Have a nice day. Thank you very much everyone.

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