Мы любим путешествовать
материал по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему

Кузина Ирина Алексеевна

Сценарний внеклассного мероприятия 


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Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку

6 класс по теме "We like travelling"

 Музыкальная заставка.  

Сцена украшена плакатами – достопримечательности стран, в которых побывают учащиеся во время мероприятия. На сцену под музыкальное оформление выходит ведущий.

Good morning to you!

Good morning to you!

Good morning, dear friends!

We are glad to see you.

Ведущий: Здравствуйте, дорогие друзья! Здравствуйте дорогие гости. Сегодня мы продолжаем наше внеклассное занятие по теме «Мы любим  путешествия»

Современная жизнь невозможна без путешествий. Тысячи людей путешествуют каждый день по делам или для удовольствия. Людям нравится узнавать что-то новое: новые страны, новые люди, новые традиции. Путешествовать можно по воздуху, морем, по железной дороге, на машине и даже пешком. Вот и сегодня мы хотим пригласить вас совершить путешествие. Но находятся эти страны очень далеко, поэтому помогать совершить путешествие нам будет известная героиня. А кто это?

Музыка. Песня М.Р. (Выходит М.Р.)

Mary Poppins. Good morning ! Did you recognize me, I am Mary Poppins .  I am very glad to see our friends, our guests!  We are sure you know and like English very much. Do you like to travel? As for us we like to travel very much. Let's travel together!

Children. Yes. Of,course.

Встают все участники.

Mary Poppins. So, children! Look at the map, please.  We have no ship, we have no train, we have no plane. Oh, I know. I have a magic umbrella. Here in is. (Берет черный зонтик).  I need a painter. Have you a painter?

1 участник. Yes. I am.)

Mary Poppins. Painter, help me, please! Colour my umbrella, make it many-coloured.

1 участник. All right. I’ll help you.

(подходит к карте и достает свиток.)

Mary Poppins . Well, let’s go on traveling. Close your eyes. One, two, three.  Fly umbrella, with the children and me.


Участники. Where are we,

Mary Poppins . We are in Australia.

What can you say about this country? It` s beautiful and unusual county. There are many different animals.

Do you know:

 1.What is the biggest city in Australia? (Canberra)
2. When does winter come from Australia? (In July)

  1. When does summer begin in this country? (In December)
  2. Which is the official language in this country? (English)
  3. What is the name of the wild dog of Australia?

  1. Mary Poppins . Do you like animals?

Все участники.  Yes, we do!

(Задать участникам вопросы о любимом животном) Учитель!

Mary Poppins .What is your favourite animal? ( Беседа о животных).

 “I like dogs”

I like dogs, all dogs,

Big dogs and small dogs,

Black dogs and white dogs,

But I like best,

As you can see,

The dog who likes

Mary Poppins . ОК.As we have to visit different  countries today we must hurry up! Painter, help me, please! Colour my umbrella, make it many-coloured.

2 участник. All right. I’ll help you. (подходит к карте и достает свиток.)

Mary Poppins . Well, let’s go on traveling. Close your eyes. One, two, three. Fly umbrella, with the children and me.


Участники. Fantastic! Where are we?

3 участник. I know. It’s America.

Do you know: (вопросы –учитель)

 1What is the capital of the USA? (Washington)
2 How do people call the American flag? (The stripes and stars)

3 What do Americans celebrate on the 4-th of June? (Independent Day)

4  Where does the American president work and live?(in the White House)

5.What are the biggest cities in the USA? (California, Washington, New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston)

3 участник.  Do you knоw, that on the 25thof December the people celebrate Christmas. Who knows the most famous song about Christmas?

(Учитель  говорит, что мы должны узнать самую известную песню)

(Включаются разные песни о рождестве. Нужно угадать.)

Children: We are.( Разгадывают мелодии и в конце подпевают Jingle Bells)

(Учитель говорит о Рождестве и давайте прочтем стихотворение)


Mary Poppins . It’s a pity, but we have to say good bye to America.

Участники. Good bye , America.

