Итоговая контрольная в 7 классе ( УМК Биболетова)
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

3 задания:

1. Вставить прилагательное или наречие в правильной форме,

2. Вставить пропущенное слово,

3. Прочитать текст и ответить на вопросы.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Итоговая контрольная работа 7класс.

Variant 1.

  1. Complete the sentences: put the adjectives or adverbs in brackets in appropriate form.
  1. Tomorrow we’ll go to the museum. Let’s get up … than usual. (early)
  2. Eagles fly … of all the birds. (high)
  3. Which of these two books is the … ? (good)
  4. I was ill and wasn’t at school … . (late\lately)
  5. He works … at his English. (hard\hardly)

  1. Put in the missing words. Some words are extra: 

cheer up, ill, throat, matter, medicine, nose, temperature.

  • Well. What’s the … with you?
  • Oh, doctor, I’m terribly … . I’ve got a runny …, a headache and a cough.
  • Don’t worry. Take … and stay in bed for some days.
  • Thank you, doctor. Good bye.
  • Good bye. …

  1. Read the text. Are the sentences after the text true of false?

Sport is very popular in Russia. However, the number of people who take part in sport is quite small. Most people like watching football, ice-hockey, volleyball, boxing and swimming. A lot of people never play sport. They are very busy and have no time to go to the Sport clubs or centres. They often eat unhealthy food as well. These are the people that wait until they get sick before they start to think about their health. But preventing sickness is better than trying to cure it after you get sick.

To keep fit people also eat fresh fruit and vegetables every day. They don’t smoke or drink alcohol. If you are healthy, you needn’t visit a doctor.

  1. A lot of people like playing football, ice-hockey and swimming.
  2. Many people don’t play sport.
  3. People don’t visit sport clubs because they are busy.
  4. Only healthy people go to the doctor.
  5. It’s better to think about your health before you get sick.

Итоговая контрольная работа 7класс.

Variant 2.

  1. Complete the sentences: put the adjectives or adverbs in brackets in appropriate form.
  1. Look! Number one is running … than number two. (fast)
  2. Speak …, please. I can’t hear you. (loud)
  3. I think this film is … of all I’ve ever seen. (bad)
  4. Do you live … the school? (near\nearly)
  5. He is a… skilled sportsman. (high\highly)

  1. Put in the missing words. Some words are extra:

ill, a cold, matter, feel, nose, bed, throat.

  • Good morning. What’s the … with you?
  • I don’t  … well. I’ve got a sore …, a headache and a high temperature.
  • I think you’ve got … . Take vitamins, medicine and stay in … .
  • Thanks, doctor. Good bye.
  • Good bye.

III. Read the text. Are the sentences after the text true of false?

Sport is very popular in Russia and in my family. My family believes that it’s better to prevent sickness than try to cure it after you get sick. At home we eat fresh fruit and vegetables every day. On weekends we play tennis and go to the swimming pool.

Sports – individual sports and team sports are a big part of my life. I especially like to play team sports, because I enjoy working together. I play football every day after school. I would like to play sports in a foreign country some day.

I and my brother usually go for a jog on Saturday mornings. Jogging and swimming are particularly good for your health.

1) The family tries to eat fruit and vegetables very often.

2) He likes individual sports more than team sports.

3) Once a week he with his brother jog in the morning.

4) The family dislikes playing sport.

5) They think that jogging and swimming help them to be healthy.

По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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