Тест к учебнику "Английский в фокусе" 5 класс
тест по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Колыхалина Вера Ильинична

Данный тест предназначен для мониторинга знаний учащихся 5 класса по английскому языку к учебнику "Английский в фокусе". Тест имеет три раздела: лексико-грамматический, страноведческий и письмо. Тест представлен в двух вариантах.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Test, 5 form. Variant 1

Choose the right answer.

  1. Dan is __________ strong __________ Dick.
  1. much, more b) as, as c) many, many d) so, so

  1. My friend is _________ than me.
  1. strong  b) more strong c) stronger d) the strongest

  1. This girl reads _______ than that one.
  1. good b) the goodest  c) more good d) better

  1.  Malta is a small _________ in the Mediterraneen.
  1. country b) city  c) village

  1. A large number of tourists  _________ Malta every year.
  1. go b) come c) visit

  1. Mum is in the kitchen now. She  _________a cake.
  1. makes b) make c) is making d) making

  1. We ______ in Europe last year.
  1. have travelled b) travelled c) travel d) has travelled

  1. How much did you pay ______ the book?
  1. by b) to c) at d) for

  1. We have _______ milk. We  can drink tea with milk!
  1. lots b) a little c) little d) a few

II. Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?

  1. Batman has got magic power that makes him strong.
  2. “Chabbies” is a section in a department store for plump children.
  3. The British like talking about the weather/
  4. The weather in Britain does not change for days.
  5. London is a capital of the USA.

III. You`ve got a letter from your friend. Write her\him a letter and answer her\him three questions. Write 50-60 words.

«… How do you spend your weekend? What is your perfect day? What activities do you like most?”

Test, 5 form. Variant 2

Choose the right answer.

1.    Dan is ________ younger than Dick/

a) many b)more c) as d) much

2. My pet is ________ in the world!

    a) clever b) the cleverest c) the most clever d) more clever

3.This boy reads _______ than that one.

a) more good b) better c) good d) the goodest

  4.How much did you pay ______ the book?

  1. by b) to c) at d) for

5. We ______ in Europe last year.

  1. have travelled b) travelled c) travel d) has travelled

  1. When I phone she  _______ a bath.

  1. had b) was having c) was have d) has

  1. What language ______________ at the moment?
  1. she is speaking b) is she speaking c) does she speak d) she speaks

  1. Mary  ________ to a dance last Friday.
  1. was going b) has gone c) went d) have gone

9. Can you play _________ the piano?

        a) in b) over c) ---- (nothing) d) on

 II. Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?

  1. The British never talk about the weather.
  2. The weather in Britain change during the day.
  3. There are one hundred pence in a pound/
  4. Nowadays shoppers usually buy foods in supermarkets once a week.
  5. Batman has got magic power that makes him strong.

III. You`ve got a letter from your friend. Write her\him a letter and answer her\him three questions. Write 50-60 words.

«… How do you spend your weekend? What is your perfect day? What activities do you like most?”

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