Word formation (suffixes of nouns and adjectives) 9 класс
материал для подготовки к егэ (гиа) по английскому языку (9 класс) на тему

Word formation (suffixes of nouns and adjectives) 9 класс


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Слайд 1

Word formation (suffixes of nouns and adjectives) Form 9 Unit 2

Слайд 2

Form nouns from the verbs Use – sion , - tion , - ment , - ive , no suffix Explore Equip Revise Detect Arrange Entertain Protect Prevent Crash Explora tion Equip ment Revi sion Detec tion Arrange ment Entertain ment Protec tion Preven tion Crash

Слайд 3

Remember the suffixes of the adjectives Sink Drink Eat Eat Avoid Read Unsink able Undrink able Eat able Ed ible Unavoid able Read able