Children's Literature Quiz
материал по английскому языку (6 класс) по теме

Алешина Маргарита Вячеславовна

К сожалению, увлечение чтением переживает не лучшие времена, поэтому необходимо проводить работу по поддержке и пропаганде детского чтения среди учащихся. Целью данной викторины, проводимой в рамках недели ИЯ, являлось повышение интереса к книге и развитие любознательности и творческих способностей учащихся через чтение.

В ходе данного мероприятия учащихся необходимо разбить на команды, каждой из которых предлагается ответить на вопросы викторины, а также написать продолжение предложенной истории (based on O.Henry's "The Cop and the Anthem"). Выигрывает та команда, которая наберет наибольшее количество баллов.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Children's Literature Quiz

Form 6

I. Choose the correct answer

1.Who was The Tale of Peter Rabbit written by?

a. Charles Dickens
b. Oscar Wilde
c. Helen Beatrix Potter
d. Henry Potter

2. What pen name did The English writer Charles Lutwidge Dodgson use?

a. Charles Dickens
b. Alice Glass
c. Maud Hatter
d. Lewis Carroll

3. What colour were Dorothy's slippers?

a. Purple
b. Ruby
c. Red
d. Silver

4. What is Tintin's white dog called?

a. Fluffy
b. Scottie
c. Snowy
d. Rafiki

5. Who has the best friend called Huck Finn?

a. Anne of Green Gables
b. Tom Sawyer
c. Harry Potter
d. Charlie Bucket

6. What is the name of the cat in Alice in Wonderland?

a. The Cheshire Cat
b. Garfield
c. Sylvester

d. Tigger

7. Which wizard in 'The Lord of the Rings' lives in the Black Tower in Isengard?
a. Saruman
b. Gandalf
c. Aragorn
d. Rohan

8. What children’s novel features Neverland?

a. Peter Pan

b. Pippi Longstocking

c. Pinocchio

d. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

9. What classic fictional character is a long-nosed wooden puppet?

a. None of these

b. Both of these

c. Pinocchio

d. Buratino

10. Which of the following is not a character from Lewis Carroll’s 1865 novel Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland?

a. The Queen of Hearts

b. The Chief Weasel

c. The March Hare

d. The Mock Turtle

11. What children’s book author named one of his central characters after his son?

a. C.S.Lewis

b. Lemony Snicket

c. Lewis Carroll

d. A.A.Milne

12. Which of these Disney animated features is not based on a book written by a European author?

a. One Hundred and One Dalmations

b. Mulan

c. The Many Adventures of Winnie-the-Pooh

d. Bambi

II. Answer the questions

What is the name of Winnie-the-Pooh’s donkey friend?

Who is the bear in The Jungle Book?

Who leads a gang of outlaws in Sherwood Forest?

Who were all the King’s horses and men unable to put together again?

Sculptures of which animals lie at the base of Nelson’s column?

What is the name of the Lion in The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe?

What is the name of the wizard at the court of King Arthur?

What is the name of the recreated theatre from Shakespeare’s time in London?

What is the name of Peter Pan’s piratical enemy?

What was the name of Harry Potter’s pet owl?

Which character in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland muttered “Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be late”?

In which fairy tale does Gerda rescue her friend Kai from the title character?

Helped by his slave Morgiana, who foiled the 40 thieves?

What is the name of the dog in Peter Pan?

Who owned Winnie-the-Pooh?

Предварительный просмотр:

1) c 2) d 3) d 4) c 5) b 6) a 7) a 8) a 9) b 10) b 11) d 12) b

What is the name of Winnie-the-Pooh’s donkey friend? Eeyore

Who is the bear in The Jungle Book? Baloo

Who leads a gang of outlaws in Sherwood Forest?  Robin Hood

Who were all the King’s horses and men unable to put together again? Humpty Dumpty

Sculptures of which animals lie at the base of Nelson’s column? Lions

What is the name of the Lion in The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe? Aslan

What is the name of the wizard at the court of King Arthur? Merlin

What is the name of the recreated theatre from Shakespeare’s time in London?  The Globe

What is the name of Peter Pan’s piratical enemy?  Captain Hook

What was the name of Harry Potter’s pet owl? Hedwig

Which character in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland muttered “Oh dear! Oh dear! I shall be late”? The White Rabbit

In which fairy tale does Gerda rescue her friend Kai from the title character? The Snow Queen

Helped by his slave Morgiana, who foiled the 40 thieves? Ali Baba

What is the name of the dog in Peter Pan? Nana

Who owned Winnie-the-Pooh? Christopher Robin

Предварительный просмотр:

Continue the story:

to commit a crime – совершить преступление

Soapy lived on the streets of New York. He liked the sun and the trees. He didn’t like buildings or houses or jobs. He preferred doing nothing.

For nine months of the year, Soapy was  happy. And when the first week of December came and it became cold, he had an idea. He was going to commit a crime. Not a serious crime, but something light. He needed a crime to be put into prison for three winter months and to have free food and bed there.

So one day he……….

Continue the story:

to commit a crime – совершить преступление

Soapy lived on the streets of New York. He liked the sun and the trees. He didn’t like buildings or houses or jobs. He preferred doing nothing.

For nine months of the year, Soapy was  happy. And when the first week of December came and it became cold, he had an idea. He was going to commit a crime. Not a serious crime, but something light. He needed a crime to be put into prison for three winter months and to have free food and bed there.

So one day he……….

Continue the story:

to commit a crime – совершить преступление

Soapy lived on the streets of New York. He liked the sun and the trees. He didn’t like buildings or houses or jobs. He preferred doing nothing.

For nine months of the year, Soapy was  happy. And when the first week of December came and it became cold, he had an idea. He was going to commit a crime. Not a serious crime, but something light. He needed a crime to be put into prison for three winter months and to have free food and bed there.

So one day he……….

Continue the story:

to commit a crime – совершить преступление

Soapy lived on the streets of New York. He liked the sun and the trees. He didn’t like buildings or houses or jobs. He preferred doing nothing.

For nine months of the year, Soapy was  happy. And when the first week of December came and it became cold, he had an idea. He was going to commit a crime. Not a serious crime, but something light. He needed a crime to be put into prison for three winter months and to have free food and bed there.

So one day he……….

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