Упражнения на тему "Reported Speech" (9 класс)
учебно-методический материал по английскому языку (9 класс)

Паршина Ксения Валентиновна

Упражнения на тему "Reported Speech" (9 класс) 


Файл reported_speech_exercizes.docx13.63 КБ

Предварительный просмотр:

№1. Transform sentences into the reported speech.

  1. Sam says: “I hate Maths”.
  2. Sam said: “I hate carrots”.
  3. Polly said: “We’re doing our homework now”.
  4. Polly says: “My mother is cooking dinner”.
  5. They said: “We have already seen this film”.
  6. Mr. Black said: “I saw your children in the park 10 minutes ago”.
  7. Mr. Black says: “I bought 20 kilos of potatoes Last weekends”.
  8. Tom said: “I was sleeping at 5 o’clock yesterday”
  9. Helen says: “I had finished my homework by 6 o’clock”.
  10. Helen said: “She had downloaded her project to the website by 9 o’clock”.
  11. Dasha said: “We will play football tomorrow”.
  12. Dasha says: “We will go to the café next Sunday”.

№2. Transform sentences into the direct speech.

  1. Mr. Wolf said that he liked apple pies.
  2. Pam said that her sister was crying that evening.
  3. Bobby said that Tom and Ben had never been to Spain. (Past Perfect → Present Perfect)
  4. Lucy said that she had eaten a delicious cake 2 hours before. (Past Perfect → Past Simple)
  5. Paul said that his friends had been visiting the art museum the day before.
  6. Mary said that she would enter the university the following year.

№1. Transform sentences into the reported speech.

  1. Sam says: “I hate Maths”.
  2. Sam said: “I hate carrots”.
  3. Polly said: “We’re doing our homework now”.
  4. Polly says: “My mother is cooking dinner”.
  5. They said: “We have already seen this film”.
  6. Mr. Black said: “I saw your children in the park 10 minutes ago”.
  7. Mr. Black says: “I bought 20 kilos of potatoes Last weekends”.
  8. Tom said: “I was sleeping at 5 o’clock yesterday”
  9. Helen says: “I had finished my homework by 6 o’clock”.
  10. Helen said: “She had downloaded her project to the website by 9 o’clock”.
  11. Dasha said: “We will play football tomorrow”.
  12. Dasha says: “We will go to the café next Sunday”.

№2. Transform sentences into the direct speech.

  1. Mr. Wolf said that he liked apple pies.
  2. Pam said that her sister was crying that evening.
  3. Bobby said that Tom and Ben had never been to Spain. (Past Perfect → Present Perfect)
  4. Lucy said that she had eaten a delicious cake 2 hours before. (Past Perfect → Past Simple)
  5. Paul said that his friends had been visiting the art museum the day before.
  6. Mary said that she would enter the university the following year.

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