Олимпиада в неделю английского языка
олимпиадные задания по английскому языку (11 класс)

Гузилова Наталья Васильевна

Олимпиада , проведенная в школе в неделю английского языка в 2017 у.г.


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Task 1. Britain and the British studies test.

  1. What is the official name of the country whose language you study?
  1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland
  2. The Commonwealth of Great Britain
  3. Great Britain
  4. Britain
  1. How many countries does the U K consist of?
  1. 4     b) 3    c) 2    d) 1

3. What state system does the UK  have ?

a) a constitutional monarchy

b) a parliamentary republic

c) a parliamentary monarchy

d) a limited monarchy

4. What is the name of the British national flag?

a) the Union Jack       b) the Stars and Stripes

c) the Maple Leaf      

5. Whose emblem is the dragon?

a) Wales       b) England      c) Scotland    4)   Nothern Ireland

6 .What chambers does the British Parliament consist of?

a) The House of Lords and the House of Commons

b) the  Senate and the House of Representatives

c) the  Cabinet of Ministers and the Shadow Cabinet

d) the  Duma and the Soviet of Federation

7. Where does the British Prime- Minister live and work?

a) at 10 Downing Street      b)in the Houses of Parliament

c) in Buckingham Palace      d) at 10 Baker Street

8. What natural resources bring the most profits to the British economy?

a) coal resources    b)      oil resources  

c) gas resources       d) water resources

9. At what age do the British kids go to school?

a) 5     b) 6    c) 7   d) 8

10. Which of the following stages of British education is not obligatory?

a)  nursery  school       b) primary school

c) secondary   school    d) high school

11. What is the highest mark in British schools?

a) A      b) 5     c) 10     d) 100

12. What universities have the highest academic reputation in the UK?

a) Oxford and Cambridge          b) London and Bristol

c) Red-brick Universities             d) Belfast and Edinburgh

13. What is the London residence of Queen Elizabeth 2?

A) Buckingham Palace          b) Windsor Castle

c) Westminster Palace         d) the Tower of London

14. The ravens are a famous sight of …

a) the Tower of London        b) London Zoo

c) Covent Garden                   d) Hyde Park  

15. What is the Scottish national costume for men?

a) the kilt                                 b)black trousers

c) the tuxedo                         d) the bearskin

16. The kilt is …

a) a skirt     b) a shirt       c) a pair of trousers       d) a T- shirt

17. The highest mountain in the UK is …

a) Ben Nevis    b) Mont Blanc   c) Mount McKinley     d) Everest

18. The famous Loch Ness monster is from…

a) Scotland      b) Wales    c) England     d) Ireland

19. Stonehenge is about … years old.

a) 4000     b) 400     c) 40     d) 40000

20. British kings and queens are crowned at…

a) Westminster Abbey       b) St Paul’s Cathedral

c) Buckingham Palace        d) Westminster Palace

21. Madam Tussauds’s is a museum of …

a) wax figures     b) western paintings     c) ancient coins     d) sculptures

22. Nelson’s Column is situated in…

a) Trafalgar Square     b) Piccadilly Circus

c) Downing Street       d) Baker Street

23. The London Underground is often called…

a) the tube     b) the box     c) the channel      d) the metro

24. The Tower of London was started by…

a) William the Conqueror      b) Henry 8

c) Julius Caesar                        d) Edward 4

25. Sir Christopher Wren built …

a) St Paul’s Cathedral         b) the British Museum

c) Buckingham Palace        d) the Clock Tower

26. Guy Fawkes Night is celebrated on the …

a) 5th of November       b) 31st of October

c) 24th of December      d)4th of July

27. The famous  Globe Theatre is situated in …

a) Stratford-upon-Avon      b) London     c ) Glasgow      d) Liverpool

28. What is the most famous sport event of Scotland?

a) the Highland Games      b) the Commonwealth Games

c) the Wimbledon Championship  d) Royal Ascot

29) Who do these lines “My heart is in the Highland, my heart is not here” belong to?