Mary Poppins. Painter, help me, please! Colour my umbrella, make it many-coloured.

4 участник. All right. I’ll help you (подходит к карте и достает свиток.)

Mary Poppins . Well, come to me ,let’s go on traveling. Close your eyes. One, two, three. Fly umbrella, with the children and me.


Участники.   Great! We are in Russia. Our motherland is the most beautiful. We have many beautiful cities and towns, rivers, seas, oceans, mountains, plains and forests.

Do you know: (вопросы –учитель)

1 What is the capital of our country?
2 Who is the Head of the state? (President)

3 What Russian mountains chains do you know? (The Urals, the Altai, the Caucasus)

4 Who founded Moscow? (Yuri Dolgoruky)

5 What is Moscow famous for?

(Учитель говорит о самой известной песни.)

Apple trees and pear trees were a flower,
By the river’s bank she sang a love song

Mary Poppins . Good work!(В свитке задание. Прочитать его.). It is next task. We must read and sing the famous Russian song)

Музыка. Исполнение песни.

Mary Poppins.. Thank you, children! Let’s continue your journey. (Мэри вращает зонт). One, two, three…Fly, umbrella, with the children and me.


5участник. Fantastic. Now we are in the UK.

 Up'n down, up'n down.  

 Which is the way to London town? 

 Where? Where? 

Up in the air?  


 Close your eyes -     

 And you are there!-----

Mary Poppins. What sightseeings do you know there?

Участники.    Big Ben, Tower, Westminster Abbey. (Называют достопримечательности).

Mary Poppins. Right you are. Let’s tell us about London.

6-8участник.  1.With great pleasure. London is the capital of Great Britain . It is a very old city. It is 2 Thousand years old. London is not only the capital of

the country, it is also a huge port. London is situated upon both banks of the Thames. There are 17 bridges above the river.

2.London has got three main parts: The city, the West End and the East End. The City is full of banks, offices and firms. The East End of London is the district of working people. There are factories, docks there. The West End is the cultural heart of London. There are museums, galleries, theatres there.

3.Now, look at the pictures. This is Big Ben – the biggest clock bell in Britain.

Westminster Abbey – many great Englishmen were buried here: Newton, Byron, Darwin. The official London residence of the Queen is Buckingham Palace. This is Famous Trafalgar Square.

Mary Poppins. Thank you very much. So, children, I think, you know London now

We are walking along the Shopping Street. Let’s speak of ‘English meals”.

Учитель спрашивает о традиционной анг.еде.

Do you know:

9 участник. I’ll tell you about traditional “English breakfast”. People have fried eggs, bacon, sausage, tomato and mushrooms. Then there’s toast and marmalade.

10 участник.  Britain’s favourite drink is tea. It’s also a meal in the afternoon. You can drink tea at home or in the hotel. The English know how to make tea and what it does for you. 7 cups of tea wake you up in the morning; 9 cups will put you to sleep at night. If you are hot, tea will cool you off, and if you are cold, it will warm you up.

11участник.  . Children, do you like porridge? Do you know, that the motherland of porridge is England. Englishman like it very much. And one more famous English tasty dish is pudding. The word “pudding” came to us from England.

Mary Poppins. Now , you know traditional English meals. Now we want to treat you delicious English biscuits. (Участники угощают гостей печеньем, которое подают на подносах).

What countries have we learned during our journey?( называют страны)

Mary Poppins. If you know English:

1.You can read the papers, magazines, original books, written by great writers.

2.You can watch satellite TV programmes.

3.Travel in the different parts of the world.

4.English is the necessary while looking for a good job.

5.Speaking English you will have no problems looking for a room or a meal anywhere in the world.

6.You will talk and make friends with people from different countries.

7.You can be a member of the international friendship camp both in Russia and abroad, where you can find many new foreign friends.

8.Study English, English is a very beautiful language!

Mary Poppins. Good. How clever you are! Children, our journey approached to its finish.


The More We Are Together”

Sing with us.

Участники.    Good byе

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