Для учителей. 8 класс тема "Спорт" учебник "Spotlight"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) по теме

Коренчук Екатерина Николаевна

Данные задния разработаны для урока-повторения, подготовки к контрольной работе на повторение лексики и грамматики из пройденного модуля.


Файл otkr_urok_8_klass_sport.docx19.41 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:


Ice hockey, swimming pool, court, an axe, sand dunes, ice climbing, stick, puck, frozen hills, boots for ice, a board, sandboarding, a helmet.





Write sentences using go, play, do.


every months


twice a week

Ice climbing

once a months


three times a week


at the weekends in the summer

Ex. She goes jogging every months.


Match the  definitions to the kind of sport.

Rugby, badminton, ice climbing, zorbing, skydiving, snowboarding.

  1. A sport where someone jumps from a plane and falls through the sky for as long as possible before opening a parachute.
  2. A sport in which a person goes down a snow covered slope on a board attached to one of their feet.
  3. A game played by two teams in which players try to score points by either carrying a ball to their opponents’ end of the field or kicking it between two posts.
  4. A sport which requires the use of boots, rope and an axe to reach the top of an icy summit.
  5. A game where two or four players try to hit a small rounded object which has feathers on one end to the other side of a net using a racquet.
  6. A sport in which a person travels down a hill in a transparent, plastic sphere.


Put the verbs in brackets into the correct conditional.

  1. If Caroline visits Egypt in August, it ……..(be) far too hot for her.
  2. If Sebastian ……..(practice) harder, he would have been in the volleyball team.
  3. Water …….(boil) if you heat it to 100ºC.
  4. If I …… (not hurt) my leg, I could have gone ice-skating.
  5. If she had told him the truth, he ……(forgive) her.
  6. If Mary had more time, she…..(take up) snowboarding.
  7. I wouldn’t have joined the queue if I …….(know) it was going to take this long.
  8. We …… (go) to the park if it hadn’t rained.
  9. You……. (love) the scenery if you go trekking along this mountain.
  10. If you invite Michelle, I …..(not/come) with you.


Make up sentences, using your ideas.

If I go cycling I……

If I played water polo I ……

If I did long jump I……….

  • have an injury
  • win
  • become stronger
  • feel myself better
  • walk more


Speaker 1: I can’t believe we lost. Yes, our opponents are a great team but I know we are better!

Speaker 2: He’s right. We could beaten them. And we can’t say we haven’t been practicing. We’re always on the ice.

Speaker 3: Maybe that is a problem. We are just too tired. Four games in two weeks is a lot.

Speaker 4: Well, we now have a week to relax. The good thing is that we’re playing the next game at home, so we’ll have the advantage.

Speaker 5: Yes. If we can win the next game, we still have a great chance of winning the Cup. We’re not out of the competition yet.

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