Конспект урока английского языка в 5 классе по теме "Family ties"
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (5 класс)

Гришечкина Виктория Ростиславовна

Урок обобщения и систематизации знаний по теме "Family ties"


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План-конспект урока английского языка в 5 классе.

Тема урока: “Family ties”

Вид урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний по теме “ Family ties”

Цель урока.

 Систематизировать и обобщить знания учащихся по данной теме, развивать навыки  чтения, письменной речи, аудирования, использования лексических единиц при описании внешности человека, его умений, его семьи.

Задачи урока.

Воспитательные: воспитывать толерантность, уважение к семье и традициям, научиться применять теоретические знания на практике, развивать интерес к предмету, формировать общую  культуру учащихся, культуру взаимодействия и сотрудничества.

Образовательные: организовать деятельности учащихся, направленную  на развитие умений устной речи, чтения, говорения и  аудирования; содействовать  развитию слуховой и зрительной памяти, внимания, воображения, логического мышления;

Обучающие: развивать навыки монологической, диалогической и письменной речи, навыки произношения,  закрепить усвоение лексико-грамматических  структур.

Тип урока: комбинированный

Технологии: элементы игровой, проектной, коммуникативной, информационно-коммуникационной, личностно-ориентированного обучения, здоровьесберегающей. Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор, компьютер, наглядный материал, карточки, презентации, видеофрагменты.

Примечание: в качестве домашнего задания к данному уроку ученики готовили ситуативный диалог.

 Задание дифференцированное:

1. составь диалог, распределив реплики в логической последовательности;

2. составь диалог, используя слова для справок;

3.выучи готовый диалог.

Также две ученицы готовили проект «Новый год и Рождество в России и в моей семье». Несколько учащихся выполняли индивидуальные задания - описания персонажей мультфильма “Muzzy in Gondoland”.

1. Мобилизующее начало. Объявление плана урока.

Good morning! How are you today?  I`m fine, too, thank  you. We have guests today. Let`s greet them.

But what is the theme of our lesson? Look at the board. (Слайд 1) What can you see there? (A family). So, the theme of our lesson is “Family”. We are going to get ready for the test today. Now look at the plan of the lesson. (слайд 2). Let`s start with some warming up, then we are going to revise the words on the topic “Family” and  grammar rules on the topics “ The possessive case”, “The verb “can” and “The Imperative”. The next step of our lesson is listening, then we`re going to work with the text, then we are going to check your home task.  The next step of our lesson is the presentation of the project, then greeting cards writing. At the end of the lesson we`re going to sing a song.

2. Фонетическая и речевая разминка. Игра «Запомни».

Let`s start with some phonetic exercises. Repeat after me: that, then, this, these, those, mother, father, brother. Now say it one by one. OK.  Now look at the board (слайд 3). Repeat after me. Try to remember the rhyme.  Now, let`s play “A memory game”. Fill in the missing words. (слайд 4) All together!  Well done!

Let`s talk about your families. Answer my questions, please.

1. Is your family big or small?

2. Have you got any brothers or sisters?

3. Do you celebrate holidays together with your family?

4. Do you help your parents about the house?

5. What do you like to do together?

3. Повторение лексики по теме. Аудитивная игра “Clap-clap”

Let`s revise the words. I will  pronounce the words, and you will clap, if the word is on the topic “family.” If it is not, don`t clap!  Stand up, please. Mum, cake, brother, sister, tree, uncle, granddad, flowers, grandma. Well done!  Look at the board and name the relatives. (слайд 5)

Well done!

4.  Повторение грамматической  темы «Притяжательный падеж существительных». Дидактическая игра «Найди соответствие».

 Now we`re going to revise the Possessive case.  Look the picture. (слайд 6) Of course you know them.  They are the characters from the cartoon “ Muzzy in Gondoland”. Let`s watch the extract from the cartoon and remember who is who. (слайд 7).

Now let`s see who is who in this family. We`re going to play a “Matching game”. Look at the board (слайд 8) and take the blue cards from your desks. Look at the task. Match the words. You`ve got one minute to do the task. Well, your time is up. Now, let`s work in pairs.  Exchange the cards.  Let`s check the task. So, who wants to go to the blackboard? The others, check your answers, please.  Stand up those, who have no mistakes in this task. Well-done!

