подготовка к письму
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку на тему

Тимофеева Елена Александровна

Данный материал предназначен для учащихся 4 класса


Файл 4_abv_pismo_i_podgotovka.docx15.57 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

books,video dictionaries, disks,desks,blackboard,classroom




Dear Sam,

             Thank you for your letter. I`m glad to hear from you again.

             I`m Mag. Look at the photo of my …….It`s big and nice. There are twenty ….,a table, a big ….on the wall, a bookshelf with books, three English …….and a lot of Student`s ……, a TV and …..in my classroom. We also have a CD player and a lot of …..We like to listen and sing songs in our English lessons.

             Sorry, I must do my homework. Write soon.

Best wishes,


books,video dictionaries, disks,desks,blackboard,classroom




Dear Sam,

             Thank you for your letter. I`m glad to hear from you again.

             I`m Mag. Look at the photo of my …….It`s big and nice. There are twenty ….,a table, a big ….on the wall, a bookshelf with books, three English …….and a lot of Student`s ……, a TV and …..in my classroom. We also have a CD player and a lot of …..We like to listen and sing songs in our English lessons.

             Sorry, I must do my homework. Write soon.

Best wishes,


books,video dictionaries, disks,desks,blackboard,classroom




Dear Sam,

             Thank you for your letter. I`m glad to hear from you again.

             I`m Mag. Look at the photo of my …….It`s big and nice. There are twenty ….,a table, a big ….on the wall, a bookshelf with books, three English …….and a lot of Student`s ……, a TV and …..in my classroom. We also have a CD player and a lot of …..We like to listen and sing songs in our English lessons.

             Sorry, I must do my homework. Write soon.

Best wishes,


books,video dictionaries, disks,desks,blackboard,classroom




Dear Sam,

             Thank you for your letter. I`m glad to hear from you again.

             I`m Mag. Look at the photo of my …….It`s big and nice. There are twenty ….,a table, a big ….on the wall, a bookshelf with books, three English …….and a lot of Student`s ……, a TV and …..in my classroom. We also have a CD player and a lot of …..We like to listen and sing songs in our English lessons.

             Sorry, I must do my homework. Write soon.

Best wishes,


desks,poster,computer, blackboard,classroom,fish, books




Dear Sue,

             Thank you for your letter. I`m glad to hear from you again.

             I`m Mag. Look at the photo of my …….It`s not big but light and nice. There are twelve …. and  a big ….on the wall, a bookshelf with ……., three English dictionaries and a lot of Student`s books, a TV and a …..in my classroom. There is a ……..with ABC on the wall. We also have a red …., we feed it every day.

             Sorry, I must do my homework. Write soon.

Best wishes,


desks,poster,computer, blackboard,classroom,fish, books




Dear Sue,

             Thank you for your letter. I`m glad to hear from you again.

             I`m Mag. Look at the photo of my …….It`s not big but light and nice. There are twelve …. and  a big ….on the wall, a bookshelf with ……., three English dictionaries and a lot of Student`s books, a TV and a …..in my classroom. There is a ……..with ABC on the wall. We also have a red …., we feed it every day.

             Sorry, I must do my homework. Write soon.

Best wishes,


desks,poster,computer, blackboard,classroom,fish, books




Dear Sue,

             Thank you for your letter. I`m glad to hear from you again.

             I`m Mag. Look at the photo of my …….It`s not big but light and nice. There are twelve …. and  a big ….on the wall, a bookshelf with ……., three English dictionaries and a lot of Student`s books, a TV and a …..in my classroom. There is a ……..with ABC on the wall. We also have a red …., we feed it every day.

             Sorry, I must do my homework. Write soon.

Best wishes,


desks,poster,computer, blackboard,classroom,fish, books




Dear Sue,

             Thank you for your letter. I`m glad to hear from you again.

             I`m Mag. Look at the photo of my …….It`s not big but light and nice. There are twelve …. and  a big ….on the wall, a bookshelf with ……., three English dictionaries and a lot of Student`s books, a TV and a …..in my classroom. There is a ……..with ABC on the wall. We also have a red …., we feed it every day.

             Sorry, I must do my homework. Write soon.

Best wishes,


По теме: методические разработки, презентации и конспекты

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