Экскурсия по гимназии (на английском языке)
статья по английскому языку (10 класс)

Данный материал используется при встрече иностранных делегаций в гимназии. 


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Предварительный просмотр:

 (Стэнд с ковентри English Unites the world + доска Чэнгду) Being situated in the very center of Volgograd, gymnasium 3 is often visited by guests from different cities and countries. We received a delegation from Coventry and its mayor, a delegation from Poland last autumn . We are always glad to welcome delegations from China, Finland, Azerbaijan.

Our gymnasium has been taking an active part in exchange programmers with China, Finland, the USA for many years. Here you can see the students participating in exchange programme “China and Russia: far and close”

 (Фото коридора) Now we are walking along the corridor of the first floor leading to the school museum. There are stands devoted to our school life on the walls on both sides of the corridor.

(Стенды  Британия, Германия, Франция, доска Конфукций) The students of gymnasia 3 have the opportunity to study English, German, French and Chinese. We also learn a lot about the countries where people speak these languages as their mother tongue.

(Стенд обмен)  The students and the teachers of the gymnasia in Toledo, the USA.

(Стенд The world we create) British and American holidays are very popular with the students and the teachers. We usually have a lot of fun celebrating Christmas, Thanksgiving Day, St Valentine’s Day, Halloween.

(Стенд с учителями, около WC) In 1997 we celebrated the 80 th anniversary of school 9- gymnasia 3 and the 40 th anniversary of the school with the main emphasis on English. We are proud of the teachers who used to work and still work in our gymnasia.

(Фото музея панорама) Here we are in our school museum. We are proud of the exhibits which are introduced here. Being hard to collect, the display, including different objects and documents is an integral part of our school history. Everything in the museum is related to our gymnasium.

 (у фото Сидоренко) Walking up the stairs leading to the entrance door you see a memorial plaque devoted to the Hero of the Soviet Union Rostislav Sidorenko. Rostislav  Sidorenko left School 9 in 1938.In 1940 he joined the Red Army where he became a pilot.  During the Great Patriotic war Rostislav Sidorenko was honored the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union for his heroic deeds.

(Начало пути) Officially, the museum was opened in 1997, but its existence began much earlier when the former headmistress Филатова Татьяна Аполлоновна suggested the idea of   organizing a school museum to learn more about the gymnasium and its history. It was the first museum in the whole country of such a kind.

(Стенд 7 «Пионерская и комсомольская организации школы № 9») The history of the gymnasium began in 1917 when the first headmaster Иванов donated it to the city of Царицын. The school moved from one place to another several times. In 1922 the first pioneer detachment was founded on the place of our present location. A unique material about pioneer and comsomol life of the school is collected on one of the stands.


Директора школы (стенд «Начало пути»)

Speaking about the headmasters of our school we cannot but mention two of them Основин и Свиридов who died heroically during the second world war like hundreds of their students and graduates.  (Письма)The letters of these fallen heroes to the classmates and parents are stored in the museum.  Nowadays  the gymnasium introduces modern innovations into our school life which is undoubtedly a merit of the current headmistress Гриценко Лариса Васильевна.

Стенд 8 «Будни и праздники» School 9- gymnasium 3 has always been proud of its traditions. The stand “Working days and holidays” represents some of them: pioneer meetings, sports competitions, contests

(Стенд № 5 «Пост № 1») Another tradition we are proud of is the Post #1. The students of school 9 were the first who had a chance to take part in the project in 1965. Since then the young people   have proudly been standing on guard near the eternal flame

Стенд 9 «It’s my life…»). We’ve got our own newspaper  ”It’s my life” which covers the most important events in the life of the gymnasium.

.(стенд № 3) Many of the graduates have become doctors or teachers

(The next stand represents the dynasties of our graduates. Heroes of the USSR, honored engineers, artists, actors, showmen, poets, are among them. Their photos and letters are stored in 60 albums.

(Клементина черчиль) The museum also specializes in the history of Volgograd. That is how the project "Clementine Churchill: compassion for Stalingrad" was born. It was established in 2010 for the great victory anniversary.

The most striking thing about the project is the attitude towards the relationships between Great Britain and the USSR. It is considered to be the relationship between 2 countries which had millions of victims in the war.

(Подарки)Our friends’ presents from all over the globe are carefully kept in the museum.

Gymnasium 3 is in the list of 100 best schools of the Russian Federation, one of the most outstanding municipal educational institutions. We are proud of our gymnasium and its traditions.

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