a) George Byron     b) Robert Burns     c) W. Shakespeare     d) Bernard Shaw

30. “William the Great” (Shakespeare) wrote his play “The Comedy of…”

a) Misunderstanding    b) Errors    c) Mistakes    d) England

31. Who was Scotland’s national poet?

a) Robert Burns    b) Lord Byron    c) H. Longfellow   d) W. Shakespeare

32. Who created Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple?

a) Agatha Cristie   b) Oscar Wild    c) JRR Tolkien     d)Charles Dickens

33. Which romantic poet died in Greece while fighting against the Turks for Greek Independence?

a) Lord Byron     b) John Lennon     c) Robert Burns     d) Sir Elton John

34.Who was a famous comic actor with a small black moustache, a bowler hat and a funny way of walking?

a) Charles Chaplin    b) David Copperfield

c) Pier Riсhard           d) Yuri Niсulin

35. Which museum is situated in 221B Baker Street?

a) Sherlock Holmes Museum     b) Tate Museum

c) Madam Tussaud’s                     d) the British Museum

36. Who sang this famous song?

a) the’ Beatles ‘     b) Madonna     c) Elton John     d)’ Deep Purple’

37. What building is it? (на картинке здание собора св. Павла)

a) St Paul’s Cathedral      b) Buckingham Palace

c) the Tower of London   d) the Houses of Parliament

38. Whose picture is it? (картина Т. Гейнсборо « Портрет герцогини де Бофор»)

a) Th. Gainsborough     b) J. Turner    c) J. Constable       d) J. Reynolds

39. Who is this celebrity? ( портрет  Д. Бэкхема)

a) D. Backham     b) Prince Charles     c) P. McCartney      d) Ch. Dean

40. Where is it? (на картинке дом Шекспира)

a) Stradford-upon Avon        b) Liverpool      c) London       d) Glasgow

Task2. Read the text and do the task below.

Half a mile from home, at the far edge of the woods where the land was highest, a great pine tree stood. The top of this ancient tree towered above all the others and made it visible for miles and miles. Sylvia had always believed that whoever climbed to the top of it could see the ocean. Now she thought of the tree with a new excitement. Why, if she climbed at dawn, would she not be able to see the whole world, and discover where the white heron flew, and find its hidden nest?

What an adventure! As she lay awake in her bed, she thought of the glory and triumph of telling everyone the secret of where the heron hid. Sylvia knew her mother and her quests were fast asleep, so she crept out of the house and followed the path through the woods. The air was filled with the sleepy songs of half-awakened birds.

There was the huge tree, seeming to sleep in the fading moonlight. Sylvia bravely began to climb, the blood racing through her veins, her bare hands and feet gripping the bark. First she had to climb the oak tree that grew alongside. Sylvia felt her way easily. She had often climbed there before, and knew that higher up one of the oak’s upper branches rubbed against the pine trunk. When she reached it, the way was harder than she had thought. The sharp twigs scratched her and the sticky sap made her little fingers clumsy and stiff.

The tree seemed to grow taller as she climbed, and she began to doubt if she could reach her goal before dawn. But Sylvia passed the last thorny branch, her face shining with triumph as she stood at the very top, weak and shaking with exhaustion.

There was the sea, dazzling in the first morning light. Two hawks flew east, so far below her, she felt she, too, might fly away among the clouds. The birds sung louder and louder until the sun came up.

This beauty almost overwhelmed little Sylvia, but she did not forget her mission. Where was the white heron? She looked down to the green marsh where she had seen him before. There he was. Rising and sweeping towards the great pine tree.

He landed, and Sylvia froze as she watched the heron, perched two branches below, calling to his mate, cleaning his feathers for the new day.

