Текст "World of science"
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (10, 11 класс) на тему


Данный текст может быть использован в старших классах при изучении темы "Научный прогресс". Источник - учебник "New Millennium English 11", авторы: О.Л.Гроза и др.


Microsoft Office document icon world_of_science.doc29 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

1. Read the five short texts and answer the questions:

  1. How will homes be powered?
  2. How will food be cooked?
  3. What will homes be like?
  4. What will furniture be like?
  5. How will homes be kept clean and tidy?
  6. How will homes be heated?
  7. How will home security be provided?
  8. How will diseases be treated?
  9. How will fuel be produced?
  10. How will disabled people be helped to lead fuller lives?
  1. Powerful but cordless

Cords and wires are likely to disappear from our homes after 2015. Extremely efficient batteries will provide cable-free operation of many household devices, including vacuum cleaners, computers and irons. For this reason plug sockets will be replaced by battery re-charging stations. Most of the electricity required in such wireless power networks will be generated by conventional technology, although advanced solar panels, wind and wave power generators will become quite common. Some high-tech homes will use other alternative energy sources.

  1. User-friendly space

Movable walls made of lightweight soundproof materials will allow us to section off another bedroom for a visitor or create a large single space to host a party in just half an hour. Other walls will function as huge screen displays. Still more flexibility will be achieved with multi-purpose furniture. At our request it will change structure and shape, or even the colour and texture of the covering.

  1. Who’ll clean the house?

By 2050 computers will be almost in complete control of our homes. Small and cheap, they will sense changes outside and inside and adjust light, temperature and humidity levels automatically. They will check efficient use of energy for heating and cooling and operate numerous electro-mechanical devices, e.g. they will immediately detect litter dropped on the floor and send a robot vacuum cleaner to clean it up.

  1. My home is my castle

Sophisticated networks of small TV cameras linked to sensors will make our homes safe and secure. Police will be automatically alerted if an unauthorized visitor tries to enter. You will never lose your key, as biometric locks will replace traditional ones. To get in, a sensor will scan your hand or eye.

  1. Kitchens will be smart too

Kitchens filled with vegetable peelings, dirty dishes and unpleasant smells will become things of the past. Advances in both microchip and biotechnology will change them completely. A smart fridge will keep an eye on the quantity and quality of the food stored in it and automatically notify the nearest shop if you are short of fruit or milk. Cookers will scan cooking data on the food and apply the right amount of heat for the right amount of time. Electric dish-washers will probably become outdated too as dirty dishes made of biodegradable materials will be used to fertilise the soil in the garden.

2. Build the English equivalents for the Russian words in the table.

wire (проволока)      charge (зарядить)      detect      sound     move     purpose      adjust

- less: беспроволочный, беззвучный, бесцельный

- able: такой, который можно: 1) передвинуть, 2) перезарядить

- proof: звуконепроницаемый, непромокаемый

multi- : многоцелевой, многоцветный, многофункциональный

re- : перезарядить, передвинуть, перенастроить, заменить проводку

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