тест по английскому языку

Щербакова Ксения Геннадьевна



Предварительный просмотр:

_______________________________________        ______________________________________________

  1. We ... by a loud noise during the night.
  1.  woke up
  2. are woken up
  3. were woken up
  4. were waking up
  1. A new supermarket is going to ... next year
  1. build
  2. be built
  3. be building
  4. building
  1. ‘Where ...?’ ‘In London’.
  1.  were you born
  2. are you born
  3. have you been born
  4. did you born
  1. There was a fight at the party, but nobody ... .
  1.  was hurt
  2. were hurt
  3. hurt
  1. Jane ... to phone me last night, but she didn’t.
  1.  supposed
  2. is supposed
  3. was supposed
  1. ... during the storm.
  1.  They were collapsed the fence
  2. The fence was collapsed
  3. They collapsed the fence
  4. The fence collapsed
  1. This car is not going ... in the race.
  1.  to drive
  2. to be drive
  3. to driven
  4. to be driven
  1. Will these clothes ... by Saturday?
  1.  make
  2. made
  3. be make
  4. be made
  1. The mice ... the cheese.
  1.  have eaten
  2. have been eaten
  3. has eaten
  4. has been eaten
  1. When ...?
  1.  has the letter posted
  2. has the letter been posted
  3. was the letter posted
  4. did the letter post
  1. After the volcanic eruption of 1957 the railway station ... .
  1.  destroyed completely
  2. was completely destroyed
  3. has been destroyed
  4. has destroyed
  1. We ... by a loud noise during the night.
  1.  woke up
  2. are woken up
  3. were woken up
  4. were waking up
  1. A new supermarket is going to ... next year
  1. build
  2. be built
  3. be building
  4. building
  1. ‘Where ...?’ ‘In London’.
  1.  were you born
  2. are you born
  3. have you been born
  4. did you born
  1. There was a fight at the party, but nobody ... .
  1.  was hurt
  2. were hurt
  3. hurt
  1. Jane ... to phone me last night, but she didn’t.
  1.  supposed
  2. is supposed
  3. was supposed
  1. ... during the storm.
  1.  They were collapsed the fence
  2. The fence was collapsed
  3. They collapsed the fence
  4. The fence collapsed
  1. This car is not going ... in the race.
  1.  to drive
  2. to be drive
  3. to driven
  4. to be driven
  1. Will these clothes ... by Saturday?
  1.  make
  2. made
  3. be make
  4. be made
  1. The mice ... the cheese.
  1.  have eaten
  2. have been eaten
  3. has eaten
  4. has been eaten
  1. When ...?
  1.  has the letter posted
  2. has the letter been posted
  3. was the letter posted
  4. did the letter post
  1. After the volcanic eruption of 1957 the railway station ... .
  1.  destroyed completely
  2. was completely destroyed
  3. has been destroyed
  4. has destroyed

Предварительный просмотр:

Ф.И. ученика (цы)_________________________________________ класс 5 б

Контрольная работа № 4 Вариант 1

1. Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions below.

- Who is on Sophie’s list?  ____________________________________________________

- Who isn’t? Why? __________________________________________________________


2. Complete these words.

1. bis_u_t       2. sa_ s_ _es      3. _ri_ps        4. _ar_ot      5. ch _ _ken

3. Ask questions with WHAT or WHERE about the underlined words.

- She’s giving him a parcel. ____________________________________________________

- They are writing emails. _____________________________________________________

- He’s working in the shop. ____________________________________________________

- She’s sitting in the train. _____________________________________________________

4. What’s in the fridge? Complete the sentences with SOME or ANY. 

Tim: There’s ____________ fruit, but there aren’t ____________ carrots.

Becky: And is there ____________ milk?

Tim: No, but there’s _____________ lemonade.

Becky: Are there _______________ eggs?

Tim: Yes, there are ______________ eggs. Lots of them.

5.  Complete the sentences with the object pronouns.

- I need help. Toby, can you help ________?

- These glasses don’t look very nice. Can you wash _____________, please?

- The cake looks very good. Can I try _______?

- My cousin Laura is here on Friday. - Oh, I know _______. She can come too. And Tim’s coming…. – Oh, I like ______________. – Great. My mother can take __________ there.

- Mary, I invite ___________ to my parties!

6. Complete the dialogue.

Hi, Jack. ___________ you ___________ (write) your essay? – No, ____________.

Oh, ___________ you ___________ (read) a book? – Yes, ______________.

And ______ your dad ___________ (play) basketball? – No, __________________.

__________ we __________ (talk) too much? – No, we aren’t, but you _________ (talk) too much, Jo!

7. Complete these sentences with the Present Progressive form of the verbs in brackets.

- Dad, you _________________________ (eat) my biscuit!

- My sister ________________________ (play) tennis.

- They __________________________ (make) the birthday cake.

