Презентация к открытому уроку по английскому языку "Преступление"
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс)

Лавренова Анна Михайловна

Данная презентация разработана к открытому уроку по теме "Crime"  в 7м классе углубленное изучение английского языка( 5 уроков в неделю). Задача данного урока: актуализация умений и навыков посредством всех видов речевой компетенции.


Office presentation icon crime_presentation.ppt1.21 МБ

Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

What do you think we will talk about? Justify your answer.

Слайд 2

Crime in our neibourhood Choose your objectives of the lesson: Practise vocabulary relating to the topic Practise speaking ablities(e.g. monologue, dialogue) Practise listening skills Practise assessing the students’ answers

Слайд 3

Objectives of the lesson Set the aims of the lesson Brainstorm appropriate vocabulary Reading-Speaking Video sequence Dialogue Monologue H/W Conclusion, Reflexion

Слайд 4

Task.Complete the Law and Order related sentences Killing someone with intention .... Stealing from someone’s home is called ... A person who attacks people in the street to steal is called .... Setting fire to something in a criminal way Stealing something from a store or shop A person who breaks into houses to steal Paying an official to do smth illegal ....

Слайд 5

Answers Murder Burglary Mugger Arson Pickpocketing Burglar Bribe

Слайд 7

Checking H/W-Reading “ Bear guilty of stealing money ” Answers(B-prepositions) 1-be guilty of 2-take the bear to court 3- protect from 4- show up 5-be found guilty of 6-pay for smth 7- to smb 8- keep by do ing 9- run out of 10- the lights go out 11- look for Answers B(True/False) T T T F T F F

Слайд 8

Reading-speaking What other stories with animals included relating crime do you know? Do you find them ridiculous?

Слайд 9

Video Sequence Task 1. Watch the video and say: -location(place) -who the characters are -what they’re doing

Слайд 10

Video sequence Task 2. Watch the video again and say: -what the 1 st version of the crime is -what the 2 nd version of the crime is -what the evidence is

Слайд 11

Video Sequence методика “Silent Viewing” reproductive speech reflexia Task 3. Work in teams. Within 1-2 min get ready to make this sequence sound. Try not to recall the exact words from the scene, but narrate the dialogue and be creative. The other team have to assess the other team’s work. Good luck!

Слайд 12

Dialogue Productive speech Reflexia Preview. When thinking of a detective what fictional character comes across your mind? Describe his/her appearance and personality. Task. Work in pairs. Act out a dialogue between a detective solving a crime and a witness. Assess the work done.

Слайд 13

Let’s talk about crime Conversation cards 2. What crimes have you heard about in the news recently? Summarize the stories. 4. Should a poor , hungry man be punished for stealing food from a supermarket? Can you think of any other reasons when we shouldn’t punish a criminal? 1. Have you ever been a victim of a crime? Talk about it. 3. Have you ever a witnessed a crime ? Tell the class what happened. 5. Is crime a serious problem where you live? What are the most common crimes? What can we do to solve these crimes?

Слайд 14

I hope you’ll never face with crime in your life!!!!!!

Слайд 15

Have you fullfilled your goals? What are they? Objectives of the lesson: Practise vocabulary relating to the topic Practise speaking ablities(e.g. Monologue, dialogue) Practise listening skills Practise assessing the students’ answers Reflexia Marks

Слайд 16

H/W Make up your own story in writing with vocabulary on crime( no less than 10 words). Underline these vocabulary.

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