Методическая разработка к уроку на тему "Школьная форма"
методическая разработка по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Воробьева Надежда Вадимовна

Данные материалы включают в себя задания и презентацию для урока на тему "Школьная форма", расчитанного на среднюю и старшую ступень. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

Картинки по запросу british secondary school graduate

by Ella O.

School uniforms are an integral part of the British education system whether the students like it or not. My first uniform consisted 1)______________ - I was four years old. Although I didn't like wearing them at the time, looking back, I now strongly believe they are a good thing. 

In my opinion, a uniform does not only promote equality, 2) ___________________. For example, the FC Barcelona team wear the same kit and in the process of doing so, they represent their club. Similarly, students wear the same uniform and look smart representing their schools. I would rather be judged 3) ___________________, and I am certain that a football player would rather be judged on their ability and skill level over what they wear to training sessions.  

4) ________________________, students can still customise their rucksacks or their uniforms in a number of ways. Many choose to have colourful bags since the uniforms tend to be lacking in bright colours, and the teachers may not like it, 5) ___________________, shirt untucked, our ties a shorter length or our sleeves rolled up. 

  1. Fill in the gaps in the text with the missing parts. There is one phrase that you do not need to use:
  1. but also a sense of community
  2. but we can usually get away with having the top button undone
  3. on my actions and personality than the clothes I wore
  4. just like players accessorise their football boots
  5. of a grey skirt, white shirt, green and white striped tie and a green jumper
  6. though any uniform can be decorated according to one’s personal taste
  1. Fill in the table with the arguments for wearing school uniform

Advantages of wearing school uniform

Disadvantages of wearing school uniform

  1. Read the last paragraphs and fill in the gaps with the derivatives from the words in brackets:

Although equality is the main 1) (argue), uniforms are also very 2) (practice) from both a teacher and a student's perspective. From a teacher's perspective, not only is it easier for them to spot us in 3) (crowd) areas on school trips, but it is also easier for them to recognise us in the classroom, as we wear the same clothes 4) (regular). From a student's point of view, we can stay in bed a little longer in the mornings as we don't have to agonise over our outfits.

However, there are of course 5) (advantage) - it can be quite irritating having to bring a change of clothes if we're going to a friend's house after school!

  1. Say whether these statements are true/ false/ not stated:
  1. Ella believes that school uniforms have always played an important role in English educational system.
  2. As a child Ella used to have mixed feelings about her uniform.
  3. Ella has to wear a uniform now.
  4. Football players wear uniform to promote equality.
  5. One of the main functions of the uniform is representation.
  6. Uniforms are convenient both from a teacher’s and a student’s perspective.
  7. Wearing a uniform requires more time to get dressed in the morning before school.
  1. Listen to a dialog between Marion, a school counselor from the UK, and Todd, a radio host from the USA. While listening decide which of the statements below refer to Marion or Todd. Put “M” and “T” accordingly into the table.
  1. Wearing school uniforms benefits both students and their parents.

  1. Uniform prevents children from showing their creativity and individuality.

  1. Your choice of clothes reflects your personality

  1. Wearing one uniform makes students feel equal.

  1. I have never worn a uniform during my school years.

  1. Without uniform children may feel insecure and jealous of their richer schoolmates

  1. Wearing the same outfit may be a bit boring.

Comment on the statements you agree or disagree with. Explain your point of view.

Add disadvantages of wearing school uniform to the table.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

School uniforms

Слайд 2

Stud y the diagrams 5 questions: Which form are you in? Do you wear uniform at school? Do you like wearing school uniform? Is school uniform necessary? What would you like to change? 57 respondents – 7-11 th Forms Make it more modern and fashionable (7), choose one style of the uniform or no at all (11)

Слайд 3

Scan the text and sa y what its main idea is . Read the text and do the ex.1 Reading “How I learn to love my uniform”

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Reading Comprehension Look through the text once again and say whether these statements are true/ false/ not stated: Ella believes that school uniforms have always played an important role in English educational system. As a child Ella used to have mixed feeling about her uniform. Ella has to wear a uniform now. Football players wear uniform to promote equality. One of the main functions of the uniform is representation. Uniforms are convenient both from a teacher’s and a student’s perspective. Wearing a uniform requires more time to get dressed in the morning before school.

Слайд 2

Use of English Fill in the gaps with the derivatives Although equality is the main 1) (argue), uniforms are also very 2) (practice) from both a teacher and a student's perspective. From a teacher's perspective, not only is it easier for them to spot us in 3) (crowd) areas on school trips, but it is also easier for them to recognise us in the classroom, as we wear the same clothes 4) (regular). From a student's point of view, we can stay in bed a little longer in the mornings as we don't have to agonise over our outfits. However, there are of course 5) (advantage) - it can be quite irritating having to bring a change of clothes if we're going to a friend's house after school! Argument Practical Crowded Regularly Disadvantages

Слайд 3

Listening Listen to a dialog between Marion and Todd. While listening decide which of the statements below refer to Marion or Todd. Put “M” and “T” accordingly into the table.

Слайд 4


Слайд 5

Study the diagrams The results of the survey held in 2015 among English students

Слайд 6

Project “My ideal uniform” Make up a look of an ideal uniform Use pictures from the folder “Uniform” to make up a poster Upload it to the cloud (use Google disk)

Слайд 7

Feedback Cinquain Snow Silent, white Dancing, falling, drifting Covering everything it touches Blanket The outline The word Its characteristics (2 adjectives) Its actions (3 verbs) Its function (a phrase or a sentence) Metaphor

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Методическая разработка темы «Современные методы и формы преподавания урока ОБЖ».

Тема моей  методической работы: «Современные методы и формы преподавания урока ОБЖ». На протяжении веков школа накопила достаточно большой опыт обучения детей. Многие педагоги исследовали...

Методическая разработка темы «Современные методы и формы преподавания урока ОБЖ».

Тема моей  методической работы: «Современные методы и формы преподавания урока ОБЖ». На протяжении веков школа накопила достаточно большой опыт обучения детей. Многие педагоги исследовали...

Методическая разработка темы «Современные методы и формы преподавания урока ОБЖ».

Тема моей  методической работы: «Современные методы и формы преподавания урока ОБЖ». На протяжении веков школа накопила достаточно большой опыт обучения детей. Многие педагоги исследовали...

Методическая разработка темы «Современные методы и формы преподавания урока ОБЖ».

Тема моей  методической работы: «Современные методы и формы преподавания урока ОБЖ». На протяжении веков школа накопила достаточно большой опыт обучения детей. Многие педагоги исследовали...