Reported Speech ,grade 8
тренажёр по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Чернилевская Зинаида Ивановна

Перевод прямой речи в косвенную (утверждения и общие вопросы) для обучающихся по учебнику "Rainbow English" 8 класс.


Файл reported_speech_gr_1.docx14.95 КБ
Файл reported_speech_gr_2.docx17.14 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Make reported Speech:

He said, “I am sorry, I am late. I lost my way.”

He said, “I livе in London.”

 Marry said, “I went to London with my sister.”

 My friend said, “I watch a lot of soap operas.”

Her teacher said, “I am not going to ask you.”

 My cousin said, “We are not interested in politics.”

 Tom said, “New York is more lovely than London.”

She said, “He turned out a good pianist.”

My mum said, “I am going to the theatre.”

I said “I can give my uncle’s address.” 

The woman said, “My husband spoke to me on the road.”

Our teacher said, “You have not done your work well.”

Предварительный просмотр:

Make Reported Speech:


1Alec said: “My friend lives in Moscow”.

2.The man  said: “ My horse is wild. It can kill you”.

3.The  teacher said: “You have not written your dictation well.”

4.My classmate said: “I can’t explain this rule to you.”

5.He said:” I have just received a letter from my uncle.”

6.I said :”I can give you my address.”

General questions:

        7.The teacher asked :”Does your father work in an office?”


        8.My grandmother asked: “Did you go shopping?”

        9.My sister asked me: ”Are  you going to the theatre with me?”

        10.The dentist  asked Nick:  ”Do you clean your  teeth every morning?”

        11.Father asked Nick: ”Have you done your homework?”


.        The man asked him: ”Do you drive to London?”

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