Разработка урока в 5 классе на тему "Одежда подростков".
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) по теме

Шафоростова Светлана Александровна

Разработка урока в 5 классе на тему "Одежда подростков".


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Предварительный просмотр:

                          РАЗРАБОТКА УРОКА НА ТЕМУ

                          «TEENS’ CLOTHES»в 5 «Д» классе

 учитель английского языка I квалификационной категории Шафоростова С.А.

Aim of the lesson:

By the end of the lesson students will be able to describe teens’ clothes and talk on topic “Clothing”.


  • to develop students’ skills of pronunciation, reading, writing, listening and speaking;
  • to teach students working in a subgroup (team);
  • to develop students’ imaginative thinking;
  • to infuse students with aesthetic taste.


list of the topic words/ new words and the tongue-twister written on the whiteboard; visiting cards with the names of well-known Fashion Houses; a poster ‘Clothes’; handouts – papers with anagrams, text of the song for listening and singing, pictures of teens wearing different clothes; CD-player, track of the song ‘Put on your shoes’; ‘stars’ to count points.  


  1. Setting-up.

Teacher: Hello, friends! I am glad to see you! Today we have a very interesting lesson. Can you guess what we speak about today? Students: About clothes. –You are right! And do you know who makes clothes? Students: Designers. – Very good. And today you are designers! The Designers will work in two groups. Each group is a Fashion House. Look! I’ve got some visiting cards with the names of well-known Fashion Houses. Choose the ones you like best. (“Slava Zaitsev”,”Kira Plastinina”, “Valentin Yudashkin”). -  Thank you. The Fashion Houses will have a competition. You will get “stars” if you do the tasks correctly. Well, it’s time to start!

  1. Phonetic drills.

Teacher: Designers are original people. They look strange and speak strange. Let’s practise speaking strange. (Tongue-twister: SISTER SUSIE SEWS SHIRTS FOR SOLDIERS.)

Repeat the tongue-twister after me.

Practise for one minute and say the tongue-twister as quickly as possible.

Students’ answers

Cool! Here are your “stars”!

  1. Lexical drills.

Teacher: Designers are very good at clothes. And you? (using the poster “Clothes”)

  • Which clothes are only for boys?
  • Which clothes are only for girls?
  • Which clothes are for both boys and girls?

Students’ answers

Great! Get your “stars”!

      4.   Listening and singing.

Teacher: Do you like going for a walk? What do you put on for a walk?

Students’ answers

 Listen to the song and find out what designers put on when going for a walk. But you have a special task. Listen and choose the right word.

Put on your shoes

Put on, put on, put on your shoes/whose.

Put on, put on, put on your shoes/whose
Put on your shoes/, your shoes! (repeat)
Put on, put on, put on your
ants/pants (repeat)
Put on your pants, your pants! (repeat)
Put on, put on, put on your
shorts/shirt (repeat)
Put on your shirt, your shirt! (repeat)
Put on, put on, put on your
hat/hut (repeat)
Put on your shirt, your hat! (repeat)
I’m ready, let’s go! Goodbye!

Teacher: Well, what do designers put on for a walk?

Students’ answers

Excellent! Sing along and act out the song!

Students sing the song.

Thanks a lot! You are very good singers and actors! Get the “stars”!

5. Reading and Writing.

Teacher: Designers like talking about clothes. They talk about their color, about the material they are made of, if they are warm, nice and so on. Let’s remember the words to describe clothes. Give the opposites to the words I say.


Short        Students: Long

Tight        Students: Loose

White       Students: Black

Terrible    Students: Nice

Light        Students: Warm

Cotton      Students: Wool

Long sleeved     Students: Short sleeved

Very good!

Now I’ve got a difficult task for you. Take papers with anagrams. Anagrams are words in which all the letters are scrambled. Unscramble the letters to get words. You have got three minutes.

1. loose sweater                       oosel wseaert

2. short skirt                             ortsh  irtsk

3. warm coat                            wmar  oatc

4. black boots                           ckabl  toosb

5. wool scarf                             lwoo fcsar

6. blue vest                               eulb tsve

7. long trousers                         ngol tserous                        

8. nice trainers                          enic  tiaernser

9. cotton shirt                           octtno irtsh

10. light dress                           ghilt ssder

Your time is over. Read out the word-combinations you have got. Check the spelling! Here are the words for your help. (the list of the word-combinations is given on the board)

Students read out the word-combinations then check themselves and correct possible mistakes

Who has done no mistakes?  Marvelous! Your “stars”, please!

           6. Speaking

a) Teacher: (using a picture showing two children) Now look at the picture, make up as many word-combinations as you can to describe clothes the children are wearing. The Fashion House which says the word-combination last is the winner.

Students’ answers

Well done! Take the “stars”!

b) Teacher: (each team is given a picture showing a boy or a girl) This time prepare a short story about the boy/girl in the picture according to the model. You’ve got two minutes.

  1. This is_______________ (name).
  2. He/She is_____________ (age).
  3. Usually he/she wears___________.
  4. But now he/she is wearing________________.

   5.   He/She can go to (place) __________in these.

Students’ answers

How clever you are! Get the “stars”!

  1. Summing-up.

Teacher: That’s all for now. Did you like our competition? What did you like most?

Students’ answers

It’s time to sum up. Count the “stars” you have got. So, the winners are “Kira Plastinina Fashion House”. They get “fives”.  “Valentin Yudashkin Fashion House” get “Fours”. I am very pleased with your work. Good-bye.

Home task: design and describe school uniform of the future


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