Palace of Westminster
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (5, 6 класс) на тему

Вестминстерский дворец (Palace of Westminster), где проходят заседания Британского парламента, – одна из главных достопримечательностей Лондона.. Он находится в лондонском районе Весттминстер на берегу Темзы. Соединяется с Трафальгарской площадью улицей Уайтхолл.


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Слайд 1

history The ancient name of Palace of Westminster — the island of thorney. Abbey is the new name for the area gave, Westminster, from West-Minster — West Church. Palace of Westminster was the main Royal residence during the late medieval predecessors also met here in Parliament, Royal Council and the Parliament of Simon de Montfort 1265 . Palace of Westminster has three towers. The biggest and highest of them are located in the South-Western part of the Palace is the Victoria Tower. In the base of the tower is the Entrance of the Sovereign opening, made in the form of an arch and surrounded by statues. The rest of the tower is the parliamentary archives.

Слайд 2

The Elizabeth Tower In the Northern part is located the Elizabeth Tower, also known as Big Ben. It placed the Great clock of Westminster, created by Edward John dent. They show the time on four dials, smoked glass; in the dark dials are lit from within. Above the clock there is a bell tower with five bells . In the middle of the Western facade of the Palace on one of the three entrances to the building is St. Stephen's Tower. At the ends of the facade facing the Thames, is a Tower speaker (in the North end) and the Tower of the Chancellor (in the South).

Слайд 3

Queen's Robing Room

Слайд 4

the house of Commons AND Lords Chamber Located in the Northern part of the Palace of Westminster. Its design is much more modest than the boardroom to the house of lords; here is dominated by green color. Along the walls are benches for the members of the house of Commons. In the Northern part of the courtroom is the seat of the speaker, and before him the table of the house . It is a richly decorated room. Here, as in other areas of lords, dominated by red color. In the southern side of the room is a throne under a canopy. Before the throne is the seat of the Lord speaker. Along the walls there are benches for the peers, to the right of the Lord speaker — the spiritual side, on the left — secular.

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