разработка урока по кейс технологиям
методическая разработка по английскому языку (10, 11 класс)

Федорова Наталия Викторовна

урок разработан для элективного курса Бизнес английский  10 класс


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Предварительный просмотр:

Кейс метод как средство успешного межнационального корпоративного взаимодействия.

Тема: Как наладить продуктивное деловое  межкультурное                     взаимодействие.

Цели:            - показать культурное разнообразие народов мира и раскрыть проблемы, которые могут возникать между представителями различных культур;        

                      -  доказать необходимость знаний других культур  для преодоления кризисных ситуаций;

                      - развивать творческий потенциал  учащихся;

                      - развивать навыки самостоятельного и аналитического мышления;

                      - совершенствовать коммуникативные навыки;

                      - развивать умения самостоятельно выявлять проблему и находить пути ее решения;

                      - Развивать навыки работы в коллективе.

Главные вопросы содержания:

Понятия межкультурного общения, понятие корпоративной культуры и офисного этикета, история возникновения, степень актуальности  для   современного мира, возможные столкновения различных культур, их причины, варианты решения проблемы.

Организация познавательной деятельности учащихся:

Работа в группах сопровождается творческими работами по заданию.

Ход урока:

Вступительное слово учителя:

Сегодня мы живем в мире, где межкультурные отношения становятся важным элементом социальной реальности. Успешность сотрудничества зависит от того, как мы научимся разрешать возникшие проблемы. Надо понять, как можно наладить продуктивное деловое межкультурное взаимодействие.

  1. Давайте вспомним, на какие источники мы опирались, когда обсуждали различные политкультурные образования и проблемы современных  организаций. Вспомните ключевые слова, которые мы использовали для поиска необходимой информации и ее анализа. Необходимо понять на чем основывается успешное межкультурное взаимодействие.

- (international communication) межкультурное общение

  1. - (office etiquette and 0ffice manners) офисный этикет:

Понятие Офисные  манеры и офисный этикет тесно связаны между собой

(как вести себя по отношению к коллегам в офисе с уважением и почтением;

Помнить, что первое впечатление очень важно;

Всегда действовать с достоинством;

Внешний вид играет большую роль ;

Быть опрятным;

Помогать сотрудникам;

Не сплетничать.

2.- (unwritten rules) свод не писанных правил:

Каждая организация имеет не писанные правила и они являются основным фактором влияющим на атмосферу в коллективе.

Лояльность, эффективность, качество, личное развитие

Длительность рабочего дня, когда покидать рабочее место;

Начальник всегда прав;

Если ты не на рабочем месте, ты не работаешь;

Никто не жалуется, так как это бесполезно;

Этнические меньшинства и те, кому за 50 не продвигаются по службе.

3. - (corporate culture) корпоративная культура:

«Это личность организации»

Это свод ценностей, запретов, ритуалов, совокупность моделей поведения.

Корпоративная культура затрагивает всех работников офиса - это правила поведения, этика поведения и основные ценности: Часы работы,  время вне работы, дресс-код,




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(учащиеся раскрывают данные понятия, основываясь на собранной ранее и проанализированной информации - этап информационного анализа).

 Скажите, достаточно ли следовать лишь этим правилам, чтобы избежать конфликтных ситуаций или необходимо знать, что-то еще?

- Самое важное для создания благоприятной атмосферы и эффективной работы это умение взаимодействовать с другими членами коллектива.

На чем основывается это знание?

- на владении информацией о культуре, истории и национальных черт характера

Это интересно знать.

Термин «корпоративная культура» появился в XIX веке. Он был сформулирован и применен немецким фельдмаршалом  Хельмут Карл Бернхард фон Мольтке, который применял его, характеризуя взаимоотношения в офицерской среде. В то время взаимоотношения регулировались не только уставами, судами чести, но и дуэлями: сабельный шрам являлся обязательным атрибутом принадлежности к офицерской «корпорации». Правила поведения, как писанные, так и не писанные, сложились внутри профессиональных сообществ еще в средневековых гильдиях, причем нарушения этих правил могли приводить к исключению их членов из сообществ.

Понятие «Межкультурного общения» (МКО)  было впервые введено в 50-х годах ХХв американским ученым Эдвардом Холлом. Впоследствии развито английским ученым Квиндом Дахлом, который выстроил свою концепцию МКО.

