Фразовый глагол ТАКЕ
тренажёр по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Тимченко Евгения Сергеевна

Дополнительные упражнения на глагол ТАКЕ


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Предварительный просмотр:

Put the right word in the following sentences: of, off, part, place, pictures.

1.  Take care ……….     the pennies and the pounds will take care …………… themselves.

2. He is fond of taking ……………………………..

3. Do her children take  ………………..in the concert?

4. The meeting took ………………………in the park.

5. Jane must take care  ………………………her old granny.

6. Will you take ……………………your hat ?

Put the right word in the following sentences: of, off, part, place, pictures.

1.  Take care ……….     the pennies and the pounds will take care …………… themselves.

2. He is fond of taking ……………………………..

3. Do her children take  ………………..in the concert?

4. The meeting took ………………………in the park.

5. Jane must take care  ………………………her old granny.

6. Will you take ……………………your hat ?

Put the right word in the following sentences: of, off, part, place, pictures.

1.  Take care ……….     the pennies and the pounds will take care …………… themselves.

2. He is fond of taking ……………………………..

3. Do her children take  ………………..in the concert?

4. The meeting took ………………………in the park.

5. Jane must take care  ………………………her old granny.

6. Will you take ……………………your hat ?

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