 So, how do we form the possessive case? (слайд 9). Now, take your check lists. Look here. (слайд 10) We have 3 main points to revise today – The Possessive case, the verb CAN, and the Imperative. You will check your progress with these topics with the help of your checking lists. If you think your result is “Well done”, draw a smiling face. If it is “Not bad”, draw a smile like this. If it is “Try again”, draw a sad smile. Is it clear?

So, check your progress with the possessive case.

5. Повторение грамматической темы «Модальный глагол CAN» . Парная работа с дидактическим материалом.

The next step of our lesson is the verb “CAN”.  Our friends from Gondoland can do a lot. The King can rule the country, Sylvia can roller-skate, Bob can do gardening and Corvax can work on the computer. And one day he decided to do a very interesting experiment. Let`s watch. (слайд 11).

Now tell me how to use the verb can. (слайд 12). That`s right. Let`s find out what you can do. Take the cards from your desks and work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions with “can”. Those who aren`t answering, listen attentively. You`ve got one minute to get ready. Now, let`s start. OK. And now answer my questions. Well done. It`s time to fill in your check list. Check your progress with the verb “can”.

6. Повторение грамматической темы «Повелительное наклонение». Физкультминутка.

Let`s pass on to the next task. We`ll remember how to ask people to do or not to do something.  But first, watch the cartoon.  Let`s see what happened to the experiment of Corvax. (слайд 13).

You see, Corvax and the King have got some problems. But don`t worry, everything will be OK.

 So, tell me, how we can make the commands. (слайд 14)

It`s time to do some exercises. Stand up and run my commands. (слайд 15) Bend your head, bend your knee, grow as tall, as New Year Tree. Don`t cry, don`t make noise, don`t shout, look at the boys. Raise your head, jump up high, wave your hand and say good bye.  Sit down. Now, take your check lists and check your progress with the Imperative.

7. Развитие навыков аудирования.

Well, it`s time to do our next task. Look at the board (слайд 16). Some pupils prepared the descriptions of the characters. So, they will read the descriptions and you will guess who the character is. You`re welcome!

8. Работа с текстом.

Let`s pass on to the next step of our lesson. Tell me, please, do you know any cartoon families, except the family from Gondoland? ( the Griffins, the Flinstones, the Barboskins, the family from Prostokvashino).  OK, we are going to work with the text about the Flinstones. Open your text books, page 61. Now open your exercise books, write down the date, Classwork, the number of the exercise (ex. 2, p. 61) and numbers from 1 to 5. (слайд 17) Now look at the task. Read the text and fill in the gaps. You should write the words you choose here.  Be ready to read and translate the text. You`ve got 3 minutes to do the task. Well, your time is up. Let`s check it. Who wants to start? Check your answers.  Now look at the board.

The next task for you is to say if these sentences are true or false. Let`s do it together. (слайд 18)

1. Bart is 11 years old. (F)

2. Marge is the baby of the family. (F)

3. Lisa can play the saxophone. (T)

4. Homer is very clever. (F)

5. Maggie is friendly. (T)

9. Зарядка для глаз.

 Let`s do the exercises for your eyes. Look at the board.  Follow the objects you see. (слайды 19-24)

10. Проверка дифференцированного домашнего задания.

It`s time to check your home task. At home you learnt the dialogues, but they were different. Some of you learnt the dialogues from the textbook, others had to fill in the gaps or put the lines in order first. You`ve got a minute to revise your dialogues. You`re welcome! Your marks are…


11.  Проверка индивидуального домашнего задания. Проекты.

Well, we all like family holidays. You know that New Year and Christmas are coming. Nastia and Katia have done a project on these festivals. Girls, you are welcome! (презентация)

12. Развитие навыков письма. Написание открытки.

Now we are going to write a greeting card. (слайд 25) Let`s make three groups. Take these cards and fill in the gaps with these words. You`ve got two minutes. Your time is up. Read your cards. Very well! Now, I think you`ll congratulate your family in English.

13.  Рефлексия. Домашнее задание.

Our lesson is coming to an end. I think you are ready for the test at the next lesson. Take your check lists and look at them. Mind what you should revise at home. Open your daybooks and write down your home task.  (слайд 26). If you think you have problems with the possessive case, revise the rules on page 59. If your problem is the verb “can”, p. 57 will help you. If your problem is the Imperative, study the rules on p. 59.

 14. Исполнение песни. Слайд шоу.

And at the end of the lesson let`s sing “A family song”.

15. Итог.

 So, you worked very well today. Thank you. Good bye!

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