Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия “English Festival “Around the World”(по учебникам «Chatterbox 1,2,3,4”)
план-конспект урока по английскому языку на тему

Минетто Юлия Николаевна

Мероприятие в рамках декады иностранных языков :обобщающий урок- соревнование по темам учебника "Chatterbox 1,2,3,4


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Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия “English Festival “Around the World”(по учебникам «Chatterbox 1,2,3,4”)

Т: Hello! I`m Julia.I`m a coordinator of our traditional spring festival.Today we are greeting the guests from Ukraine( parents and teachers)Our respectful  jury – from European Union( Mrs Liliya Koshelkovskaja and Mrs Oxana Dubinovskaja)).

Dear GUESTS!Let us greet our teams-r participants of the festival.1-Magicians, 2-Hollywood Stars, 3- Travellers.

Our agenda is:

1.Role plays of our teams- participants.

2.News from our special reporters from the countries of the world.

3.Quiz “Around the world with Chatterbox”

So, what shall we start with?To warm up, I propose to you to answer some questions.

1.General Knowledge Quiz. (1 answer=1 point)

  1)What is a telephone made of?

 2)Who works in a lab?

3)What do atsronauts wear inside the space shuttle?

 4)How is the book of records called?

 5)What is the capital of Japan?

6)What do robots do?

And now, the participants of the first team will show us their trip on the Time Machine to the past and to the future. So let`s watch “The Magic Club”(PB,pp.14-15,18-19)

(The song “Tommy is a fireman”)

Thanks. The tricks were amazing. Did you enjoy watching? And ,of course, your musical pause was very nice.

2.Professions are so important in our modern world!I believe the participants of our festival know the names of different jobs. Now, the task is to solve the crossword(handouts- for each team)Who is the fastest?- 3 scores/the second team- 2 scores and the third- 1 score)

3.Do you remember what profession Lucky Lorentz has?Where does she live?(Hollywood).Now our special correspondent from Los Angeles .Kate, we are listening to your news.(a girl is speaking about Hollywood- the text,PB.,p.32)

4.The team from America are ready to present their role- play “Cowboy City”(PB.,pp.26-27)

5.That`s OK. Lucky Lorenz  had a wonderful journey around Europe.Do you remember the countries she visited? Can you name the nationalities living there?(Britain, Spain,France,Greece.Italy)

I have a secret red box here. Guess what is inside? It`s a souvenir from one of these countries, a symbol of the country.(the Eiffel Tower)

6.The next round of the questions.

1 person from each team).Finish sentences:

1)Lucky Lorenz didn`t go to :a) Spain ;b) Britain ;c)Egypt.

2)Children and Uncle John gave Kashoki as a present :a)a flower; b)a box of chocolates; c )a paper bird.

 3)The ancient Egyptians lived about :a)2000; b)5000; c)3000 years ago.

4)The first planet next to the Sun is: a)Mercury ;b) the Earth ;c)Jupiter.

 5)The oldest magician is: a) Kashoki ;b) Mr Wizzo ;c)Uncle John.

 6)Spider Smith went to: a)Australia ;b)Japan; c) Egypt.

7.Our reporter from Australia is eager to tell us the news.(1 girl-the text “Australia”,PB,p.36)

Role play of the third team.

The reporter from Japan(1 girl-the text “Japan”,PB,p.44)

7.I am sure they`ll find the missing pages. And Spider Smith will be their friend. Everything will be OK.I think all of you had a good chance to revise the material we had learnt. We`ve learnt a lot during 4 years and now it`s time to say Goodbye to our Chatterbox. Now let`s have a Quiz on the 4 levels of Chatterbox.

Book 1.1.What`s the name of Captain`s Shadow dog?(Pluto)

             2.Where do Poppy and Bean live?(London)

            3.What`s Captain Shadow`s job?( detective)

Book 2.1.What is K 13?( A DANGEROUS FORMULA)

             2.What`s the Professor`s name?(Brain)

            3.In New York Professor has got a friend.What`s his job?( a waitress)

Book 3.1.What TV programme did Ken want to watch?( football)

              2.What colour is Uncle John`s house?( purple)

             3.Is Tower Bridge near the sea?( No,it`s near the river Thames)

Book 4.1.How many pages did the Queen of Egypt take out of the Book of Adabra?(7)

              2.Is Miss Electra the most famous woman magician?(No,Licky Lorenz)

             3.Is The Parthenon older than the Book of Adabra?(No)



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