41. Where was the tree located?

1. at a high point near Sylvia’s house

2. at the bottom of a hill

3. next to Sylvia’s house

4. in the middle of the forest

42. What made the pine tree so special to Sylvia?

1. Sylvia was fascinated by its height

2. It was Sylvia’s hiding place

3. Sylvia had built a tree house in it

4. Sylvia dreamt of it every night

43. Why did Sylvia decide to climb the pine tree?

1. Because she wanted to know where the white bird hid.

2. Because it seemed an easy thing to do.

3. Because she had climbed it before.

4. Because it was next to an oak tree she used to climb.

44. What feeling overwhelmed Sylvia when she stood at the top?

1. exaltation

2. exasperation

3. disappointment

4. fear

45. How did she feel while climbing the pine tree?

1. She thought she might never make it in time.

2. She thought of giving up because she was hurt.

3. She felt disgusted because of the sap.

4. She was terrified of falling.

46. How did she feel when she reached the top?

1. She was delighted but felt very tired.

2. She was so frightened of falling that her body shook.

3. She was delighted, but disappointed  that the birds nest was not there.

4. She was so delighted that she did not feel tired.

47. What did the bird do when he reached the tree?

1. He settled on a lower branch.

2. He sat down next to her.

3. He shouted for help.

4. He flew past her.

48. What does the word “ glory” mean here?

1. great honour

2. great desire

3. certain dis appointment

4. certain achievement

49. What does the phrase “ shining with triumph” imply?

1. to be very happy

2. to be very tired

 3. to be quite exhausted

4. to be quite clumsy

50. What does the word ‘ goal’ mean?

1. aim

2. top

3. nest

4. edge                                  


Task3. Complete the sentences with the correct words.

51.There isn’t --------------sense in what you suggest.

a. much       b. many       c. few        d. a few

52. Everybody --------------that smoking is dangerous .

a. knows       b. is knowing      c. know        d. is known

53. She has only got--------------daughter.

a. a ten-year-old    b. a ten-years-old     c. a ten-years      d. a ten-year-aged

54. I’m going to my dentist----------------.

a. one of these days      b. another day      c. the other day    d. another of these days

55. Of two evils choose the ----------------.

a. least       b. fewest       c. less          d. little

56. I’d like ---------------overnight.

a. you to stay       b. that you stayed       c. you stay      d. you staying

57. “ Hey, Jack! How are getting--------------?’-‘ Fine, thanks.’

a. on       b. off         c. of      d. over

58. I think that John Lennon is------------musicians in the world.

a. one of the greatest         b. one of greatest

c. greatest one                     d. the greatest one

59. This newspaper isn’t very popular -----------young people.

a. with         b. for        c. about        over

60. I wonder what our children ------------when we come back.

a. will be doing       b. are doing        c. will do         d. have done  


Task4. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the words below.

One morning Hugie visited a painter, Alan. He 61------------by Hugie at first because of the young  boy’s charm. However, after he 62-----------Hugie better, he liked him quite as much for his generous nature.

When Hugie came in, he found Trevor 63------------a wonderful picture of a beggar-man. The beggar himself 64---------on a platform in a corner of the studio. He was an old man with a very unhappy expression. Over his shoulders there was a dirty coat; his thick boots 65-----------, and in one hand he had a rough stick, while with the other he 66----------- his hat for money.

‘What an amazing model!’ whispered Hugie.

‘Oh, yes!; shouted the painter. ‘Such beggars as he 67----------every day’.

‘Poor old chap!’ said Hugie. ‘How miserable he 68--------------! How much does a model get for sitting?’ asked Hugie.

‘A shilling an hour’.

‘Well, I think the model should have a percentage’, cried Hugie; ‘ they 69----------quite as hard as you do’.

‘Nonsense, nonsense!’ said Alan and left the room for a minute.

The old beggar-man looked so tired and miserable that Hugie could not help 70--------- him. He felt in his pockets 71------------what money he had. All he could find was a coin. ‘Poor old fellow’, he thought to himself, ‘he wants it more than I do’. And he threw a coin into the beggar’s hat.  

