Презентации к урокам
презентация к уроку по английскому языку

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Have you got any plans?

Слайд 2

What date is it today? 1 й - the first 2 й - the second 3й - the third What day is it today? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Слайд 3

What are we going to do next lesson? 1. will, We, about London, watch a film 2. about London, are watching, a film, We We will watch a film about London We are watching a film about London Maybe It is planed. It is decided.

Слайд 4

What are we going to do during our lesson? We are going to read listen to the text discuss our plans write about our plans work hard do a lot of exercises

Слайд 5

Present Progressive to be ( am,is,are ) going to Future Simple Future meaning SB p.124

Слайд 6

Self-asses s ment Таблица самооценки Task “5” “4” “3” “2 ” The rule ( test) 7 6-5 5-4 3-0 AB ex.1 p.96 (Д/ з ) 8 7-6 5-4 3-0 Letter ( Письмо) 6 5 4 3-0 ex.2 p.125 Dialogue (диалог) 5 4 3 2-0

Слайд 7

Answer the questions 1. Где сказано о том, что действие запланировано? a ) I am visiting friends . b) I am going to visit friends. c) I will visit friends. 2. Где сказано о том, что мы собираемся что-то делать? a) We are reading books. b) We are going to read books. c) We will read books. 3. Где сказано , что мы , вероятно , будем делать ? a) We are listening to the text. b) We are going to listen to the text. c) We will listen to the text. 4.Что такое Present Progressive? a) настоящее длительное время b) настоящее простое время c) будущее простое время 5. Как образуется Present Progressive? a) am/is/are going to + V b) am/is/are + Ving c) will + V 6. Что такое Future Simple? a) настоящее длительное время b) настоящее простое время c) будущее простое время 7. Как образуется Future Simple? a) am/is/are + Ving b) am/is/are going to + V c) will + V a) I am visiting friends. b) We are going to read books. c) We will listen to the text. a) настоящее длительное время . b) am/is/are + Ving с ) will + V с ) будущее простое время

Слайд 8

Have you got any plans for the week? am / is/are + Ving I… My parents and I … My friends and I … (to) have a walk (to) go to school (to) help my grandparents (to) stay at home (to) visit friends (to) fish (to) play tennis / football (to) watch TV (to) read books

Слайд 10

The girl/ dance The girl is going to dance. am / is/are + going to

Слайд 11

The cat/ drink tea The cat is going to drink tea. am / is/are + going to

Слайд 12

The boy/ wash The boy is going to wash. am / is/are + going to

Слайд 13

Let’s dream 1. I will be a famous sportsman. 2. I will go to Australia . 3. I will get only great marks . 4. I will be a wonderful singer . 5. I will play in a film . to be a famous sportsmen to go to Australia to get only good marks to be a wonderful singer to play in a film

Слайд 14

I like skiing. My parents have decided to ski in the mountains. They have already bought the tickets. We are going to Austria in 2 weeks. My parents and I ___________ (visit) our relatives in Wales. Perhaps this evening I _____ (watch) TV. And my sister _________(stay) at home. I think she ______ (read) a book. My parents have decided that we______ (go) anywhere this summer. Maybe I _____ (go) to my grandparents’ farm. I think I ____ (ride) my bike and _____ (fly) a kite there. are going to visit will watch is going to stay will read are not going will go will ride will fly

Слайд 15

AB p.96 ex.1 AB p.96 ex.1 are going to visit will watch is going to stay w ill read a re not going will go w ill ride w ill fly “5” - 8 “4” - 7-6 “3” - 5-4 “2” - 3-0

Слайд 17

Найди в письме Будущие действия, которые спланированы и организованы заранее Действия, которые они собираются совершить Действия, которые, как они думают, произойдут в будущем

Слайд 18

Будущие действия, которые спланированы и организованы заранее Действия, которые они собираются совершить Действия, которые, как они думают, произойдут в будущем are going are spending is staying is going to take part will tour we’ll see Обратись к таблице на стр.124 и проверь, правильно ли ты сделал вывод