Предварительный просмотр:

Ф.И. ученика (цы)_________________________________________ класс 5 б

Контрольная работа № 1 Вариант 1

1. Listen to the dialogue and give short answers to the questions (Yes, they are. / No,..).

- Are Dan and Jo nervous?  ____________________________________________________

- Are Jack and Dan twins? _____________________________________________________

- Is Dan the clever twin? ______________________________________________________

2. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of be. 

The new school is in Bristol. It’s a good school.

- Ananda is there too. ________________ nice.

- Hi, _________ Jo. That’s Dan. _________ my brother. __________ twins.

- Mr Kingsley: Good morning.  ________ your English teacher and your form teacher. Here’s your timetable. At 9.40 on Tuesday ________ Geography in Room 16.

3. Write questions.

Dan is Jo’s brother. ________________________________________________________

The Barkers are new in Bristol. _______________________________________________

I am in form 5. ____________________________________________________________

4. Put can or can’t in these sentences and then ask and answer the questions.

I _______ (-) swim. __________________________________________________________

You ______(+) sing. _________________________________________________________

My dad _______(+) run. ______________________________________________________

We_______(-) ride a horse. ____________________________________________________

My sister _______play tennis. __________________________________________________

5. Put have got or has got in these sentences and then ask and answer the questions.

You ___________ two lessons. _________________________________________________

He________ not  _____ a black car. _____________________________________________

I _________ a pencil . ________________________________________________________

6. Complete it.

First, ___________, ___________, fourth, __________, sixth, seventh, ____________, ninth, tenth, eleventh, _____________ .

7. Write these problems.

2*2=4 ____________________________________________________________________

3-1+2=4 __________________________________________________________________    

8. Complete these words.

1. tr__ ___ngle        2.  __ q __ are       3. re__ tan__ __ e    4. c__ r__ le

9. Describe this picture. How many objects can you see?

There is a / an ……

There are ……


Предварительный просмотр:

Ф.И. ученика (цы)_________________________________________ класс 5 б

Контрольная работа № 4 Вариант 2

1. Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions below.

- Who is on Sophie’s list?  ____________________________________________________

- Who isn’t? Why? __________________________________________________________


2. Complete these words.

1. ch_ _ olate     2. san_wi_ _es      3. ch _ _ken     4. ch_p_       5. b_s_ _its

3. Ask questions with WHAT or WHERE about the underlined words.

- He’s sitting in the train. _____________________________________________________

- She’s feeding the parrot. ____________________________________________________

- They are playing in the park.__________________________________________________

- You are making the birthday cake.______________________________________________

4. What’s in the fridge? Complete the sentences with SOME or ANY. 

Sophie: We’ve got _________ lemonade and  _________ orange juice, but we haven’t got ________ milk.

Mrs C-B: Is there _________ apple juice?

Sophie: No, there isn’t ________.

Mrs C-B: Are there _______________ sausages?

Sophie: Yes, there are ______________. Lots of them.

5.  Complete the sentences with the object pronouns.

- Please take the juice to the living room and put ________ on the table?

- These are the good plates. Don’t drop ________.

- Sophie, I can’t open the door. Can you open the door for __________, please?

- Well, where’s Mum? Let’s ask ____________. Dad is in the garden. Let’s ask __________.

- (photo) Look! There’s I and Jack! Can you see ___________ too?

6. Complete the dialogue.

Hi, Sophie. ___________ you ___________ (write) your email? – Yes, ____________.

Oh, ___________ you and Jo___________ (wait) for Ann and Pete? – No, ______________.

And ______ your sister ___________ (do) her homework? – No, __________________.

_______ we __________ (make) the birthday cake? – No, we aren’t, but you _________ (make) it, Ananda!

7. Complete these sentences with the Present Progressive form of the verbs in brackets.

- Dad, you _________________________ (clean) the windows.

- My brother ________________________ (work) in the shop.

- We __________________________ (watch) TV.

Предварительный просмотр:

Ф.И. ученика (цы)_________________________________________ класс 5 б

Контрольная работа № 2 Вариант 1

1. (4)Listen to the dialogue and do the task below.

Who is this? Dan or Jo? That’s……


“Your essays are boring.”

That’s Jack.


“We eat breakfast in the kitchen.”


“I get up at 7.45.”


“I get up at 7.15.”


“Here’s your essay for this weekend.”

2. Put the words in a chart with these headings (pronunciation plurals).

beds, boats, boxes, budgies, cages, colours, friends,  streets, cats




3. Complete these sentences with don’t/doesn’t + verb.

I ________________ (like) our Drama teacher/

Well, you ________________ (see) him for Drama every day.

Of course you _______________ (play) football. You’re girls.

Prunella is a poltergeist. She _________________ (sleep) in a bed.

Sophie __________________ (need) Prunella’s help.

Sophie’s mum is a doctor. She _____________________ (work) at home.

4. Say what these people do every day after school.

I play (play) football every day after school.

