Конспект урока английского языка в 10 классе по теме "At an international airport" УМК К.И.Кауфман и др.
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (10 класс) на тему

Урок английского языка общеметодологической направленности построен с применением технологии проектной деятельности, системно-деятельностного подхода. 


Предварительный просмотр:



Конспект урока

общеметодологической направленности

Дата: 19.11.2013 года

Предмет: английский язык

Класс: 10

УМК: К. Кауфман, М. Кауфман “Happy English.ru”

Учитель: Мешкова Евгения Александровна

Тема: Проект “At an international airport”

 Деятельностная цель: формирование у обучающихся деятельностных  способностей и способностей к структурированию и систематизации изученного предметного содержания, формирование способности к новому способу действия, связанному  с построением структуры изученных алгоритмов создания индивидуальных и групповых кратковременных проектов.  

 Образовательная цель: построение методов, связывающих изученный материал по разделу 1 в единую систему.

Планируемые результаты:

  1. Личностные:

- формирование адекватной позитивной самооценки и самоприятия

- развитие познавательных интересов и учебных мотивов

  1. Предметные:

- самостоятельное обобщение материала, пройденного в разделе 1 при подготовке монологического и диалогического высказывания по групповому краткосрочному проекту

  1. Метапредметные:

- умение структурировать знания (общеучебные)

- поиск, анализ и выделение необходимой информации (общеучебные)

- самостоятельная формулировка цели учебной деятельности (регулятивные)

- умение осуществлять действие по предложенному плану (регулятивные)

- умение контролировать свою деятельность по результату (регулятивные)

- умение адекватно понимать оценку взрослого и сверстника (регулятивные)

 - умение работать в команде (коммуникативные)

- умение слушать и воспринимать собеседника (коммуникативные)

Ход урока


           Этап урока


Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащихся


Мотивирование к учебной деятельности

(беседа учителя с классом)

Эмоциональная мотивация к учению:

Настрой на работу, концентрация внимания.

-Good morning. Sit down, please.

What date is it today?

What day of the week is it today?

Who is absent today?

Why is he\she absent? Do you know the reason?

I have good news for you.

Do you remember it’s the last week in this term? All the students of our school have holidays next week.

How would you like to spend your holidays?

CL: Good morning.

P1: Today is ……

Today is ……


P1, P2, P3: Any possible answers.




Работа c заданием формата устной части ЕГЭ (С5)

Выбор одной из трёх фотографий и описание её на основе плана.

 Now look at the screen, please.

One of your classmates made this presentation. Guess. Whose photos are these?

You are right. While travelling during his holidays he took some photos.

Choose one photo to present to your friends. You have one minute to think it over.

When presenting the picture remember to mention:

 when\ where he took the photo

 what/who is in the photo

 what is happening

why he took the photo

Sergey, were your classmates right?

Did you travel alone or with tourist agency?

Did you have any difficulties with English?

P4: I believe these are Sergey’s photos. As far as I know he had a tour somewhere abroad during his holidays.

P5: Well, let me tell you about the first picture. He took the photo last summer during his travelling abroad. I think it was taken in the British Gallery, because we can see a masterpiece of a great artist. People are standing and watching at them with real interest. I am sure Sergey took the photo for his friends because he was greatly impressed by the beauty of the picture.

P6, P7 describe other 2 pictures.

P8: Yes, on the whole they have guessed right. Last summer I and my friends had a tour in European countries. We were in France, ……

 I travelled with parents and a woman from the tourist agency.

The guide spoke English and we didn’t have a lot of difficulties with the language. But I tried to use it as much as I could. As for the photos, I took the 1 –st in….., the 2-nd in ……, the 3-d in…… I have got about 100 of them.





Умение анализировать ситуацию, находить проблему, ставить перед собой задачи учебной деятельности, формулировать тему урока.

Well, you see, Sergey travelled with the group of tourists and with the help of a tourist’s agency.

Just imagine you’ve won a tour to the UK. You should fly tomorrow alone.

Will you travel abroad alone?


Why not?

Why are most of you afraid to travel alone?

What are these difficulties connected with?

What is the theme of the lesson?

So, can you think and tell the aims of today’s lesson?

P9: I will, it’s my dream…..

P10: I won’t, I am afraid I can have problems….

P11, P12 (any possible answer)

P14: They can get in a problem situation. They are afraid of difficulties in a foreign country, etc.

P15: They don’t know what to say, how to ask, may be their vocabulary is not so good to express all  their thoughts ….



What to know before you go.

Preparing for travelling.

  1. Revise the vocabulary on the theme “Travelling”
  2. Think how we can overcome difficulties that may happen.
  3. Practice English in the situations on our projects.


Закрепление с проговариванием в устной речи

Закрепление лексического материала в устной речи по теме

Watch the video “At the airport” without the sound and try to voice it.

Watch it once again voiced. Compare with your answers. What hasn’t been said?

