The Olympics. Quiz.
презентация к уроку по английскому языку

Погосян Джулета Альбертовна

Викторина по теме "Спорт. Олимпийские игры".


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Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 2

1) The Olympics first happened in what ancient land ? A. Greece B. Rome C. Chine D. India

Слайд 3

2) How often do the Olympics happen ? A. Every year B. Every 2 years C. Every 4 years D. Every 5 years

Слайд 4

3) In what month did the ancient Olympics take place? A. June B. July C. August D. September

Слайд 5

4) How many days did the ancient games usually last ? A. 1 day B. 2 days C. 4 days D. 5 days

Слайд 6

5) Which statement is true? A. In ancient times only men competed B. In ancient times only women competed C. In ancient times both competed

Слайд 7

6) There were two types of horse races in Ancient Olympics. One used horses ridden by a single rider, bare back. What was the other type of horse race ? A. Chuck wagon race B. Chariot race C. Cart race D. Stagecoach race

Слайд 8

7 ) People would compete to see who could throw this round object the farthest. What was it called ? A. Discus B. Ball C. Plate D. Frisbee

Слайд 9

8) This long object was thrown much in the same style as it is in today's Olympics. What is it called ? A. Boomerang B. Cairn C. Javelin D. Staff

Слайд 10

9) Wresting was considered what type of sport? A. C ontact B. E ndurance C. S peed D. A ccuracy

Слайд 11

10) In 2008, where was the summer Olympics held ? A. Japan B. China C. Taiwan D. India

Слайд 12

11) The Olympic flag contains how many rings on it ? A. 1 B. 3 C. 5 D. 7

Слайд 13

12) American Mark Spitz won 7 gold medals in 1972. What was his watery sport ? A. Diving B. Swimming C. Rowing D. Water Volleyball

Слайд 14

13) What year was the first modern Olympics held in! A. 1900 B. 1904 C. 1908 D. 1896

Слайд 15

15) What year was the Olympic flag created? A. 1896 B. 1913 C. 1920 D. 1924

Слайд 16

16) What year was the first official Paralympic Games held ? A. 1948 B. 1952 C. 1956 D. 19 60

Слайд 17

17) Who was the creator the Olympic Games? A. Pierre de Coubertin B. Nikolay I C. Alexander III D. Nikita II

Слайд 18

18) How many people were established on the first Paralympic Games? A. 128 member B. 129 members C. 130 members D. 131 members

Слайд 19

19) What is the most famous Paralympic sport? A. Volleyball B. Basketball on the wheelchair C. Football in space D. H andball

Слайд 20

20) What city is the longest in Europe? How long is it? A. Moscow is 149 kilometers long B. Greece is 150 kilometers long C. Sochi is 148 kilometers long D. Caucasus is 147 kilometers long

Слайд 21

Answer the questions! What kind of sport is this woman famous for ? a. skiing b. gymnastics c. shooting 13.10.2019 А.А.ЛИ, ГБОУ СОШ №731, МОСКВА

Слайд 22

Answer the questions! What kind of sport is this man famous for ? a. football b. hockey c. figure- skating 13.10.2019 А.А.ЛИ, ГБОУ СОШ №731, МОСКВА

Слайд 23

Answer the questions! What kind of sport is this man famous for ? a. boxing b. bobsleigh c. wrestling 13.10.2019 А.А.ЛИ, ГБОУ СОШ №731, МОСКВА

Слайд 24

Answer the questions! What kind of sport is this man famous for ? a. judo b. swimming c. fencing 13.10.2019 А.А.ЛИ, ГБОУ СОШ №731, МОСКВА

Слайд 25

Connect the words correctly Track and field events тяжёлая атлетика Boating альпинизм Weight lifting бег с препятствиями Mountaineering игры для инвалидов Hurdle races гребля на лодках Paralympics лёгкая атлетика

Слайд 26

Coaches Mr Red,Mr Black and Mr Grey are 3 coaches with the Bourketown football Club. They have red, black and grey hair but no coach has the same hair colour as his name. if I tell you that Mr Grey doesn’t have black hair, it should be simple for you to tell me what colour each coach’s hair is. Guess the riddle. Keys: Mr Grey – red, Mr Black – grey, Mr Red – grey.

Слайд 27

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