Слайд 19

Gloria: Are you leaving today? Celia: No, we are not. _____________________________. Gloria : Where are you going first? Celia : _________________________________. Gloria : To Madrid? What are you going to do there? Celia : ________________________________________. Gloria : Have you planned your visit to Madrid? Celia : Not yet. Maybe ______________________________________. And what are your plans for August? Gloria : ___________________________________. I always do it. Dialogue e) We are leaving tomorrow. b) We are going to Madrid. d) We are going to see the palace where the king lives. f) I am spending August with my grandparents. a) we will watch a Real Madrid match.

Слайд 20

Answers e ) We are leaving tomorrow. b ) We are going to Madrid. d ) We are going to see the palace where the king lives. a ) we will watch a Real Madrid match. f ) I am spending August with my grandparents. “5” - 5 “4” - 4 “3” - 3 “2” - 2-0

Слайд 21

What are you going to do during your holidays?

Слайд 22

Bad weather / Good weather If the weather is bad I am going to … If the weather is good I am going to … to play tennis to visit friends to swim to go to the Zoo to take photos to listen to music to travel to do homework to watch TV to play the computer to read books

Слайд 23

Tell your foreign friend about your holidays using the words: t o go to my grandparents t o visit … t o read a book t o ride my bike t o fly a kite to play tennis to visit friends to swim to go to the Zoo to take pictures to listen to music to travel to do homework to watch TV to play the computer to read books

Слайд 24

Your letter March 5 Dear …, We are going to … in … . We are spending our holidays in … . We are going to … . We will tour … . We’ll see … . We hope we’ll have a good time. Yours sincerely / Love, …

Слайд 25

Что нового вы узнали на уроке? Чему научились ? Что понравилось на уроке и что было сложным? Как сказать о том, что - действия запланированы, - мы собираемся что-то делать, - мы, вероятно, будем делать? Вывод урока

Слайд 26

Home task: Ex.2, p.96 (AB)

Слайд 27

Present Progressive I am visiting ( действия запланированы) am / is / are + Ving To be going to I am going to visit (собираться что-то делать) am / is / are going to +V Future Simple I will visit (вероятно, буду) Will+V Future meaning SB p.124

Слайд 28

Gloria: Are you leaving today? Celia: No, we are not. We are leaving tomorrow. Gloria : Where are you going first? Celia : We are going to Madrid. Gloria : To Madrid? What are you going to do there? Celia : We are going to see the palace where the king lives. Gloria : Have you planned your visit to Madrid? Celia : Not yet. Maybe we will watch a Real Madrid match. And what are your plans for August? Gloria : I am spending August with my grandparents. I always do it. Dialogue

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Lesson 2 Did you like your old house Найди ошибки в предложениях : There were an armchair in the living room. There was a small chairs at the table. There were big a carpet on the floor. There was small pictures on the wall.

Слайд 2

Составь предложения : was , an , in the living room , there , armchair , cosy small, the, chairs, at, there, table, were t here, carpet, a, on, was, the, floor, big the, were, pictures, small, on, there, wall

Слайд 3

Ключи : AB ex. 1. 1 — was; 2 — was; 3 — was; 4 — were; 5 — was; 6 — were.

Слайд 4

Ключи : AB ex. 2. There was a small bed in the corner of the room. Now there is a big bed in the corner of the room. There were white curtains on the window. Now there are colourful curtains on the window. There was one shelf near the desk. Now there are a lot of shelves near the desk. There was no computer in the room. Now there is a computer on the desk. There was no armchair in the room. Now there is an armchair in the corner of the room.

Слайд 5

Ключи : AB, ex. 3. the number of the house: 22; the street: Green Hill; the rooms: three bedrooms, a bathroom, a living room, a dining room , a kitchen; the number of the house: 73; the street: Apple Road; the rooms: six bedrooms, two bathrooms, two living rooms , a dining room, a kitchen; Other information: two gardens.

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2


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