Universal languages
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс) на тему

Тараненко Елена Андреевна

Universal languages


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Universal languages МАОУ СОШ№31 Учитель английского языка Тараненко Елена Андреевна 7 Г класс

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10 Universal Languages 1. Mathematics

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Mathematics is one of the first invented worldwide codes of the man. Everywhere on Earth, people calculate in the same manner and reach the same results. Theories, formulas and geometrical figures, they are the same wherever you go.

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HyperText Markup Language was invented in 1991 by Tim Berners-Lee, a British programmer. We have him to thank for all the blessings of the internet as we know it today because HTML represents the most important encoding system used when creating web pages . Almost all the sites you visit on a daily basis are created with the help of this very important code which crosses the barriers between peoples and languages.

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3. Morse Code

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Morse Code was created in the early 1940s by Alfred Vail, for use in Samuel Morse’s telegraph. It is a combination of on and off sounds, clicks and lights which makes possible the transmission of messages if both the transmitter and the receptor are familiar with this code. It represents a universal language because it is only one Morse code for the entire planet to use and to take advantage of.

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4. Binary Code

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The binary code is a way of representing text or computer processor instructions by using two binary digits, 0 and 1. This is realized by assigning a bit series to each specific symbol or instruction. For example, a binary string of eight digits can correspond to any of 256 possible values and can hence stand for various letters, symbols or instructions.

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Symbols are way older than writing. They are simple way to convey a message so that anyone can understand them. In any country you would go, the image of a fork and a knife would tell you that you can dine in that place, while the symbols for man and woman on the door of a restroom will guide you to the right place, according to your gender. 5. Symbols

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6. Music

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The musical notes and sheets are a universal language that speaks to all the musicians in the world in the same way. Actually, one does not even have to be a musician to be familiar with this language because it is just something one learns in school. This is not the only way in which music can be seen as a way in which humans can understand each other: A certain composition may convey the same message of sadness or happiness, anger, death, life, etc, to people all over the world because feelings are universal.

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7. Painting

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Painting is another archaic manner in which the human being succeeded to convey messages and feelings. One does not need to be of the same nationality with the painter so as to understand what the artist wanted to show in his work. He does not even have to be from the same period of time. The cave paintings we inherited from our ancestors tell us the same stories they used to say to our predecessors.

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8. Dance

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Same as painting and music, dancing is an art. The body movements transmit the same messages to all the viewers. Actually, if you think about it is not only humans that use dancing as a way of communicating: animals dance as well, especially as part of the mating ritual.

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9. The Body Language

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One of the most common universal languages in the world is the body language. Unlike the Morse code, for example, one doesn’t need to learn body language.

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10. Baby Language

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Babies ‘talk’ the same way all over the world. Moreover, whatever the language of the mother, she will be able to decode all the different sounds a baby makes. Apart from being common sense, it has been scientifically proved by different university studies that in the first months of their lives, babies all over the world produce exactly the same sounds when they are hungry or when they feel sleepy, for example.

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