  1. Now let me introduce a situation to you. You are supposed to explain the problem after having read it.

A new employee at the R&D Finnish laboratory

I am a new employee at the R&D laboratory of a Finnish electronics company.  I come from Brazil. I find the atmosphere in the company miserable: people work alone, mostly in silence, so I try to make them happy by being friendly, sharing sweets and biscuits and singing songs. I have a lot of work, but as I best work in the evening, I stay late to finish it. But my colleagues think that I am trying to skive off work. I think that the center will be more productive if everyone relaxed and enjoyed the work. I try not to waste time and have lunch at my work place, so that I can devote every minute to my work. I try to remember everyone’s’ first names, so we could have more close relations. But people here do not socialize with me. They seemed to be not very relaxed.




I am a supervisor at the R&D laboratory of a Finnish electronics company.  I have a problem with a new employee who is from Brazil. He is very bright and friendly, but he is not really accepted by his colleagues. In Finland people like to concentrate hard on their work so that they can finish early and go home to enjoy sports and leisure activities.  Some members of the team complained that the new employee because:

1/ comes very late

2/talks loudly to his friends on the phone

3/eats and drinks in the lab

4/takes long breaks

5/Wears unsuitable clothes

6/sings and whistles

Students read the situation and answer the question.

                      (People can’t understand the behavior of their new colleague. They do not understand why he acts this way. They start to complain, that he……. The atmosphere in the office becomes tense. People get irritated.)

What is the cause of the problem?

                        (There is a big difference in culture.  There are different types of people who differ emotionally.)

You have a chance to look through the material offered to you and

 give an emotional, psychological description of representatives of two different cultures: a person from Brazil and a person from Finland. (Cм. Приложение 1 и 2, 3). You need to pay attention not only to their traits of character, but to their emotional behavior as well.

Учащиеся составляют эмоционально-поведенческий словесный портрет представителей двух этнических культур. Представители команд представляют словесный портрет.

Now you task is to play this situation.

(Группа изображает финнов, работающих в офисе полностью поглощенных работой. Входит новый офисный работник из Бразилии)

(The beginning of the working day. All people work. Only one desk is empty. A new employee from Brazil is entering the room. He is late, but looks happy. He is whistling. He greets people giving hugs and kisses. He takes his seat and starts eating a sandwich. The crumbs of bread are everywhere. Then he opens his notes and starts singing. All people looked embarrassed. Some of them are leaving their places looking irritated.)

You see that this situation is not correct.  What was wrong?  

                  (The people were ignorant, impatient, there was no understanding between them. Different cultures and history)    

Should it be changed? And why?

(Yes, it should, otherwise it would not be possible to organize work)

One group tries to find 3 adjectives to describe the atmosphere that was in the office

The other group tries to find 3 adjectives to describe the ideal atmosphere

The atmosphere in the office was        The atmosphere in the office should be


        Wrong        right

WRONG: tense, unpleasant, oppressive, and unhealthy

RIGHT: pleasant, favourable to work, agreeable, healthy, and helpful

What should be done: throw a party with traditional food, have a picnic, give a short talk about Brazilian and Finnish culture.

 Let’s make a conclusion: Together we can build better harmony and cooperation.

Your home assignment is to predict what happen the next day after the weekend together.

Приложение 1

Brazilian People


Brazilians are the friendly and talkative people who inhabit Brazil, in South America. They love to play soccer, to dance and to party. They also work hard and are very creative.

Brazil has a population of over 180 million people and it is the fifth most populous country in the world, after China, India, the US, and Indonesia. The rate at which the population is increasing is slowing down. In the early 1960s, women could expect to have 6 children on average. Such figure fell to an average of 2.4 children per woman in 2004.



In general, Brazilians are a fun-loving people. While attitude in the South may be somewhat colder and more reserved, from Rio upwards people usually boast a captivating attitude towards life and truly enjoy having a good time. Some may even tell you that beer, football, samba and barbecue is all they could crave for. Brazilians are always up for doing something new. They love to just hang out with each other, and will often stay up late into the night with groups of friends, just talking and having fun-even if they have to be at work the next day.

