Учебник "Spotlight 6" Контрольная работа по окончанию 2, 3 модулей
тест по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Тютюник Наталья Алексеевна

Контрольная  работа является одним из видов контроля качества знаний учащихся. В данном материале представлены примеры контрольных работ для учеников 6 класса, обучающися по программе авторов О. Подоляко, Ю. Ваулиной, В. Эванс и Дж. Дули "Spotlight 6".


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Предварительный просмотр:

1st variant:

1st task:




Living room







1/ There is a _______ in  the _______.

2nd task:

Write ordinal numbers:

1/ 20           4/ 61

2/ 53           5/ 77

3/ 81           6/ 92

3d task: Time:

1/ 5:15           4/ 5:38

2/1:30            5/ 9:20

3/ 12:00         6/ 4:50


4th task: Prepositions:

1/They go to bed ___9:00 p.m.

2/ Brian and Steve play football ___Mondays.

3/ I see my friends ___the weekends.

4/ Mum wakes me up ___7 o’clock ___the morning.

5/My sister’s birthday is ___ May.

5th task: Match the questions to the responses:

1/ When is your birthday?                                      a/ a quarter past one

2/ What’s the date today?                                      b/ Saturday

3/ What’s the time, please?                                    c/ It’s 19th of January

4/ What’s your  favorite  day of the week?         d/ It’s on the 25th of March

5/ Where do you want the lamp?                          e/ On the table, please

6/ How old are you?                                                  f/ It’s Bob’s

6th task: Write the correct word:

1/There is any/a wardrobe in the bedroom.

2/ There isn’t any/an fireplace in the living room.

3/There are some/any cushions on the sofa.

4/ There aren’t some/any paintings on the wall.

5/Are there  any/some books on the shelves?

7th task: Fill in he missing days of the week:

Monday ______   _______  Thursday _______ Saturday ________

8th task: Prepositions of place. Look at the plan and fill in:

1/ There is a bed ___the bedroom.

2/ The desk is _____the bed.

3/ The fridge is ____ the cooker.

4/ The computer is _____ the desk.

5/ The bathroom is  ____ the bedroom.

6/ The cat is _____the sofa.

9th Label the places (1-5):


- newsagent’s

- post office

- bank








-sports centre

10th task: Write an e-mail to your friend. Invite him/her to your Halloween party.

2nd  variant:

1st task:


Living room


Living room







1/ There is a _______ in  the _______.

2nd task:

Write ordinal numbers:

1/ 90           4/ 61

2/ 54           5/ 35

3/ 22           6/ 78

3d task: Time:

1/ 5:20           4/ 5:50

2/1:00            5/ 9:20

3/ 12:15         6/ 8:00

4th task: Prepositions:

1/They go to school___8:00 p.m.

2/ Helen  visit her grandmother  ___the weekends.

3/ I play the piano ___Saturdays.

4/ My Dad wakes  up ___7 o’clock ___the morning.

5/Sally birthday is ___ October.

5th task: Match the questions to the responses:

1/ When is your birthday?                                      a/ half past two

2/ What’s the date today?                                      b/Monday

3/ What’s the time, please?                                    c/ It’s 16th of May

4/ What’s your  favorite  day of the week?         d/ It’s on the 1st of June

5/ Where do you want the lamp?                          e/ On the table, please

6/ How old are you?                                                  f/ It’s Bill’s

6th task: 6th task: Write the correct word:

1/There is any/an armchair in the bedroom.

2/ There are /some vases in the living room.

3/There are some/any cushions on the sofa.

4/ There aren’t some/any carpets  on the wall.

5/ Are there  any/some books on the shelves? 

7th task: Fill in he missing days of the week:

Monday ______  Wednesday   _______    ______  Saturday ________

8th task: Prepositions of place. Look at the plan and fill in:

1/ The bathroom is  ____ the living room.

2/ The cat is _____the sofa.

3/ The chairs are ____the table.

4/The coffee table is ____ the sofa.

5/The fridge is ____ the cooker.

6/ The computer is _____ the desk.

