Сценарий выступления на муниципальном конкурсе.
методическая разработка по английскому языку (7 класс)

В нашем городе ежегодно проводится страноведческий конкурс "The Tower".Группа учащихся подготовила инсценированный рассказ о группе "Битлз".


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Предварительный просмотр:

Сценарий выступления на муниципальном конкурсе «The Tower». Посвящено группе «Битлз».

Встречаются четыре подростка: Сева, Ира, Лиза и Влад. Между ними происходит разговор.

Seva    -Hi Vlad!Hi Ira!What’s going on?

Ira       -I’m OK.

Vlad    - Me too. And you?

Seva    -Fine! I’ve already done my homework and decided to walk with girls.

Why isn’t Lisa answering?What is she listening to?

Vlad    -I don’t know.Let’s ask her.

Seva    -Lisa,what aren’t you answering?

Lisa     -I’m listening cool music.

Vlad    -Really?What music?

Ira       -We’d like to listen to it with you together.

Lisa    -Sure,with pleasure:  The Beatles.

Seva   -I’m not a big fan of Beatles.

Ira      -Oh no,not that.I don’t like pop music.

Lisa turn on music and they are listening Yesterday.

Ira      -Not bad.

Seva   -Wow!That’s perfect.

Vlad   I don’t know anything about this group.Tell us about them.

Lisa    This is my mum’s favourite group,she told me about 4 young men from


This is her story.

The Beatles were a legendary English rock band, which was formed  in 1959 in Liverpool. The group consisted  of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr.

In 1963, the band began climbing to the world recognition  and created a global phenomenon  called Beatlemania. The quartet  has become the first British band, which have had records and which gained popularity  and also gained first place in the U.S. charts . In the list  of Rolling Stone 500 the first place was occupied by the music album Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. The group has also won seven Grammy awards.

The most popular songs of the Beatles are «Yesterday», «Let it be», «Yellow submarine», «Obladi-Oblada», «Girl», «Come Together», «Hey, Jude!».

 The Beatles showed professionalism and made impressive figures on the stage. They looked nicer than anyone else. Their manager Brian Epstein gave them the new «clean» image with short hair, white shirts and elegant suits. Their songs and unusual sense of humor drew the people’s attention.

 Many more people began listening to pop music. Girls loved «The Beatles» and the young men tried to look like them. Newspapers, televisions focused on the group and made it famous. A hysteria that was called «Beatlomania» swept Britain and soon afterwards, America.  

The Beatles had a big influence  on rock music and are recognized  by experts as one of the most successful  groups of the XX century. This group has changed the lives of many people.  The Beatles were broken-up in 1970, but their songs are popular even today. Personally I believe that their music will never die and will continue to be played for generations  to come!

  Seva and Vlad:That’s great!

 Ira:And now let’s sing together.

Ребята берут макет желтой подводной лодки и поют песню.

Yellow Submarine

In the town where I was born
Lived a man who sailed to sea
And he told us of his life
In the land of submarines
So we sailed up to the sun
Till we found the sea of green
And we lived beneath the waves
In our yellow submarine

We all live in a yellow submarine
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
We all live in a yellow submarine
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

And our friends are all aboard
Many more of them live next door
And the band begins to play

We all live in a yellow submarine
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
We all live in a yellow submarine
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

As we live a life of ease
Everyone of us has all we need
Sky of blue and sea of green
In our yellow submarine

We all live in a yellow submarine
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
We all live in a yellow submarine
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

We all live in a yellow submarine
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine
We all live in a yellow submarine
Yellow submarine, yellow submarine

Жёлтая субмарина

В городке моём родном
Тот, кто служит моряком,
Нам о крае говорил,
Где подводных лодок мир.
В солнца сторону плыли,
Море-зелень мы нашли
И зажили под волной
В жёлтой лодке, все в одной.

На подлодке жёлтой мы живём,
В лодке мы живём, в лодке мы живём.
На подлодке жёлтой все живём,
В лодке мы живём, в лодке мы живём.

На борту друзья мои,
Многие живут вблизи.
Тут оркестр начнёт играть...

На подлодке жёлтой мы живём,
В лодке мы живём, в лодке мы живём.
На подлодке жёлтой все живём,
В лодке мы живём, в лодке мы живём.

Мы живём так просто здесь,
То, что нужно у всех есть:
Море-зелень, неба синь
В жёлтой лодке вот так жизнь.

На подлодке жёлтой мы живём,
В лодке мы живём, в лодке мы живём.
На подлодке жёлтой все живём,
В лодке мы живём, в лодке мы живём.

На подлодке жёлтой мы живём,
В лодке мы живём, в лодке мы живём.
На подлодке жёлтой все живём,
В лодке мы живём, в лодке мы живём.

There is a fine English proverb: «After rain comes fair weather». We wish you to «believe» in a light that shines and in the sound of music. These words of wisdom will help us!

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