Открытый урок "Знаменитые люди"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Щербань Марина Михайловна

Урок создан на основе УМК "Spotlight"5 


Файл moy_urok_znamenitye_lyudi.docx20.71 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Деятельность учителя.

Деятельность учеников.

(1 слайд ) 

Hello, boys and girls! Glad to see you. How are you today? What’s the weather like today,_____?

And now breath in…breath out… smile to each other)))

I hope our lesson will be interesting for you. Let’s say hello to our guests! Sit down!

And now let’s start.

Now let’s play a game. «Guess who?»  На экране потихоньку открывается фото, дети должны отгадывать.

Look at the screen, please!

Задавать вопросы о внешности:

(какие волосы, нос, уши и тд.) What is his/her name?

So , who all these people?

Well, what are we going to talk about?

Отвечают .

Здороваются с гостями.

Играют. Отвечают на вопросы, описывают внешность знаменитости.

(слайд 2)

Yes, we are going to talk about famous people. And now let’s watch a video.

Держать фото певицы.

  •  Do you know this person?
  • What’s her name?
  • What’s her profession?
  • What’s does she look like? What’s she like?

Дети смотрят клип Шакиры.


Great! Now I want you to open your books at page 60 ex/1. There you see the inf. About Shakira. Listen and read it.

On your desks you can see papers with Shakira’s facts. You should complete them.

If you have done, stand up, please.

(слайд 3)

Time is over. Sit down. Let’s check your results! Exchange out works, please.

Let’s check!

If you see the right answer- write down “+”, and if it’s wrong – “-”.

Слушают и читают.

Заполняют (2 минуты)

На экране выведены ответы. Дети сверяют свои результаты с результатами на экране. После проверки оценивание работы.

So, if you have no or 1 mistake draw a happy smile, if you’ve got 2-3 mist. – indefinite smile, and more than 3 – sad.

Well done! And now, let’s make a report about Shakira! Take this paper, please. There is a text, complete it.

После выполнения кто-то один отвечает у доски.

(слайд 4)


(слайд 5)

So, famous people have different occupations. Look at the screen! Listen and repeat.

Показать на экране картинки профессий. (president, actor, businessman, singer, sportsman  )

Match people to their occupations. На доске фото знаменитостей, а у учителя в руках слова с профессиями. Дети выбирают слово и прикрепляют к нужной картинке. (слайд 6)

On the blackboard there are some photos of famous persons and I have words in my hands. You look, read, say and stick in to the blackboard near the person.

Who has this profession?

Слушают и повторяют.

Затем в дети должны соотнести знаменитых личностей с этими профессиями

All people have hobbies, and famous people have them too. Let’s listen to the dialog! Listen it 2 times.

Аудирование про хобби знаменитостей.

  • So Ann? What’s Johny Depp’s favorite Hobby?
  • Singing. He’s taking lessons to become good at it. And Steve Jobs? I’m sure he likes computer games.
  • Not really! He enjoys playing musical instruments. He can do it very well.
  • I can’t…((( But I Know Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, The president of Russia Likes to play hockey.
  • I know, he plays great. And Alexandr Ovechkin is interested in cooking.
  • Yes, he’s very good, isn’t he?
  • Sure, he is, and our Russian famous singer Polina Gagarina, likes playing computer games.
  • Wow! It’s interesting!

После прослушивания дети выполняют задание. On the screen

(слайд 7)

Слушают диалог.

Выполняют задание.

Интервью принца Гарри. И выполнение задания.

Well, now boys and girls today we have a special guest . Let’s meet him. Imagine that you are journalists, you listen to him an then ask him questions.

Prince Henry

Hello! I’m Prince Henry and I’m from United Kingdom. My date of birth is 15th September 1984. My full name is Henry Charles Albert David Mountbatten-Windsor .

My father is Prince Charles. My older brother is Prince William. My grandmother is the Queen Elizabeth!

My hobbies are playing football and swimming. I can paint, ski, and ride motorbikes. I’m a great athlete.

Провести контроль понимания текса. Задать вопросы.

Where is he from?

When his birthday?

Who is his brother?

Who is his grandmother?

When’s his granny’s birthday?

What hobby has he got?

What can he do?

What’s his favorite colour?

Can he speak Russian?

Слушают. Задают вопросы.


Что понравилось?

Что было сложным?

Чему научились на уроке?


Описывать внешность.

Задавать вопросы о хобби и профессии.

У стр.60 упр 6

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