61. a) had been attracted                             66.  a) Held out

      b) had attracted                                              b) hold out

      c) attracted                                                     c) was held out

      d) was attracted                                             d) had held out

62. a) knew                                                    67. a) are not met

      b) had known                                                b) don’t meet

     c) was known                                                 c) have not met

    d) know                                                            d) isn’t met  

63. a) finishing                                               68. a) looks

      b) finish                                                           b) is looking

     c) was finished                                                c) looked

    d) to finish                                                        d) looking

64. a) was standing                                        69.  a) work

      b) standing                                                        b) are working

      c) stood                                                              c) have been working

     d) stands                                                             d) have worked

65. a) were worn                                             70. a) pitying

      b) were wearing                                               b) pity

      c) had worn                                                       c) pitied

     d) had been worn                                           d) to pity

71. a) to see

      b) saw

     c) to seeing

     d) see                                                                                    

Task5. Fill in the gaps with the words below.

72.-------- making money, the company aims to set high standards of quality and design.

  1. besides      b) unlike      c) along with       d) except

73. ‘--------- kind of you to visit us!’ Jennifer exclaimed.

a) How        b) so       c) such       d) what

74. She could hardly ------------herself out of the chair.

a). raise       b) rise       c) arise       d) arouse

75. My main interest ----------- in the development of new technology.

a) lay           b) lie           c) laid         d) lain

76. If there is a problem, we ------------ the manufacturer directly.

a) suggest contacting           b) suggest to contact

c) offer to contact                d) offer contacting

77. Foreign ---------- never really appealed to him until he retired.

a) travel       b) voyage        c) journey         d) trip

78. He has already tried to ---------- sense into Liza.

a) talk         b) speak           c) tell         d) say

79. ----------- half of the money will be provided by the government.

a) the other       b) others      c) other      d) another

80.I walked along the wall---------- close to the side.

a) keeping      b) remaining     c) holding      d) staying

81. I----------- gardening but I don’t have time for it now.

a) used to enjoy        b) used to enjoying

c) was used to enjoying      d) was used to enjoy

82. Dad bought a ---------- of glass and repaired the window himself.

a) sheet      b) piece       c) slice      d).lump

83) Four police officers suddenly---------- their house.

a) arrived at     b) arrived to     c) came in       d) came to

84. He ----------- Yale University in 1936.

a) graduated from       b) left from       c) graduated       d) finished

85. Janet is -----------for a degree in history.

a) studying        b) teaching        c) learning        d) taught

86. The police are determined ----------- who killed Louise.

a) to find out        b) to learn        c) to know        d) to recognize

87. It was a difficult time but we never ----------- hope.

a) gave up        b) gave in        c) refused        d) denied

88. News------------ him that his wife and child were safe.

a) reached        b) achieved         c) arrived         d) got

89. I didn’t mean anything serious, I was just pulling  your----------.

a) leg        b) foot         c) arm          d) hand

90. Dinner is usually our main------------ except on Sundays.

a) meal      b) plate       c) dish        d) food

91. I have ------------- late at work every Thursday.

a) to stay           b) to remain          c) to leave           to stand

92. What do you want ----------?

a) me to do        b) that I do        c) me do         d) that I do

93. Tom said that he -----------.

a) had never been to Disneyland

b) has never been to Disneyland

c) was never in Disneyland

d) was never been in Disneyland

94.It’s a good idea. Let’s do everything together, ------------?

a) shall we         b) do we       c) are we        d) don’t we

95.I haven’t seen the film yet and ------------.

a) neither has my brother           b) my brother has neither

c) neither saw my brother          d) neither did my brother

96.There are a lot of legends about the English king William 1, who is known -------

William the Conqueror.

