конспекты уроков к учебнику New Millennium English 8 глава 2
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (8 класс) на тему

Чернова Анна Николаевна

Конспекты уроков к учебнику New Millennium English 8 глава 2


Предварительный просмотр:


Тема Подарки

Класс 8

Цели:развитие лексических навыков по теме «Магазины, покупки»;
Планируемые результаты




Осознание языка, в том числе иностранного, как основного средства

общения между людьми

Развитие коммуникативных способностей школьника, умения

выбирать адекватные языковые и речевые средства для успешного решения

элементарной коммуникативной задачи

- вести диалог-знакомство (приветствовать и отвечать на приветствия, знакомиться)

- рассказать о друге (имя, возраст, характер, что умеет делать)

- читать текст с полным пониманием (назвать героя, о котором написан рассказ)


Active: cash desk, check, fit, match, size, suit, try on

Ход урока


II.Основная часть

  1. Целеполагание. Формирование мотивации. Практика в аудировании

- Interpret the picture and the lesson title.

-  What does the shop assistant want to know?


1 a      To practise listening for gist.

Pp listen to the recording and answer the question with their books closed. Ask, What was it? to make a smooth transition to the next exercise

1a Answer

Yes. Denis has bought a pair of trainers.

1b To introduce some common phrases that could be used in a shopping situation.

  • Put the phrases from the box into the dialogue in pairs on your own.

1b Answers

1c 2f 3e 4b 5g 6d  7a

1c To help Pp memorise the new phrases.

  1. Tell Pp to read the instruction and make sure that they understand what they are supposed to do. If necessary translate the names of the functions. Suggest that Pp draw a chart in their exercise books.
  2. Allow two or three minutes for Pp to sort the phrases, then check their work as a whole class.
  3. In stronger groups and if you have time you may ask Pp to add more expressions to their charts.

1c Answers

  1. Offering help: Can I help you?
  2. Asking for something: Have you got them in...? What size?
  3. Do you want to try them on? How do they feel?
  4. Taking a pause: Wait a minute. Well-
  1. Введение tags

2a To introduce regular cases of tag questions.

Have Pp look through the questions, then ask them to look at the text in Ex. 1b and play the recording. From the context and the speakers' intonation it is clear that tag questions are used to ask for agreement and to check information. More work on intonation is done in Ex. 2c, 2d and 2e.

2a Answers

  1. а, с
  2. The intonation of the tag question tells if the speaker is sure/not sure.

2b To draw Pp' attention to the form of tag questions.

Besides learning about the form of tag questions Pp will experience learning grammar independently using the texts and the Grammar reference Tiaterials of the book.

a) Tell Pp to do the task in pairs. Explain that they may use the conversation in Ex. 1b, the LOOK box and the Grammar reference section. Ask Pp to write trie tags in their exercise books under the corresponding number.If they have finished, ask the following questions in either language to make sure that Pp did it right.

Where is this question located? (A tag question is attached to the end of the statement.)

Is the subject of the statement and the tag the same or different? (The subject in the statement matches the subject in the tag.) What happens with the auxiliary verb in the statement and the tag? (The auxiliary verb or the verb to be in the statement matches the verb used in the tag.)

What kind of tag do we form if the statement is positive? (If the statement is positive, the tag is usually negative.) What kind of tag do we form if the statement is negative? (If the statement is negative, the tag is usually positive.) Check the questions Pp formed as a whole class.

2b Answers

  1. don't you
  2. doesn't it
  3. have you
  4. will you
  5. can't we

2c To raise Pp' awareness of the importance of intonation in tag questions.

  1. This exercise allows Pp to practise using intonation.
  2. Play the recording and let Pp listen to different patterns of intonation. Pp fill in the second column with arrows showing rising or falling intonation. With the help of the whole class fill the table on the board

2c Answers

  1. NS NS

3.Практика в использовании ранее изученной лексики


3 To practise translation.

a)        Before doing the task remind Pp of their experience with translating signs
in public places in NME-7 (Unit 1, Lesson 3). Tell Pp to do the task in pairs. They write possible equivalents under corresponding numbers in their exercise books. Remind them to leave space for writing other variants.

  1. Check the task as a whole class. Numbers 8 and 9 may be difficult because such notices are not common in Russian shops yet. Pp may start with conveying the meaning literally, e.g. Остерегайтесь! Орудуют карманники. Help them with the guiding questions, Have you ever seen the word Остерегайтесь! in notices? (Not usually.) What Russian word is usually used to warn against danger? (Осторожно!) Is the word орудуют suitable for a public notice? (No, as it is quite informal), etc.

3 Answers

  1. Универмаг
  2. Распродажа
  3. Принимаются кредитные карты
  4. Ценник
  5. Скидка 30%
  6. На 40% дешевле
  7. Универсам
  8. Осторожно! В магазине могут быть воры.
  9. Внимание! В магазине ведется видеонаблюдение. / Внимание!

В магазине установлены телекамеры.

  1. Купи три вещи по цене двух

4a Possible answers

Types of shops: department store, supermarket

Clothes and shoes, other goods: jeans, jacket, coat, hat, tie, shorts,trainers, CDs, bag, shoes, car...

Money: coin, cash, currency, note (bank note), credit card, price tag, fccount, bargain, to be 30% off, (on) sale

How clothes look and feel: suit, match, fit, go with, feel, size

What you can do in a shop: buy, try on, cash desk, fitting rooms

  1. Практика в использовании ранее изученного. Проверка домашнего задания

3b То practise talking about the purpose of doing something using ID-clauses.

a) Draw Pp' attention to the LOOK box and elicit what information about the to-clause it contains. Make sure that Pp notice different ways of joining the dependent clause to the main one, that nor cannot be used with simple to V. You might feel it necessary to comment that in order to is slightly more formal.

b)Tell Pp that they can join the sentences in different ways. You may ask

them to do it in written form in their exercise books, c) Check with the whole class or let Pp check in groups.

3b Possible answers

  1. He goes to a music shop every week to buy the latest CDs.
  2. I bought Christmas presents in advance so as not to walk around crowded shops.
  3. My mother often pays by credit card so as not to carry much cash on her.
  4. We didn't have enough money to get into the club.
  5. My friend is ready to spend the whole day shopping in order to get a bargain.
  6. I looked forward to the sale to get a discount so as not to spend much money.
  7. I am saving money to buy a new bike.


find a bargain

pay by cheque

get a discount

local currency

a five-pound note

accept credit cards

on sale

save a pound

in cash

in the sales

by credit card

III.Итог. Домашнее задание


WB гл. 2 у.2

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