9th Label the places (6-10):


- newsagent’s

- post office

- bank








-sports centre

9th task: Write an e-mail to your friend. Invite him/her to your Halloween party.

Предварительный просмотр:

  1. st variant:

1st task: Match the words:

1/ parking    a/ warden

2/traffic        b/ driver

3/yellow       c/belt

4/zebra        d/lanes

5/ racing      e/crossing

6/seat          f/lines

7/bike          g/zone

8/door        h/signs

9/traffic      i/ handles










2nd task: Correct the sentences to make them true:

1/ Don’t wear the seatbelt  when you are in the car!

2/Run onto the road to cross it quickly!

3/ Talk to the driver when in the bus!

4/ Don’t walk on the pavement! Walk on the road!

3d task: What can/can’t they do? Ask and answer:

Ride a bike





Bill and Sue



4th task: Fill in the correct word: left, wear, push, boat, watch, lights, lean, handgrip, walk, wave

1/ Can your father sail a ……..?

2/Always stop at the traffic ……. When they’re red.

3/There’s a car coming! ……..out!

4/ Use the ………when there is no free seats on the bus.

5/When in the car don’t ……out of the window.

6/When you enter the bus, don’t …… others.

7/When you drive your bike,  ….a bicycle helmet.

8/When going to school , …..on the pavement.

9/Turn …… into Green Street.

5th task: Choose the correct item:

6th task:Choose the correct preposition:

1/ Always wear a seatbelt when you travel ……car. (in/on/at)

2/ Be careful when you cross the street ….foot. (by/on/at)

3/ It isn’t dangerous to travel…..plane.. (at/in/by)

4/ The school  isn’t far, so I go ….bike. (on /by/in)

7th task: Chose the correct response.

1/ Is there a cinema here?                       a/ Not really

2/ Is it far?                                                   b/No, you turn left.

3/ Do you know where the bank is?       c/Yes, there is ne on the corner.

4/ Do I turn right at the traffic lights?       d/ Don’t mention it.

5/ Thank you very much.                            e/ Yes. There is a nice one on Green Street.

6/Is there a café near here?                       f/ Yes, it’s next to the chemist’s.

2nd variant:

1st task: Match the words:

1/ door          a/ warden

2/ seat           b/ driver

3/yellow       c/belt

4/zebra         d/lanes

5/ racing       e/crossing

6/ traffic       f/lines

7/bike           g/zone

8/parking     h/signs

9/traffic        i/ handles










2nd task: Correct the sentences to make them true:

1/ Don’ look both ways before crossing!

2/ Run onto the road!

3/ Run between parked cars!

4/ Don’t wear a bicycle helmet!

3d task: What can/can’t they do? Ask and answer:


Play the guitar




Sam and Jill



4th task: Fill in the correct word: right, flow, push, car, watch, lights, lean, handgrip, walk, park

1/When going to school , …..on the pavement.

2/ You can’t …… your car here!

3/Use the ………when there is no free seats on the bus.

4/ When in the car don’t ……out of the window.

5/Can your sister drive a ……?

6/ There’s a car coming! ……..out!

7/ Turn …… into Queen Road.

8/Use the ………when there is no free seats on the bus.

9/ Ride your bike with the  …….of traffic.

5th task: Choose the correct item:

6th task:Choose the correct preposition:

1/ The library isn’t far, so I go ….bike. (on /by/in)

2/ Always wear a seatbelt when you travel ……car. (in/on/at)

3/ Be careful when you cross the street ….foot. (by/on/at)

4/ Never carry a second person ….your bike. (at/in/on)

7th task: Chose the correct response.

1/ Is there a cinema here?                         a/ Yes, it’s next to the sports centre.

2/ Is it far?                                                     b/No, you turn left.

3/ Do you know where the bank is?         c/ Yes, there is ne on the corner.

4/ Do I turn right at the supermarket?     d/ Don’t mention it.

5/ Thank you very much.                            e/ Yes. There is a nice one on Green Street.

6/Is there a café near here?                       f/ Not really

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