Кинотеатры в Рязани
занимательные факты по английскому языку (9 класс)

История появления первых кинотеатров в Рязани


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Cinemas appeared in Ryazan at the beginning of the XX-th century. There were no specialized places for film broadcastings at that time. The films were shown in the Hall of the Noble Assembly (зал Благородного собрания) and in the gymnasium (present gymnasium N2). Among the first films was the legendary “The Arrival of the Train to Lyon”. During the first show the audience jumped up and rushed to the exit.

In 1904 in Alexandrovskaya street (now Pravolybedskaya) in front of the First Gymnasium for boys “The Electric Theater” started working. The posters informed that “foggy pictures with moving figures” would be shown inside. Before the beginning of the show public was entertaining to see the photos in the foyer, as well as to see the “fish tooth” (walrus tusk - клык моржа) and stuffed colibri. In the hall, designed for 50 people, short films were shown, mostly comedies and newsreels (кинохроники). Contemporaries noted that the newsreels were of disgusting quality, and the films came to Ryazan were muddy and dirty in places.

In a year or two, the first “Illusions” began to open in the city, later regular cinemas. Film-picture shows took place twice a day, in the afternoon and in the evening.

The cinema “Daryaly”was located in Pochtovaya Street in the Moskvitin House (today the building of the Children's Regional Library). It became popular very fast. Here the first film posters appeared in the city. If earlier the audience was briefly informed about some comedy or drama to see, now the signs wrote “A terrific drama“ Under the Linden trees”, 4000 meters long, will be shown.”

Before the October Revolution, there were about 2000 feature films of Russia production. Works by fashionable writers were especially popular. The spectators began to be interested in the actors. The names of the new film idols were Ivan Mozzhukhin, Vera Kholodnaya and others. Sometimes adult films in the “Paris genre” or erotica were shown in “Daryaly”. But these tapes went on only in the evenings, and they were limited by age - the gymnasium students were not allowed. The cinema’s popularity was so high that in 1917 even Sergey Yesenin visited it. There is a memorial plaque at the entrance reported about it.

A couple of years later, the second cinema called “Dea” was opened.It was located on the same Pochtovaya Street - in the building of the famous Mikhailov Hotel (later the Molodyozhny cinema and the Hollywood club). A year later, engineer Morozov opened “Olympia” in his house on Sobornaya Street. However, despite the best technical equipment, the audience prefered the “Daryaly”.


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