Brazilians live to party. Whether it's at the beach, a barbecue at home with the family or a quick beer at a café on the street, the meaning of life is clearly to socialize as much as possible.

Brazilians are usually very open, friendly and sometimes quite generous. Once introduced, until getting a good reason not to, a typical Brazilian may treat you as trustfully as he would treat a best friend. This may have an agreeable impact, but it also means that outsiders not always get the same special treatment as locals. Nevertheless, Brazilians are reputedly one of the most hospitable people in the world and foreigners are usually treated with respect and often with true admiration.

Brazilians are by nature a very warm and friendly people. Cheek-kissing is very common in Brazil, among women and between women and men. When two women, or opposite sexes first meet, it is not uncommon to kiss. Two men will shake hands. Trying to shake hands when offered a kiss will be considered odd, but never rude. In some places when people first meet, they will kiss three times, alternating right and left cheeks.



Brazilians have less sense of personal space than North Americans and are not bothered being packed together in crowded public places. They are physically expressive and convey emotional information through touch. While in some societies touching has sexual overtones, Brazilians equate it with friendship and a show of concern. Women tend to touch more than men and greet others with kisses on both cheeks, but men also welcome each other with hearty pats on the back and bear hugs. Such informality extends to conversation. Brazilians usually address teachers, doctors, priests, and other professionals using their title followed by their first name—Professor João, Doutora Maxine or Presidente Henrique.

Business etiquette in Brazil


Brazilians are very communicative people and

generally prefer face-to-face meetings rather than

written communication. It is therefore rare for important

deals to be conducted by telephone, email or letter.

Prior appointments will always be necessary and it

is worth remembering that whilst the working day is

typically 8.30am – 5.30pm in many cases executives

will start later and work into the evening.

Brazilians place a high level of importance o


Приложение 2

Finns maybe a little slow in warming up, but as a foreigner you'll hardly notice this: Finns are interested in foreigners and are well aware of being thought of as rude and blunt, therefore they are often excessively kind and helpful.

Finns also have this trust in other people, you'll notice this with everything: the money in the public busses is kept right next to the door, people return found money, wallets etc... It is a safe place to travel in.

Finns like to keep it simple. This you will notice with food, which is mostly really nice. Good food there is considered to be clean, fresh, Finnish, possibly organic of its raw materials. This ideal makes the simplest of dishes still incredibly tasty- I suppose the quality of food is much better there than elsewhere I have traveled, even if the cooking isn't quite what it is in France.


  1. You shouldn’t be very familiar with Finn – they don’t like tactlessness.
  2. Finn are always punctual
  3. They like order in their lives.
  4. They respect honesty and faith.
  5. North nature is very near to their hearts.
  6. They are careful and pay attention to details.
  7. They use to manage with problems and difficulties by themselves.
  8. Finn wants to keep track of the latest news.
  9. They like sauna.
  10. They don’t like hurry and noise


Приложение 3

Research and development


The term R&D or research and development (or RnD especially in domain names; or Research and Technical Development; or Research and Technological Development or RTD in Europe) refers to a specific group of activities within a business. The activities that are classified as R&D differ from company to company, but there are two primary models. In one model, the primary function of an R&D group is to develop new products; in the other model, the primary function of an R&D group is to discover and create new knowledge about scientific and technological topics for the purpose of uncovering and enabling development of valuable new products, processes, and services. Under both models, R&D differs from the vast majority of a company's activities which are intended to yield nearly immediate profit or immediate improvements in operations and involve little uncertainty as to the return on investment (ROI). The first model of R&D is generally staffed by engineers while the second model may be staffed with industrial scientists. R&D activities are carried out by corporate or governmental entities.

Present-day R&D is core part of the modern business world. Major decisions in firms are made on base of research and development.

Research and development is of great importance in business as the level of competition, production processes and methods are rapidly increasing. It is of special importance in the field of marketing where companies keep an eagle eye on competitors and customers in order to keep pace with modern trends and analyze the needs, demands and desires of their customers.

If a company has invest in R&D the results are bound to be good.

Приложение 4

What is corporate culture? There are two answers to the question, one is non-academic and one is academic. In the non-academic approach, the basic definition of corporate culture is “the personality of an organization”

  • Core values
  • Corporate ethics
  • Rules of behavior

Company culture  (corporate culture) affects employees in many ways.

