Викторина по Великобритании
тест по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

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Предварительный просмотр:

                                    Викторина по Великобритании

1. What is the official name of Great Britain?

a) the United Kingdom

b) England

c) the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

2. What is the capital of Great Britain?

a) London

b) Cardiff

c) Belfast

3. What is the capital of Wales?

a) Belfast

b) Cardiff

c) Oxford

4. What is the capital of England?

a) Birmingham

b) London

c) Edinburgh

5. What is the capital of Scotland?

a) Edinburgh

b) Cardiff

c) Belfast

6. What is the capital of Northern Ireland?

a) Belfast

b) Cambridge

c) York

7. What is the fastest way to cross the English Channel?

a) by ship

b) by ferry

c) through the Channel Tunnel

8. What is the symbol of Scotland?

a) The rose

b) The daffodil

c) The thistle

9. What river is London on?

a) the Severn

b) the Thames

c) the Avon

10. Where is Nelson’s Column?

a) in Parliament Square

b) in Piccadilly Circus

c) in Trafalgar Square

11. How do Londoners call the underground?

a) the Tube

b) the Tunnel

c) the Metro

12. What is the longest river in Great Britain?

a) the Severn

b) the Thames

c) the Avon

13. What language do British people speak?

a) English

b) Gaelic

c) British

14. Who is in the head of Great Britain?

a) Prime Minister

b) Queen

c) President

15. What is the currency (деньги) of Great Britain?

a) cents

b) euros

c) pounds

16. Who is the Prime Minister now?

a) David Cameron

b) Gordon Brown

c) Tony Blair

17. How many Houses are there in the British Parliament?

a) one

b) two

c) three

18. When was the Great Fire in London?

a) 1666

b) 1066

c) 1866

19. Big Ben is the nick name of …

a) Clock

b) Tower

c) Bell

20. What is the London residence of the Queen nowadays?

a) The Tower of London

b) Windsor Castle

c) Buckingham Palace

21. What colour is the taxi in London?

a) red

b) yellow

c) black

22. What is the national drink in Britain?

a) coffee

b) tea

c) juice

23. What is the national sport of England?

a) baseball

b) football

c) tennis

24. What is the English children’s favourite holiday?

a) Easter

b) New Year

c) Christmas

25. Who do children write letters to before Christmas?

a) Queen

b) Parents

c) Santa Claus

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