Презентация по английскому языку к учебнику Биболетовой М.З. для 6 класса "Spending time together"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Салякаева Ольга Николаевна

Презентация по английскому языку к учебнику Биболетовой М.З. для 6 класса "Spending time together" окажет помощь в проведении урока по данной теме, будет способствовать развитию необходимых коммуникативных навыков благодаря различным заданиям, направленных на совершенствование УУД


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Spending time together КЛАСС

Слайд 2

suggestion – предложение funfair – ярмарка развлечений watch animals – наблюдать за животными different activities – разные занятия a new comedy – новая комедия Stonehenge – Стоунхендж an ancient monument – древний памятник stone circle – каменный круг

Слайд 3


Слайд 4

How would you like to spend your weekend and why? I’d like to … . I can … .

Слайд 5

L eisure activities :

Слайд 6

The most popular hobbies in Great Britain Russia reading gardening fishing p laying sports hiking gardening shopping hunting watching TV going out

Слайд 7

Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple have to has to had to will have to I have to work hard every day. I had to get up early yesterday. I will have to take exams next year. Do you have to work hard every day? Did you have to get up early yesterday? Will you have to take exams next year? I don’t have to work hard on Sunday. He doesn’t have to work hard. I didn’t have to get up early last Sunday. I won’t have to take exams in June.

Слайд 8

Nelson’s Column

Слайд 9

received presents – получили подарки a polar bear – полярный медведь in the heart of London – в центре is located - расположен including - включая is divided up - делится explore – исследовать, изучать attract - привлекать attraction – место, кот. привлекает performance - представление exhibition - выставка whatever – какое бы ни было all the year round – круглый год extremely – очень both – оба (обе) remain – оставаться belong to – принадлежать species – виды consist of – состоять из are connected – связаны swan – лебедь pond – пруд plenty – много except – кроме free - бесплатный

Слайд 10

Dolmens of North Caucasus are one of the biggest stones in Russia. We can see them near the Caucasus Mountains, including the Abkhazia. The Caucasian dolmens are ancient stone blocks. The stones are huge and heavy. The height of some stones is about 2 or 4 metres . People built the monuments between 3,000 B.C.~2,000 B.C . They used them as tombs.

Слайд 12

Once I have been to … Zoo. It’s the oldest and the biggest Zoo in … . The Zoo was opened in … . It is situated in the heart of … . The Zoo has plenty of animals to see including lions, camels, giraffes … . In fact, there are over … different kinds of animals in the … Zoo. It has one of the largest collections of animals in … . Some of them belong to endangered species. The Zoo is very popular both with children and grown-ups . Children can take part in different fun activities, see performances and visit interesting exhibition. Whatever the time of the year and the weather there is always a lot to see and to do in the Zoo.

Слайд 13

plenty of rides endangered activities go on performances see exhibitions visit animals take part asleep save rare birds fall in fun activities

Слайд 14

I think it’s better to have … for breakfast (for lunch / dinner).

Слайд 15

A 1) What does a real English breakfast consist of ?

Слайд 16

A 2 ) Where is it traditional for people to go for lunch ?

Слайд 17

A 3 ) How many cups do British people have per day ?

Слайд 18

A 4 ) What kind of restaurants do most cities and towns have ?

Слайд 19

B 1 ) What do British people have in the morning ?

Слайд 20

B 2 ) When do people have lunch ?

Слайд 21

B 3 ) What kind of tea do British people drink ?

Слайд 22

B 4 ) What do fast food restaurants serve ?

Слайд 23

asl_ep be l_cky altho_gh plent _ of _ nda_ngered r_re w_ldlife v_ri_us f_n a_t_v_t _ pr_te_t _ nse_t s_ve y_gh_t b_ _ on h_mb_rger b_sc_its _ ornfl_kes m_ al t_ke_w_y _ nst_ad of scr_mbled eggs str_wb_rry j_i_e pl_as_nt del_c_ous

Слайд 24

тип предложения местоимение значение + some немного / несколько - any нисколько ? any сколько-нибудь

Слайд 25

1. When does your school day begin?

Слайд 26

2 . Do you study in the same classroom?

Слайд 27

3 . How many lessons do you have at school?

Слайд 28

4 . How do you address teachers at school?

Слайд 29

5 . Do you have lunch at school?

Слайд 30

6 . Do you have any clubs at school?

Слайд 31

7 . What play did you put on last year?

Слайд 32

8 . What sport facilities do you have at school?

Слайд 33

9 . What school events have you got during the school year? What events do you like most of all ?

Слайд 34

My school I’d like to tell you about my school. I go to a secondary school number 14. The school is specialized in Chinese. The school is situated in the centre of our town, in Frunze Street. It is not far from my house. There are about 1 1 00 pupils. I’m in the 6 th grade. There are 25 pupils in our class: 1 3 girls and 12 boys. Most pupils take an interest in their learning. We study 13 subjects. My favourite subjects are: Maths , English , Literature and IT. The pupils of our school have to wear a school uniform. We have all necessary facilities in our school. There is a big modern stadium, a library , 2 gymnasiums, 2 computer rooms, classrooms for studying chemistry and physics. Many classrooms are well-equipped. I like the atmosphere at our school, the way our teachers treat us. Any time they can help and encourage us. Children can take part in after-school activities and clubs. Various contests, competitions and parties make our school life more interesting. Besides, they can join different sports clubs such as: basketball, volleyball and chess. I like my school. Our life would be boring without school.

Слайд 35

My school I’d like to tell you about … . I go to a … school … . The school is … . It is situated … . There are … pupils . I’m in …. There are … in our class : … . Most pupils … in their learning. We study … . My favourite subjects are : … . The pupils of our school have to … . We have all … in our school. There is a … . Many classrooms are … . I like … at our school, the way our … . Any time they can … . Children can … . Different … make our school life more … I like my school. Our life would be … without school.

Слайд 36

1. an _vent – 2. pr_m_ry – 3. se_ _ nd_ry – 4. a c_nt_en – 5. to be a s_c_ess – 6. to _ nc_ur_ge – 7. a w_y – 8. _ ns_de 9. to f_ll _ w the r_les 10. s_ _ ool _ n_form

Слайд 37

Thank you!

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