  • The hours of work
  • The work environment
  • The dress code
  • The office space
  • Time you spend with your co-workers outside the office
  • Interaction with other employees



Корпоративная культура — совокупность моделей поведения, которые приобретены организацией в процессе адаптации к внешней среде и внутренней интеграции, показавшие свою эффективность и разделяемые большинством членов организации. Компонентами корпоративной культуры являются:

  • принятая система лидерства;
  • стили разрешения конфликтов;
  • действующая система коммуникации;
  • положение индивида в организации;
  • принятая символика: лозунги, организационные табу, ритуалы.
  • Обычно существующая в организациях корпоративная культура — сложный комплекс предположений, бездоказательно принимаемых всеми членами коллектива и задающих общие рамки поведения.

Корпоративная культура для сотрудников компании – это то, что связывает их воедино. Различия в восприятии сотрудниками окружающего затрудняют сотрудничество между ними, а затем приводят к возникновению конфликтов.

Современные руководители и управляющие рассматривают культуру своей организации как мощный стратегический инструмент, позволяющий ориентировать все подразделения и отдельных лиц на общие цели, мобилизовать инициативу сотрудников и облегчать продуктивное общение между ними. Они стремятся создать собственную культуру для каждой организации так, чтобы все служащие понимали и придерживались ее.

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        Corporate Culture

Definition: A blend of the values, beliefs, taboos, symbols, rituals and myths all companies develop over time

  • Whether written as a mission statement, spoken or merely understood, corporate culture describes and governs the ways a company's owners and employees think, feel and act. Your own business's culture may be based on beliefs spelled out in your mission statement. It could consist in part of a corporate symbol, like the rainbow-colored apple that symbolizes Apple Computer. Whatever shape it takes, your corporate culture plays a big role in determining how well your business will do.
  • If you're not happy with your current culture, there are things you can do to start changing it now. Look for a symbol, story, ritual or other tool you could use to bring out the values and practices you want for your company. Your cultural tool might be a new corporate logo symbolizing your company's personality. Or you could choose a story to embody your approach and make it part of your culture. If you can't find a tool, make one. For example, you can turn an admired former employee into a symbol by giving an award named after that individual, complete with ritual ceremony.



Office Etiquette (Office Manners)

Office Etiquette or Office Manners is about conducting yourself respectfully and courteously in the office or workplace

First impressions are important!

Always act with honesty and dignity 

Wear appropriate office attire, for example correct footwear, not thongs (flip flops) - they are strictly casual or beachwear

No exposed midriff to display tattoos and body piercing.

Be neat, clean and as conservative as the business requires you to be

Do not cough or sneeze in anyone's direction. Use a tissue, if possible, to contain the germs and then say "Excuse me"

The essence of good manners and etiquette is to be respectful and courteous at all times and with everybody

Therefore, treat your co-workers, cleaners, maintenance people and others with respect and courtesy 

Be helpful and co-operative with each other

Speak clearly without shouting. Loud people are a vexation

Say, “Please; Thank you; You’re welcome”, as part of your everyday courtesy

Don’t gossip about any co-worker’s private life

Do not try to sell things to your colleagues

Don’t hover around while waiting for a co-worker to get off the phone. Leave a note for them to call you or return later

It’s not a good idea to take your iPod to your office. It hinders communication

Avoid sexist comments about a co-worker’s dress or appearance

Surveys show that the office know-it-all proved to be the biggest gripe amongst co-workers. Don't be a know-all

Take responsibility for your mistakes, apologise and go about correcting the mistakes

Apologise if you are clearly in the wrong. If in doubt, apologise anyway. It’s no big deal

Never blame someone else if it is your mistake Bookmark and Share

If your boss criticises your work, enquire about what precisely is wrong with it. Consider the comments, discuss them amiably if you disagree with the comments but defer to the bosses opinion if he/she is adamant

The boss always gets the benefit of the doubt. Don’t argue with the boss (however, there are standards of etiquette for employers too. See Employer Etiquette )

Make new employees feel welcome and comfortable around you. Don't be a busy-body

Office etiquette means being thoughtful when interacting with your peers


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