Методическая разработка "Знакомьтесь, Ямал!"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс) по теме

Урок- заочная экскурсия в рамках реализации национального компонента для учащихся 7 классов с углубленным изучением иностранного языка по  теме "Родная страна/ страны изучаемого языка".


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Yamal The place where I live

Слайд 2

The Yamal Peninsula, located in Yamal-Nenets autonomous district of northwest Siberia, Russia, extends roughly 700 km (435 mi) and is bordered principally by the Kara Sea, Baydaratskaya Bay on the west, and by the Gulf of Ob on the east.

Слайд 3

In the language of its indigenous inhabitants, the Nenets, " Yamal " means "End of the World".

Слайд 4

The capital is the city of Salekhard (formerly known as Obdorsk ), which celebrated its 400th anniversary in 1995 .

Слайд 5

The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area is divided into six districts and seven cities. It has a population of about 500 000, including 32 000 native people (Nenets, Khanty , and Selkup ).

Слайд 6

One would presume that these people had been acculturated during the last seventy five years of Soviet rule, but, in fact, the Yamal Nenets have maintained their traditional way of life. Native peoples still travel by sled and reindeer; live in teepees or as the Russian call them "chum", or in Nenets "mya"; live off the land; and still worship their own deities .

Слайд 7

Yamal holds Russia's biggest natural gas reserves .

Слайд 8

But the Bovanenkovskoye deposit is planned to be developed by the Russian gas monopolist Gazprom by 2011-2012, the Yamal project, a fact which put the future of nomadic reindeer herding at considerable risk .

Слайд 9

The native people love colors, taking them from nature itself and transferring them to a palette of flora and fauna on their national costumes. Every woman in her tent is a skilled artist.

Слайд 10

In theconclusion I’d like to say that I love Yamal and even if I go away from here I’ll miss it!

Предварительный просмотр:

Урок - заочная экскурсия  по теме «Welcome to Yamalia!»  для учащихся 7 классов с углубленным изучением английского языка по программной теме «Родная страна и страна/ страны изучаемого языка. Их географическое положение, климат, население, города и села, достопримечательности. Выдающиеся люди, их вклад в науку и мировую культуру»

Урок разработала: учитель высшей  категории МАОУ СОШ №2 г. Ноябрьска, Полонская Оксана Петровна.

Цели урока:

  1. Развитие социокультурных компетентностей учащихся.
  2. Развитие навыков аудирования, монологической и диалогической речи.
  3. Активизация познавательной деятельности учащихся.
  4. Воспитание патриотических чувств к родному краю и городу.
  5. Воспитание чувств  взаимопомощи и взаимоподдержки  в процессе обучения.

Оснащение урока:

  1. ТСО.
  2. Опорный конспект.
  3. Бейджи учащихся.
  4. Карточки-задания.
  5. Иллюстрации и фотографии учащихся.
  6. Макет флага ЯНАО и эмблемы города Ноябрьск.
  7. Выставка литературы, содержащей дополнительные материалы по данной теме и краеведческий материал.

11. Презентация «Ямал», «Ноябрьск - мой город родной»

Список использованной литературы:

  1. Ноябрьск и ноябрьцы. Челябинск «Книга»,1992
  2. Место рождения – Ноябрьск 25.
  3. Ноябрьск литературный. Сб. литературно – художественных иллюстративных журналов с 1997 года.
  4. Город – семья Ноябрьск. Екатеринбург, 1995
  5. Ноябрьск. Москва, Гелис – студио, 1997
  6. 20 лет ННГ. Ноябрьск, 2001
  7. П.Е. Шешкин, И.Д. Шабалина. Мансийские орнаменты, Санкт-Петербург
  8. Ямальский меридиан №6, 2002
  9. Мой край история, современность, будущее. Салехард, 2001
  10. Твой досуг. Ноябрьск «Благовест», 2003

  1. Вводное слово учителя:
  1. Good morning everyone, nice to meet you here, today we`re having our lesson in the form of excursion. The situation is, you have  to meet foreign guests  at the airport of Noyabrsk and organize  an excursion for them in our town.  Let`s divide our social roles now: we need someone to be a foreign journalist and a photographer (выбираем учеников P1, P2),  pupils from Noyabrsk, who have invited them and were their pen friends before this meeting  (P3, P4),  hotel receptionists (P5, P6), a specialist of a local ethnography museum (P7),  winners of the competition(P8….).   Please take badges not to forget your new names. So the 1st part of our lesson, we are at the airport, four of you will role play the dialogue «Meeting the guests at the airport» (you may use the following expressions Card 1) others will work with Card 2. You have 3 minutes, 2 minutes for control. You`ll get your 1st marks for this lesson and I put them in your record list then all  your marks will be summed up.

2. Example: P3, P4: Welcome to Noyabrsk and YANAO region, Lucy and Ben!.....

  1. 3. Well, now we trying to arrange accommodation for our guests. Lucy, Ben and hotel receptionists, make the dialogue «At the hotel», using Russian expressions as a plan (Card 3).  Others, you have 3 minutes to fill in the reservation forms and 2 minutes to control the dialogues.

  1. Well done, my friends, we continue our work and take our guests to a local ethnography museum where they are invited to the final of the competition «Noyabrsk is my native town» and see the works of the winners of this competition.
  2. Ok, we are here. Welcome a specialist of   a local ethnography museum (P7) who meet our delegation… (greeting speech, short introduction of the region and Noyabrsk with a presentation, giving a «Bunch of grapes» to our guests as a present ).
  3. Introduction with the works of the winners of the competition and presentation of their works: We have 5 finalists…. If you have questions, please, ask them. Let’s start with the 1st one:
  1. This picture demonstrates us the marvelous nature of our town. It’s especially beautiful in autumn. Townsfolk get a lot of autumn’s presents such as: mushrooms and berries. People store them up for the winter.
  2. This is an emblem of our town. The territory where Noyabrsk is situated is rich in oil and gas. So gas and oil industries are developed in Noyabrsk. That’s why oil-derrick is drown here. It is also symbolizes prosperity of the town.
  3. This picture shows the representatives of native inhabitants of our region. They are called  Nentsy and Hanty. We can see their national self-made clothers, homes,`reindeer’s team, their traditional occupations: hunting and fishing.
  4. You can see here the celebration of deer-breeder. This holiday traditionally takes place in spring. Native inhabitans invite guests, sing songs using traditional musical instruments, entertain guests to some national dishes, take part in different competitions. Participants pay special attention to the deer. It symbolizes the life of the Nentsy and Hanty.
  5. It’s a model of a flag of Yamal. It contains of three colours: red symbolizes courageous, life, power; white-peacefulness and wisdom; blue is a colour of the sea, sky and gas. White ornament which is called «deer’s antlers» symbolizes the foundation of the life; if we turn this ornament over we can see the representation of raw-hide tent.
  6. Asking questions.

7. And we`d like you, dear guests, take an emblem of our town and a model of a flag of Yamal with you. We present you our works not to forget our Yamalia..

  1. Подведение итогов:

Now we`re ready to finish our lesson. Summing it up, please, fill in the papers sharing your emotions about it. And speaking about the results, they are:

…have excellent marks

… have good marks.

Please, put them into you record-books and next meeting be ready to speak about the region and town where you live. See you later!





















взаимоконтроль, контроль учителя

самоконтроль (проверка по образцу заполнения бланка), взаимоконтроль, контроль учителя


взаимоконтроль, контроль учителя


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