5 класс 4 модуль .Тест. Spotlight
методическая разработка по английскому языку (5 класс) на тему

Аминова Фирдауса Загитовна

5 класс 4 модуль .Тест. Spotlight


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Предварительный просмотр:

TEST. Module 5. Variant 1.

  1. Fill in the correct word.(5*1=5)
                                                       *dangerous *long *elephants *leopard *wing
    1.A………………can run very fast.
    2. My budgie can’t fly. It’s got a broken…………….
    3.Elephants have got ……………..trunks
    4. African ………………haven’t got small ears.
    5. Some snakes can bite humans. They are……………..
  1. Circle the odd one out.(5*0.2=2.5)
    1 duck-hen-cow-dog
    2 tail-trunk-insect-beak
    3 crocodile-deer-cat-lion
    4 wild animals-farm animals-pets-insects
    5 fur-wings-feathers-bear

3.Complete the names of the animals. (5*1=5)

1 pe_ _ _ _ k
2 r_ _ _ o 
3 g_ _ _ e
4 g _ _ _ f_ _h
5 r_ b_ _ t
4.Choose the correct item. (5*1=5)
1 Dolphins_______________ with one eye open.
                                                          a)sleeps b)doesn’t sleep c)sleep
2 A giraffe_________________eating leaves.
                                                       a)likes b)doesn’t like c) don’tlike
3 Insects_____________an important food for birds and other animals.
                                                      a) to be b)is c)are
4 Bees____________honey.
                                                 a) makes b)make c) makees
5 I _______________dogs are the best pets.
                                                a) think b)thinks c)don’t thinks

5. Underline the correct word. (5*1=5)
1 What pet 
has/have you got?
2 A duck 
is/are a farm animal
3 The rhino likes 
to sit/to eat in the mud.
walk/walks his dog in the park every day.
5 A giraffe has got long 

6. Complete the sentences. Use present simple. (5*1=5)

1. Tom always __________ to school early. (get)

2. I often ______________TV every evening. (watch)

3. Lisa ____________her hair every morning. (wash)

4. My parents _____________ in a big company. (work)

5. Helen ______________ not far from the zoo. (live)

7. Write the negative form. (5*1=5)

1. Elephants eat tigers._____________________________________________

2. Bears fly._____________________________________________________

3. I like snakes and spiders._________________________________________

4. She finds monkeys noisy.________________________________________

5. Giraffes live in Europe.__________________________________________

TEST. Module 5. Variant 2.

  1. Fill in the correct word.

fur * paws * farm * jungle * climb.

  1. My cat’s __________is soft and thick.
  2. Tortoise can’t run. It’s got small ___________.
  3. _________ animals make good pets.
  4. Lions live in _____________.
  5. Monkeys can __________ the tree (дерево).

2. Circle the odd one out (5*0.2=2.5).
1 duck-hen-cow-dog
2 tail-trunk-insect-beak
3 deer-crocodile- lion- cat 
4 insects- wild animals- pets-farm animals 
5 wings- feathers- bear- fur

3. Complete the names of the animals (5*1=5).

1. pe_ g _ _ n
2. d_ _ k 
3. g_ _ _ e _ p _ _
4. g _ _ _ f_ _h
5. b_ d_ _ e

4.Choose the correct item. (5*1=5)

1. A cat _______________ milk.
a) likes b)doesn’t like c)like
2. He _________________in Brazil.
a) lives b)doesn’t lives c) don’t live
3. Insects _____________an important food for birds and other animals.
a) to be b)is c)are
4. Monkeys____________ in trees.
a) live b)lives c) doesn’t live
5. Rhinos _______________ plants.
a) eat b) eats c)don’t eats
5. Underline the correct word. (5*1=5)
1. John 
play/plays with his dog every day.
2. A hen 
is/are a farm animal.
3. The rhino likes 
to sit/to eat in the mud.
4. What pet 
has/have you got?

5. A giraffe has got long necks/neck.

6. Complete the sentences. Use present simple. (5*1=5)

1. He always __________ tea in the morning. (drink)

2. We often ______________TV in the evening. (watch)

3. Mary ____________her hair every morning. (wash)

4. My parents _____________ in a big company. (work)

5. Jim ______________ not far from the zoo. (live)

7. Write the negative form. (5*1=5)

1. Elephants eat tigers._____________________________________________

2. We work very hard._____________________________________________

3. Tom likes snakes and spiders._____________________________________

4. She likes to play the guitar._______________________________________

5. Giraffes live in America._________________________________________

Предварительный просмотр:

TEST. Module 5. Variant 1.

