World Literature Quiz
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (9 класс) по теме

Кашкевич Анна Николаевна

Викторина содержит вопросы о произведениях и авторах из разных стран. В то же время она позволяет закрепить употребление пассивного залога в английском языке.


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Слайд 1

World Literature Quiz Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive form. Complete the quiz and check. 1. _______ Charlie and the Chocolate Factory first__________ (publish)? A England B the USA C France 2. How many books about the Moomins ________________ (release) between 1945 and 1993? A two B five C nine 3. What novel ______ (name) Britain's best-loved novel of all time i n 2003? A “ Harry Potter” B “ Jane Eyre” C “ The Lord of the Rings” 4. Who __________ (consider) to be one of the greatest English writers? A Joseph Rudyard Kipling B Antoine de Saint-Exupéry C Hans Christian Andersen 5 . What series of fantasy novels by British author J. K. Rowling _________ already ____________ (translate) into more than 67 languages? A “ The Silkworm ” B “ Harry Potter” C “ Career of Evil ”

Слайд 2

6. Why ______ (close) the theatres ______ i n 1593 and 1594 during Shakespeare's lifetime? A because of earthquake B because of plague C because of lack of audience 7. How ________ Humpty Dumpty , a character in an English nursery rhyme typically (portray)? A as an egg B as an ogre C as a little boy 8. Who wrote Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass ( more than 250,000 copies ____________ (print) by 1898)? A Joseph Rudyard Kipling B Lewis Carroll C Charles Dickens 9. What _____ often _______ (use) as a metaphor for eternal childhood and childishness? A Neverland B New Zealand C Lapland 10. Who _____ fatally _________ (wound) in a duel with Georges d'Anthès ? A Mikhail Lermontov B Alexander Pushkin C Mark Twain

Слайд 3

Keys Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was first published in the United States of America. Nine books were released between 1945 and 1993 . The Lord of the Rings was named Britain's best-loved novel of all time in 2003. Joseph Rudyard Kipling is considered to be one of the greatest English writers. Harry Potter has already been translated into more than 67 languages. Because of plague theatres were closed in 1593 and 1594. Humpty Dumpty is typically portrayed as an egg. Lewis Carroll wrote Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass (more than 250,000 copies had been printed by 1898 ). Neverland is often used as a metaphor for eternal childhood and childishness. Alexander Pushkin was fatally wounded in a duel with Georges d'Anthès .

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