Формы взаимодействия, приемы и техники на уроках английского языка
материал по английскому языку

Сиротенко Марина Сергеевна

Представлено краткое описание форм взаимодействия, приемов и техник на уроках английского языка


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Предварительный просмотр:

Interaction patterns (формы взаимодействия)




Cross-groups – to discuss the problems in some groups (every group has its own problem), then we change the groups and learners share their opinions on problems

Pyramids – to discuss the problem and find solution in pairs, then in groups of three, then in big groups or teams

Fish bowl - Students are given index cards, and asked to write down one question concerning the course material. They should be directed to ask a question of clarification regarding some aspect of the material that they do not fully understand; or, perhaps you may allow questions concerning the application of course material to practical contexts. At the end of the class period (or, at the beginning of the next class meeting if the question is assigned for homework), students deposit their questions in a fish bowl. The instructor then draws several questions out of the bowl and answers them for the class or asks the class to answer them. This technique can be combined with others.

Mingling – to discuss the problem, ask questions one person, then another one and so on.

Ladder discussion – to talk to one person, then to another  

Think-Pair-Share – to think about the problem alone, then to share your opinion with a partner

Activity types

    The activity «Find someone who…?»

«Poster-making activity»


Panel discussions - involves a group of people gathered to discuss a topic in front of an audience, typically at scientific, business or academic conferences, fan conventions, and on television shows.



Book and journal reports

Mini-tasks or projects

Case studies – to analyze smth., to find solutions, to discuss

Poster-making and display

Statements to agree or disagree with

Statements to agree with or modify

Matching tasks

Categorising tasks

Odd-one-out tasks - Quotient (IQ) tests.

Information format transfer

Microteaching – to work in pairs to explain smth.

Speed dating – to do the task in short time (for 2-3 minutes)

Pelmanism – a memory game

Jigsaw reading – to read the text that is divided in some parts, then discuss your own part of the text with a partner

Information gap activity

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