Ps  (any possible answers using the knowledge on the theme)


Включение изученного в систему знаний. Презентация проектов.

 Умение систематизировать изученный материал раздела в соответствии с проблемной ситуацией

Now we are ready to come to our group work, your home work was the project. Open your books at p. 46, ex. A. Let’s revise the situation.


Make a presentation of your project.

Listen to your classmate’s presentations and mark each  presentation according to these points.

  1. How good was the overall presentation?
  2. Did they use some good pictures? Did the pictures help you understand the material better?
  3. Was the presentation informative enough?
  4.  Has your classmate chosen an unusual and interesting form of his\her presentation?
  5. Were there any grammar mistakes?
  6. Were there any factual mistakes?

Discuss the presentation and choose the best ones.

P16 is reading the task.

The task

  1. This summer your friend got really lucky. He\she is going to Turkey with his family for two weeks. From Turkey your friend is flying straight to the UK where your friend is sending a month with his\her en friend. It’s the 1-st time he\she is going abroad and he\she doesn’t speak very good English. The adventure is going to start in Antalya airport. He\she is flying alone and will be met by a host family at Heathrow airport. He\she has got a bit of small change, a credit card which he\she has never used before and the telephone number of the host family. Prepare detailed instructions for him\her for the following situation.  
  2. He\she is at Antalya Airport alone. What should he\she do? What questions may he\she have? What might people say to him\her? What must he\she be careful about?
  3. He\she has arrived in the UK. What should he\she do? What questions may he\she have? What might people say to him\her? What must he\she be careful about?
  4. Nobody has met him\her. How can he\she use the phone? How can he\she phone friends in the UK? Where should he\she offer to meet them? How can he\she phone relatives in Russia? How can he\she take out money from the cash machine?


Итог урока.

Рефлексия учебной деятельности на уроке

Обобщать, осуществлять подведение под понятие;

Осуществлять контроль по результату;

What do you think about the work of the 1-st group? Tell your opinion according to the points.  Etc.

Your marks…. Thank you for the lesson. Good bye.

Pupils give their opinions and prove them.

Предварительный просмотр:

The list of self-esteem


Listen to your classmates’ presentations and mark each presentation according to these points.


Max. points\ useful comments

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

  1. Did they use some good pictures? Did the pictures help you understand the material better?

0-2 points

  1. Was the presentation informative enough?

0-2 points

  1. Has your classmates chosen an unusual and interesting form for their presentation?

0-2 points

  1. Were there any grammar mistakes?

Write down the mistakes.

  1. mistake – 2 points;

2-3 mistakes – 1 point;

4 and more mistakes – 0 points.

  1. Were there any factual mistakes?

Write down the mistakes.

No mistakes – 2  points

How good was the overall presentation?

10 points

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

We must phone the host family in Los Angeles Made by Radaikina Svetlana, Kokina Anastasia, Ermolov Sergey, Ribakova Alexandra, Kremzukov Andrey

Слайд 2

A call to another country If you want to phone another country you need to know: The telephone number Country code Area code

Слайд 3

We must phone the LA,USA We have a phone number: 252-4023 Country code for the USA is 1 Area code for Los Angeles is 213 International connection code is 10

Слайд 4

First dial 8 , then 10 (international connection code) and dial 1 (country code).At the finish dial 213 (area code) and 252-4023 (seven-digit phone number). 8 10 1 213 252-4023

Слайд 5

We arrived at the airport. Our host family’s late and we should call them. If we use a mobile phone it will cost us a fortune. Let’s use a pay phone. Does anybody know how to use it? Let us tell you about it.

Слайд 6

We need to find a pay phone We need coins We need to know: The telephone number (252-4023) Country code (1) Area code (213)

Слайд 7

We’ve found a pay phone and coins. Then we need dial a number. First dial 1, then the area code(213) and then the seven-digit phone number(252-4023) 1 213 252-4023

Слайд 8

Good luck 

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

« At the international airport » Проект по английскому языку

Слайд 2

This summer my friend is going with her family to Turkey. From Turkey , she is flying straight to the UK , where she is spending a month with her pen friends. In the first time he going abroad and she does not speak very good English.

Слайд 3

She is at Antalya Airport alone 1) Go to the registration .( You have to show your ticket and passport) . 2) After that go to check the baggage . (The weight limit is 23 kilos) . 3)Then you need to go to the security check . ( Take off your jackets! Empty your pockets! Get rid of all liquids ). 4) After that go to passport control . (It doesn’t take much time) . 5) Then you can go where you want .( Go shopping or visit a café) .

Слайд 4

She has arrived in the UK What should she do : 1) you should ask people how to get to the destination street. 2) Use a pay phone for communication with friends. 3) Call a taxi.

Слайд 5

Nobody has met her If she wants to phone friends in the UK , she should phone at pay phone : 1) Insert a coin into the coin slot. 2) Enter 1,after the country code, then the area code, also enter numeric at domestic call, and then the seven-digit phone number.

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