Grammar. Упражнения. Местоимения в английском языке
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Комплекс упражнений для отработки всех видов местоимений в английском языке для учеников 5-6 класса.


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Задания для 5-6 класса для отработки темы по грамматике

«Местоимения в английском языке»

Личные местоимения

  1. (He, she, it) is a flower.
  2. My granny lives in a country. I go to (her, she, them) on holidays.
  3. My parents are doctors. (He, they, them) work in a hospital.
  4. (She, I, he) love my mom.
  5. I have a brother. Sometimes I ask (her, he, him) to help me.
  6. (Them, they, it) are going to school at the moment.
  7. (He, she, you) study very well.  

Притяжательные местоимения

  1. My dad has a car. (Her, he, his) car is red. (Their, them, they) house is quite big.
  2. I have a boat. The boat is (my, mine, their).
  3. I like (your, him, it) answer more than (me, its, theirs).
  4. (My, mine, your) dog wails (his, her, its) tail when I come from school.
  5. We live in a small town. (Our, his, ours) town is very nice.
  6. She wears (their, her, his) dress to school every day.  

Указательные местоимения

  1. (That, this) is our house and (that, this) is theirs.
  2. (This, these) are books.
  3. (This, these) is a red ball and (this, that) is a yellow ball.
  4. (That, these) is a cat and (those, this) are mice.
  5. I like (this, these) flowers!
  6. (That, those) pictures are very beautiful.
  7. They live in (these, this) country.  

Возвратные местоимения

  1. I do my homework all by (himself, herself, myself).
  2. They plan their vacation (ourselves, myself, themselves).
  3. We are going to the sea (themselves, himself, ourselves).
  4. My dad built this house (himself, herself, ourselves).
  5. This dog found (herself, himself, itself) a place under the bench.
  6. Yesterday she had a birthday. She bought (herself, itself, ourselves) earrings as a present.
  7. You should plan your life (yourself, himself, yourselves).  

Все местоимения

  1. (He, I, me) have got a friend.
  2. (Her, his, him) name is Pete.
  3. (We, he, I) love travelling to different countries (himself, ourselves, itself).
  4. (They, he, it) go to school.
  5. (Him, her, their) school is near (me, mine, myself).
  6. (These, this) is a box. (It, she, he) is (ourselves, mine, her) present.
  7. Where did (you, his, it) buy (that, this, those) shoes?
  8. (It, this, these) ball is (he, his, myself) and (they, these, this) are (theirs, her, its).
  9. (This, he, these) is (him, ours, our) house.
  10. (He, we, they) built (him, her, it) (them, ourselves, their)

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