How did you celebrate Christmas? Презентация к учебнику "English 3",В.П. Кузовлев
презентация к уроку по английскому языку на тему

Хмелевская Лариса Петровна

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Слайд 1

How did you celebrate Christmas?

Слайд 2

In England Christmastime begins in November. And in Russia it begins in December. In England they celebrate Christmas on 25 December. And in Russia we celebrate Christmas on 7 January. In England they celebrate Christmas with their families and in Russia we can celebrate it with our families and friends.

Слайд 3

In England children write letters to Santa Claus and in Russia children write letters to Father Frost. In England children find presents in their stockings and in Russia they find them under the New Year tree. In England there is turkey and Christmas pudding on the table and in Russia we have goose on the table.

Слайд 4

In England they buy presents and Christmas trees before Christmas and we buy them before New Year. Are you ready to win the Christmas present ? Who is the best helper ?

Слайд 5

clean the car make the bed feed the pets cook meals gather apples wash the dishes work in the garden dust the furniture sweep the paths set the table Find the mistake 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 e b c d a f g h i j

Слайд 6

PRESENT SIMPLE Always - всегда Usually - обычно Sometimes - иногда Every day - каждый день Never - никогда V ( es ) I YOU WE THEY clean wash He She It clean s wash es

Слайд 7

What do you usually do... ? about the house in the garden make the bed feed the pets wash the dishes sweep the path set the table clean the car cook meals work in the garden dust the furniture gather apples

Слайд 8

PAST SIMPLE Last week – на прошлой неделе Last year – в прошлом году Last month – в прошлом месяце Yesterday - вчера Regular verbs V + ed [t] Watch ed Walk ed Talk ed Finish ed Look ed [d] Play ed Learn ed Tri ed Cri ed Smil ed studi ed [id] Skat ed Want ed Collect ed Paint ed need ed Irregular verbs м еняют свою форму Смотри таблицу неправильных глаголов

Слайд 9

How did you and your family celebrate Christmas last year ? How do you and your family u sually celebrate Christmas ? We set the table usually . 2 . My sister set the table. 3. We have a fantastic dinner. 4. We cooked a wonderful dinner. 5. We ate tasty vegetables. 6. We gave gifts to our Mum. 7. We give gifts to our Mum. 8 . We sang a song about Christmas. 9 . We sing merry songs about Christmas. 10 . Our mother is happy. 1 1 . We were happy. Разделите предложения на два рассказа: 1. usually 2. last year

Слайд 10

1 sent greetings cards 8 decorated a Christmas tree 2 bought gifts 9 made the bed 3 made a huge cake 10 cleaned the house 4 had a party 11 wore fanny costumes 5 worked in the garden 12 sang songs 6 danced to music 13 invited friends 7 played games 14 gave gifts Прослушайте текст стр. 55 разделите предложения на True / False W e…

Слайд 11

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !

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