Reported Speech, упражнения.
учебно-методический материал (5 класс) по теме

Упражнения на тренировку употребления косвенной речи.


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Предварительный просмотр:

  1. She asks: “Open the door, please”.
  2. Kate says to me: “Don’t speak loudly, Ann. Granny is sleeping.”
  3. Mum says: “Don’t come late, Polly!”
  4. Ann says: “Help me, mummy”.
  5. Kate asks John: “Don’t take my things, please.”
  6. Phil says to Jane: “Don’t go alone. Wait for me.”
  7. Julie says to Mary:”Please, take this paper and put it on the table.”
  8. Susan asks Fred: “Be careful on the road. Don’t drive so fast.”
  9. Jake says: “I feel bad. Please, let me go, Mrs. Smith”.
  10. Henry says to his father: “Take me to the Zoo on Sunday. I want to see animals.”

  1. Sam says: “I like to go to Maths lessons, but I dislike English”.
  2. Janet says: “My Granny doesn’t work because she is on pension.”
  3. Irene says: “My mother is at home now, so we can go and ask her about it.”
  4. Nancy says to John: “You are very careless, so I won’t give you my books.”
  5. Helena says: “Our friends will arrive in Moscow tomorrow.”
  6. Jacob says to me: “I am not afraid of dogs, but I don’t like them.”
  7. Freddie says to me: “I was at school yesterday, but today I am at home all day.”
  8. Jerome says: “Kate, you are so beautiful today.”
  9. Angelina says to Inessa: “You are my best friend. I can trust you all my secrets.”
  10. Gregory says: “We live in the UK, but we call it just Britain.”

  1. Annie says to me: “Are you a student?”
  2. Katie asks me: “Will you go to the cinema with me?”
  3. Harry says to Johnny: “Is your father at work now?”
  4. Don asks: “Have you been to Moscow, Tom?”
  5. Fanny asks Nadine: “Did you write a test yesterday?”
  6. Bridget asks: “Do you eat oranges, Sammy?”
  7. Samuel says to Kitty: “Do you go to music school every day?”
  8. Francis says: “Were you sleeping at 5 yesterday, Kenny?”
  9. Samantha says to me: “Were you at home yesterday?”
  10. Alice asks Andrew: “Did you learn the poem?”

  1. Winnie asks Ellie: “When will you join us?”
  2. Alison asks: “Mummy, with what have you cooked pancakes?”
  3. Juliet asks: “Daddy, why did you buy this coat last week?”
  4. Donna asks Lily: “Where are you going?”
  5. Susie asks me: “Who helped you to do lessons?”
  6. Leila asks: “Vicky, how do you like your coffee?”
  7. Bobby says to me: “How much is this bag?”
  8. Lena says: “Cathy, what do you do in the morning?”
  9. Sintia asks: “Why are you so sad, Diana?”
  10. Barbie asks me: “When did you visit the UK?”

  1. She asks me: “Please, go and turn the radio off”.
  2. He says to me: “I don’t swim in the morning.”
  3. Billy says: “Granny, water the flowers in the garden.”
  4. Sam says to me: “My mother is a doctor.”
  5. Kitty says: “Don’t help me. I can do it myself.”
  6. Bonnie says: “Andy, take off your shoes!”
  7. Dick says to Greg: “Don’t go away.”
  8. Willy says to me: “You are my best friend.”

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