Dilip______________(play) computer games _____________________________

Jo __________ (play) football _________________________________

Sophie _____________(read) a book ___________________________________

5. Complete it.

I - my

She -

We -

They -

You -

It -

He -

6. Complete these sentences with the words below

my (*3),  your,   his (*3),  her,  its,   our,   their

1. The Hanson’s have got a B&B. ________ name is Pretty Polly Bed and Breakfast.

2. They’ve got five bedrooms in ______________ house.

3. Jack can see lots of houses from ____________ room.

4. Jack: “I like _________ room. It’s little. But ________ house is big. What about ____________ house?”

5. Sophie: “We live in a big house too.  ___________ room is pink and very nice.”

6. Jack: “Have you got a pet? _________ pet is a parrot.

7. Sophie: “Yes, we’ve got a hamster. ____________ name is Harry. And a dog - _____________ name is Sheeba. Oh, here’s my brother. ____________ name is Toby.


7. Say what’s what (possessive form).

- Bill / basket ____________________________________________________________

- house / the Thompsons ___________________________________________________

- cage / Polly ____________________________________________________________

- ball / twins _____________________________________________________________

Предварительный просмотр:

Ф.И. ученика (цы)_________________________________________ класс 5 б

Контрольная работа № 4 Вариант 1

1. Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions below.

- Who is on Sophie’s list?  ____________________________________________________

- Who isn’t? Why? __________________________________________________________


2. Complete these words.

1. bis_u_t       2. sa_ s_ _es      3. _ri_ps        4. _ar_ot      5. ch _ _ken

3. Ask questions with WHAT or WHERE about the underlined words.

- She’s giving him a parcel. ____________________________________________________

- They are writing emails. _____________________________________________________

- He’s working in the shop. ____________________________________________________

- She’s sitting in the train. _____________________________________________________

4. What’s in the fridge? Complete the sentences with SOME or ANY. 

Tim: There’s ____________ fruit, but there aren’t ____________ carrots.

Becky: And is there ____________ milk?

Tim: No, but there’s _____________ lemonade.

Becky: Are there _______________ eggs?

Tim: Yes, there are ______________ eggs. Lots of them.

5.  Complete the sentences with the object pronouns.

- I need help. Toby, can you help ________?

- These glasses don’t look very nice. Can you wash _____________, please?

- The cake looks very good. Can I try _______?

- My cousin Laura is here on Friday. - Oh, I know _______. She can come too. And Tim’s coming…. – Oh, I like ______________. – Great. My mother can take __________ there.

- Mary, I invite ___________ to my parties!

6. Complete the dialogue.

Hi, Jack. ___________ you ___________ (write) your essay? – No, ____________.

Oh, ___________ you ___________ (read) a book? – Yes, ______________.

And ______ your dad ___________ (play) basketball? – No, __________________.

__________ we __________ (talk) too much? – No, we aren’t, but you _________ (talk) too much, Jo!

7. Complete these sentences with the Present Progressive form of the verbs in brackets.

- Dad, you _________________________ (eat) my biscuit!

- My sister ________________________ (play) tennis.

- They __________________________ (make) the birthday cake.

Предварительный просмотр:

Ф.И. ученика (цы)_________________________________________ класс 5 б

Контрольная работа № 2 Вариант 2

1. (4)Listen to the dialogue and do the task below.

Who is this? Dan or Jo? That’s……


“Your essays are boring.”

That’s Jack.


“We eat breakfast in the kitchen.”


“I get up at 7.45.”


“I get up at 7.15.”


“Here’s your essay for this weekend.”

2. Put the words in a chart with these headings (pronunciation plurals).

dogs, rabbits, cats, budgies, hutches, colours, friends,  streets, boxes




3. Complete these sentences with don’t/doesn’t + verb.

We ________________ (like) our PE teacher.

Well, you ________________ (see) him for PE every week.

Of course you _______________ (play) hockey. You’re boys.

Dilip! I really  _________________ (like) big brothers!

Polly is a parrot. She __________________ (eat) hamburgers.

Ben is a cat. He _____________________ (live) in a hutch.

4. Say what these people do every day after school.

I play (play) football every day after school.

Dilip______________(run) in the park_________________________________________

Dan __________ (swim) in the swimming pool  _________________________________

Sophie _____________(play) with a poltergeist __________________________________

5. Complete it.

I - my

He -

It -

You -

They -

We -

She -

6. Complete these sentences with the words below

my (*3),  your,   his (*3),  her,  its,   our,   their


I must write an essay, but I can’t find ____ pen


This is _____________ pen, Alison


No, it isn’t ______ pen. It’s John’s. It’s _____ pen


OK. It’s evening now, and I can’t see! We’ve got a lamp. But where is _______ lamp?


I can see. Open _______ eyes!


Well, I can’t. __________ eyes are bad.


Don’t talk! Do _________ homework, girls!


7. Say what’s what (possessive form).

- Prunella  /  plate ________________________________________________________

- house / the Harrisons ___________________________________________________

- pen / Mr Kingsley  ______________________________________________________

- cats / twins _____________________________________________________________

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