презентация "Work in a hospital"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку

Зайцева Маргарита Алексеевна

работа в больнице


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Слайд 1

Министерство здравоохранения Забайкальского края ГПОУ « Борзинское медицинское училище (техникум)» УД: Иностранный язык (английский) Тема: Работа в больнице. Специальность: 34.02.01. Сестринское дело Подготовила: преподаватель Зайцева М.А. Борзя, 2019

Слайд 2

Словарный диктант по теме “Предметы ухода”

Слайд 3

1.перчатки 10. халат 2. маска 11. полотенце 3.салфетка 12.мыло 4.губка 13. таз 5.носилки 14. стакан 6.чашка 15. шприц 7.игла 16. градусник 8.поильник 17. грелка 9.компресс 18. горчичники

Слайд 4

Эталон ответа по словарному диктанту (взаимопроверка) 1. Gloves 2. a gown 3. a mask 4. a towel 5. a napkin 6. a soap 7. a sponge 8.a basin 9.a stretcher 10.a glass 11. a cup 12.a syringe 13. a needle 14. a thermometer 15.a feeding-cup 16. a hot-water bag (bottle) 17. a compress 18. mustard plasters

Слайд 5

Present Perfect Continuous (Present Perfect Progressive) Настоящее длительное совершенное время Утверждение Особенность этого времени в том, что в нем сочетаются два аспекта Perfect и Continuous . Present Perfect Continuous образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола to be в Present Perfect – have been (или has been для местоимений he , she , it и существительных в единственном числе). В качестве основного глагола выступает глагол + окончание - ing . I / We / You / They + have been + глагол- ing He / She / It + has been + глагол - ing I have been read ing . – Я читаю . We have been wait ing . – Мы ожидаем . You have been play ing . – Вы играете . They have been work ing . – Они работают . He has been runn ing . – Он бегает . She has been laugh ing . – Она смеется . It has been work ing . – Оно работает .

Слайд 6

Match nursing jobs with their definitions. One definition is extra. Neurology Nurse Oncology Nurse Respiratory Nurse

Слайд 7

licensed Practical Nurse a degree and a license patient flow routine bedside feeding patients giving injections checking for bedsores samples for labs administrative tasks shortage of nurses restrictions a lack of nursing degree programs associate's degree a difficult licensure exam the workforce Кормление пациентов Поток пациентов Рутинный уход Делать инъекции Проведение прививок Лицензированная практическая медсестра Образцы для лабораторий Диплом и лицензия Административные задачи Рынок труда Трудный лицензионный экзамен Младший специалист Нехватка медсестер Отсутствие программ подготовки медсестер ограничения Match the words (1 -15) with the definitions (A- о )

Слайд 8

Interviewer: So, why do you want to be an LPN here at Mercy Heart? Nurse: Well, Mercy Heart has a great staff and better working hours. Interviewer: I see. You do have a 1) _____correct? Nurse: I do. And several years of 2) _____. Interviewer: Oh, that's right. You're 3) _____ at University Hospital now? Nurse: Yes. But they're reducing everyone's hours. Interviewer: I understand. So, what do you think the most important LPN 4) _____ is? Nurse: Definitely 5) _____ _____ That’s how you catch small 6) _____ before they become big ones. Listen again and complete the conversation

Слайд 9


Слайд 10

Choose the correct answers ( to the text A) (к тексту А) 1. What is the posting about? a position as an LPN position training LPNs a position managing LPNs a position certifying LPNs 2. What administrative tasks does an LPN have to complete? improving vaccine delivery ensuring that there are enough supplies increasing the speed of lab sample deliveries converting health records from paper to electronic 3. What can you infer about LPNs at Mercy Heart? They work on computers . They are paid by the hour. They rarely work alongside doctors. They need to have either a license or a degree. (to the text B) ( к тексту Б ) 1. What is the newspaper article mostly about? changes to a diploma program a lack of available licensed nurses a criticism of the Nurse Practice Act the roles of state boards of nursing 2. Which of the following does NOT prevent nurses from working? failing the licensure test not following the Nurse Practice Act joining the state board of nursing having limited access to diploma programs 3. It can be inferred that the licensure test is created by a hospital-based diploma program. is less important than the NPA. is a part of a diploma program. stops some people from becoming nurses.

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