  1. Fill in the correct word.(5*1=5)
                                                       *dangerous *long *elephants *leopard *wing
    1.A………………can run very fast.
    2. My budgie can’t fly. It’s got a broken…………….
    3.Elephants have got ……………..trunks
    4. African ………………haven’t got small ears.
    5. Some snakes can bite humans. They are……………..
  1. Circle the odd one out.(5*0.2=2.5)
    1 duck-hen-cow-dog
    2 tail-trunk-insect-beak
    3 crocodile-deer-cat-lion
    4 wild animals-farm animals-pets-insects
    5 fur-wings-feathers-bear

3.Complete the names of the animals. (5*1=5)

1 pe_ _ _ _ k
2 r_ _ _ o 
3 g_ _ _ e
4 g _ _ _ f_ _h
5 r_ b_ _ t
4.Choose the correct item. (5*1=5)
1 Dolphins_______________ with one eye open.
                                                          a)sleeps b)doesn’t sleep c)sleep
2 A giraffe_________________eating leaves.
                                                       a)likes b)doesn’t like c) don’tlike
3 Insects_____________an important food for birds and other animals.
                                                      a) to be b)is c)are
4 Bees____________honey.
                                                 a) makes b)make c) makees
5 I _______________dogs are the best pets.
                                                a) think b)thinks c)don’t thinks

5. Underline the correct word. (5*1=5)
1 What pet 
has/have you got?
2 A duck 
is/are a farm animal
3 The rhino likes 
to sit/to eat in the mud.
walk/walks his dog in the park every day.
5 A giraffe has got long 

6. Complete the sentences. Use present simple. (5*1=5)

1. Tom always __________ to school early. (get)

2. I often ______________TV every evening. (watch)

3. Lisa ____________her hair every morning. (wash)

4. My parents _____________ in a big company. (work)

5. Helen ______________ not far from the zoo. (live)

7. Write the negative form. (5*1=5)

1. Elephants eat tigers._____________________________________________

2. Bears fly._____________________________________________________

3. I like snakes and spiders._________________________________________

4. She finds monkeys noisy.________________________________________

5. Giraffes live in Europe.__________________________________________

TEST. Module 5. Variant 2.

  1. Fill in the correct word.

fur * paws * farm * jungle * climb.

  1. My cat’s __________is soft and thick.
  2. Tortoise can’t run. It’s got small ___________.
  3. _________ animals make good pets.
  4. Lions live in _____________.
  5. Monkeys can __________ the tree (дерево).

2. Circle the odd one out (5*0.2=2.5).
1 duck-hen-cow-dog
2 tail-trunk-insect-beak
3 deer-crocodile- lion- cat 
4 insects- wild animals- pets-farm animals 
5 wings- feathers- bear- fur

3. Complete the names of the animals (5*1=5).

1. pe_ g _ _ n
2. d_ _ k 
3. g_ _ _ e _ p _ _
4. g _ _ _ f_ _h
5. b_ d_ _ e

4.Choose the correct item. (5*1=5)

1. A cat _______________ milk.
a) likes b)doesn’t like c)like
2. He _________________in Brazil.
a) lives b)doesn’t lives c) don’t live
3. Insects _____________an important food for birds and other animals.
a) to be b)is c)are
4. Monkeys____________ in trees.
a) live b)lives c) doesn’t live
5. Rhinos _______________ plants.
a) eat b) eats c)don’t eats
5. Underline the correct word. (5*1=5)
1. John 
play/plays with his dog every day.
2. A hen 
is/are a farm animal.
3. The rhino likes 
to sit/to eat in the mud.
4. What pet 
has/have you got?

5. A giraffe has got long necks/neck.

6. Complete the sentences. Use present simple. (5*1=5)

1. He always __________ tea in the morning. (drink)

2. We often ______________TV in the evening. (watch)

3. Mary ____________her hair every morning. (wash)

4. My parents _____________ in a big company. (work)

5. Jim ______________ not far from the zoo. (live)

7. Write the negative form. (5*1=5)

1. Elephants eat tigers._____________________________________________

2. We work very hard._____________________________________________

3. Tom likes snakes and spiders._____________________________________

4. She likes to play the guitar._______________________________________

5. Giraffes live in America._________________________________________

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