План - конспект урока по английскому языку в 11 классе «Our Titanic Love affair»
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (11 класс) на тему

Охрицкая Алла Ивановна

Данный урок спланирован как совершенствование навыков говорения, развитие навыков письма, развитие словобразовательных навыков. Для достижения целей и задач использован оригинальный материал журнала "Newsweek", а именно статья "Our Titanic Love Affair".


Файл План -конспект урока22.75 КБ
Файл Презентация к уроку531.55 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Охрицкая Алла Ивановна,

учитель английского языка МБОУ СОШ№ 6  

г. Батайск Рост. обл.



Тема: «Our  Titanic  Love  affair»

Учебник “English 10-11” под редакцией Кузовлева В.П.

Тип урока: повторительно-обобщающий.


учебный аспект: способствовать развитию языковых и познавательных способностей, готовности к коммуникации, обучать чтению с целью понимания общего содержания.

развивающий аспект: содействовать развитию способности к анализу, синтезу, развитие воображения;

социокультурный аспект: способствовать ознакомлению с одним из самых популярных фильмов «Титаник»  21 века, со статьёй «Our  Titanic  Love  affair» из журнала «Newsweek» , развитию ценностных ориентаций, чувств и эмоций у школьника;

воспитательный аспект: содействовать формированию потребности и способности понимать чужие точки зрения на социальные и гуманитарные проблемы, достигать согласия и сотрудничать в условиях различия взглядов и убеждений;

Дидактические средства и материалы: компьютер, мультимедийное оборудование, аудиокурс, электронная презентация для повторения материала по теме, подготовленная учителем.

Ход урока:

1. Организационный этап:


 T.: Good morning dear friends. I’m glad to see you. How are you?

Dear friends, I’d like to start our lesson with these words.

«Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body».


Please, pay attention to the screen and read the following words. All these words are closely related to our topic. Just guess what is it?

Слайд  1


So, our lesson is dedicated to reading, that's right.

Let's look at the screen and make a phonetic drill to make our tongue work.

слайд 2

 What topic would you like to work with me during the lesson?

 Choose the topic: Social Welfare/ Theatre/ Movie/ Politics.

T.: We’ve chosen the section «Movie» that’s why we have to revise all materials concerning this topic.

3. Речевая зарядка:

T.: Many young people enjoy watching films like you and the cinema and TV films have become the important part of our lives. Thus, cinema plays a special role in the life of any society, let’s speak about it.

Look at the screen and decide what films do you advise your friends to see?

Which types of films do you think are worth seeing?

 (Дети называют кино жанры по фото на слайде 3, обращая внимание на написание слов):

Thriller, Romantic comedy, Historical drama, Science fiction, Action film, Western, Cartoon, Musical, War film, Documentary, Horror film.

T.: So many men so many minds. We may say: ‘Taste differs’. Different people like different genres of film. And I’m sure that you have your favourite movie.

What’s your favourite film?

And why?

P: …

4.Обобщение и систематизация знаний учащихся.

1. Совершенствование речевых умений учащихся

T.: I’ve got my favourite films, too. As soon as it appeared on the screens it became extremely popular. This film grabbed my attention not only for the plot and playing actors but also for music. Can you guess this film?

слайд 4

 (Звучит музыка из фильма Титаник, дети узнают фильм по музыке) 

T.: Have ever seen this film? What are your impressions of the film ‘Titanic’? If you haven’t seen this film, then discuss the music from it. Share your opinion about this film with us.


T: Look at the ex.6 p. 209

 слайд 5

Now I’ve given you an article, taken from Newsweek. Let’s read it and think over it. And I want you to answer the question? Why was James Cameron a little bit mystified?

2. Совершенствование словообразовательных навыков на основе текста

T: Let's look at the slide your task is to use the words in brackets to form the word that fits each space.

Слайд 6

  • 1) The film is with tragic  _________ (end).
  • 2) It is a good _________ (melodrama) film.
  • 3) How _________ (sob) the film is!
  • 4) It is really __________(billion, dollar) movie
  • 5) I can’t say anything. It is _________(absolute) fantastic.
  • 6) To my mind the film is __________(exciting). I enjoy watching it.
  • 7) 7) The film is  __________ (draw) 20 % instead of 2 % .

3 .Совершенствование письменных навыков

T: You have read lately try to be a critic and decide what you can tell your readers to encourage them to watch the film (Решите что вы можете рассказать читателям чтобы они захотели посмотреть представление), you may use pp 210 and 211.

5. Объяснение домашнего задания.

The tasks for you:

prepare and tell the story about Russian blockbusters/films , design a poster about it, about the moment you like most of all.

6. Рефлексия.

T: By the way, my favourite moment of  this film is the following one. приложение  3. To my mind it is one of the most exciting and emotional one.

What is your feelings?

What emotions do you feel after having looking this film?


Guys, lets recollect everything we have spoken about and present our thoughts using the cinquain.

Thank you very much!

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body. Addison .

Слайд 2

Phonetic Drills [l] – fell, film, released, love, billion – dollars movie; [t] –Titanic, stiff, at first, tirelessly, best; [r] – great, drag, cried, melodrama; [ w ] – was , wonderful [ ts ] – chivk – flick, touching [m] – movie, admission

Слайд 3

Speech drill Which types of films do you think are worth seeing? Thr i ller, Romantic c o medy, Histori cal drama, S ci ence fiction, A c tion film, West er n, Cart oo n, Mu s ical, War film, Do cu mentary, Ho rr or film, Melodrama

Слайд 4

The article. Our Titanic Love Affair

Слайд 5

Look at the ex. 6 p.209 Why was James Cameron a little bit Mystified?

Слайд 6

Use the words in brackets to form the word that fits each space. 1) The film is with tragic _________ (end). 2) It is a good _________ (melodrama) film. 3) How _________ (sob) the film is! 4) It is really __________(billion, dollar) movie 5) I can’t say anything. It is _________(absolute) fantastic. 6) To my mind the film is __________(exciting). I enjoy watching it. 7) The film is __________ (draw) 20 % instead of 2 %

Слайд 7

I am a critic! What you can tell your readers to encourage them to watch the film

Слайд 8

Hometask Prepare and tell the story about Russian blockbusters/films Design a poster about it.

Слайд 9

cinquain Line 1. Title – one word. This is the subject matter of your cinquain poem. Line 2. Description – two words Two things that describe your subject. Line 3: Action – three words Three words that describe what your subject likes to do. Line 4: Feeling – four words A factual line about your subject. Line 5: Title – one word. This should be a synonym for your title.

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