  1. as      b) like      c) for       d) to

97.You can find all necessary information. Just turn --------- the page.

a) over       b) into          c) off           d) down

98. Not all students in the class get--------- well with one another.

a) on         b) out          c) to          d) back

99. Little Jimmy was looking ---------- his coming birthday.

a) forward to        b) for         c) up          d) through

100. Walking in the street Mary suddenly came --------- her former school friend.

a) across          b) over          c)  up with            d) on

101. On the 31st of December all people of the world see the Old Year ------------and  the New Year ----------.

a) off, in        b) in, off      c) at, out         d) out, at

102. She  put ---------- the invitation to the party because she had no time.

a) off          b) on         c) down           d) up with

103. A.Yagudin is said to give ---------- ‘big sport’ many years ago.

a) up        b) in          c) back        d) out

104. If athletes today (not/ take) their training so seriously, sport (not/ be ) so exciting to watch.

a) don’t take, won’t be           b) didn’t take, won’t be

c) don’t take, wouldn’t be       d)don’t take, isn’t

105. If Bill Gates (not/ be) in the right place at the right time, he (not/ be) the richest man in the world now.

a) hadn’t been, wouldn’t be          b) hadn’t been, wouldn’t have been

c) wasn’t , won’t be                        d) weren’t, wouldn’t have been

106.  If John Lennon and Paul McCartney (not/ meet), the Beatles (never/ be/ formed).

a) hadn’t met, would never have been formed

b) didn’t meet, would never be formed

c) hadn’t met, would never be formed

d) didn’t meet, would never have been formed

107. Tom Brown went to university so that he---------good education.

a) could/would get        b) got        c) can/ will get        d) is getting

108.They are building a new speedway to Liverpool in order ----------- the coast much more quickly.

a) to reach       b) reaching          c) reach         d) being reached

109. The Dnieper is ---------- longer than the Thames.

a) a lot         b) more         c) many          d) a much        

110. You can always buy this medicine at the ----------.

a) chemist’s        b) chemist        c) chemists’          d) chemists

Task 6. Put the words in the correct order to make up a sentence.

111.lawyer/not /anything/My/ police /advised/the /to/ me/ say /to.

112. call/early/ to/We/ him/ us/ didn’t/ so/ expect.

113.sooner/ we/ Bad/ us/ than/ weather/ return/ expected/ made/ to.

114. him/ give up/ of /to/ bad/ smoking/ Everybody/ promise/ this/ heard/ habit.

115.animals/ to use/ the ability/ language/ people/ distinguishes/ from.

116. in/ of making/ negative/ statements/ all/  there/ languages/ are/ ways/ positive/ and.

117.without/ no/ rules/ there/ languages/ are.

118.every/ ways of/ showing/ language/ and/ past/ present/ future time/ in/ there are.

119. questions/ have/ ways/ all/ of making/ languages.

120. any/ language/ children/ is used/ of any race/ around/ are capable of/ them/ learning/that/.  


111.My lawyer advised me not to say anything to the police.

112. We didn’t expect him to call us so early.

113. Bad weather made us return sooner than we expected to .

114. Everybody heard him promise to give up this bad habit of smoking.

115. The ability to use language distinguishes people from animals.

116. There are ways of making negative and positive statements in every language.

117. All languages have ways of making questions.

118. In every language there are ways of showing past, present and future time.

119. All languages have ways of making questions.

120. Children of any race are capable of learning any language that is used around them.  

    Task 7. Express the meaning of each phrase in one word.

      121. An opening from which liquid comes out, such as a tube or pipe-s-- -- -- t

      122. A person who loves his / her country--- p-- -- -- -- -- t

      123. A period of very cold weather --- f -- -- -- -- e

     124. A long narrow piece of material for binding round a wound –b -- -- -- -- -- e

     125. A group of people elected to govern a town—c -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --n

     126.The use of strength, trying hard – e -- -- -- --t

127. A noble soldier on horseback—k -- -- -- -- t

128. A long speech, part in a play or film, spoken by one person only—

      m -- -- -- -- -- -- --e

129. A very common reddish- yellow  round fruit with a bitter sweet taste and a thick skin – o -- -- -- -- e

130. A formal decision made by a group vote – r -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- n

Keys: 1. Spout  2. Patriot 3. Freeze 4. Bandage 5. Corporation 6. Effort 7. Knight 8. Monologue 9. Orange 10. Resolution  



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