«Is reading important»? конспект урока 9 класс
план-конспект урока по английскому языку (9 класс)

конспект урока с использованием инновационных технологий


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Предварительный просмотр:

Тема урока: «Is reading important»?

9 класс

Цель урока: развитие иноязычной коммуникативной компетентности по проблеме « Чтение в жизни современного человека».

Задачи урока:

Ι. Обучающие:

  1. Совершенствование умений и навыков ведения диалогической и монологической речи по теме: «Чтение в жизни современного человека» на базе прочитанного и услышанного.

ΙΙ. Развивающие:

  1. Развитие внимания, догадки, умения слушать, делать выводы и сообщения.
  2. Развитие способностей учащихся по переносу знакомых знаний , умений и навыков в различные речевые ситуации.
  3. Дальнейшее развитие способности к групповому общению.

ΙΙΙ. Воспитательные:

  1. Поддерживать у учащихся интерес к чтению английской и русской литературы, как источника знаний.
  2. Воспитывать у школьников чувства взаимопомощи во время работы в группе, паре.

ΙV. Здоровьесберегающие задачи:

  1. Профилактика умственного перенапряжения путём смены видов деятельности.
  2. Создание атмосферы психологического комфорта учащихся на уроке.

Технологии: ИКТ,  игровые, личностно-ориентированные, развивающие, здоровьесберегающие.


Компьютер, магнитофон, раздаточный материал, презентация на тему: «Книги в жизни человека».

Ход урока:

Ι. Организационный момент.

1. Приветствие.

I: Good morning, everybody!

Students: Good morning

I: Nice to see you. I hope you're all feeling good today.

Students: We are fine. Thank you.

I: Ok, Children. So, we can start our lesson.

ΙΙ.Речевая зарядка. Актуализация знаний.

Children, you know, people have different opportunities to get knowledge.

Let's remember them.

I: What are the main ways of getting knowledge (information)?

P1 – From a computer

P2 – From a book

P3 – I can acquire knowledge visiting different museums, exhibitions.

P4 – I can watch TV and learn much useful.

I: Ok. You're right. And today we are going on to speak about a book as a source of knowledge.

III.Объявление темы урока.

Cлайд 2.

A book, I think, is very like  

A little golden door

That takes me into places

Where I’ve never been before.

It leads me into fairyland

Or countries strange and far.

And, best of all, the golden door

Слайд 3.

  • Always stands ajar. What do you imagine when you think of literature?
  • What kind of books do you know?
  • Is reading important? Why?
  • What British writers and poets do you know?

Тема урока отображается на слайде.


ΙV.Развитие навыков чтения.

На мониторе компьютера высвечивается ситуация:

- Can a computer replace books in the way books replaced other means of giving information.

-What is better: a book or a computer?

Teacher: Read different points of view and express your own point.

Dana: Computers allow us to access the latest information really quickly.

Michael: To my mind, books are enjoyable things. They can entertain me and make me forget my problems.

Fiona: A printed page is better for human eyes than a computer screen.

Andrew: Printed books are cheaper and easier to use. They don't need electricity.

Denny: Books have always been a part of human culture. So they will be used as well as computers.

Emma: Computers are better at storing information.

V. Развитие навыков монологической речи.

Teacher: You’ve read various attitudes to a book and a computer . What is more important, to your mind? 

(Ученики выражают своё мнение об источниках информации)

P1: I think books are friends of people. Reading a book, one can expand outlook. More than that reading is a perfect way to make fun.

P2: As for me, I'm sure that books are the previous day. Large amounts of information become available through computers.

P3: On my mind (As I see it) books online can never compete with humans personal relationship with printed books. I'll never forget my childhood's impressions when my mum sat beside my bed and read me a bedtime story. It was so exciting!

Teacher: Thank you for your answers. Now, I want you to open your books at page 20 Ex 5 – Take a look at what famous people have said about books and reading. Which saying reflects your opinion?

Учащиеся читают высказывания известных людей о чтении и книге.

VI. Активизация лексики по теме: Is reading important?

Teacher: To my mind, these sayings are profound and there is a grain of truth in them. I want you to express your opinions about books and reading. But first of all let's repeat some words which we'll need during the discussions of a problem. Open textbooks at page 19. (учащиеся произносят слова и выражения из упражнения 1 «Is reading important?»

Teacher: so, boys and girls, is reading important? Do you like reading? (ученики выражают своё мнение).

P1: As for me reading is not my hobby. I prefer a computer to a printed book.

P2: Oh, I enjoy reading. Reading for pleasure is my favourite occupation.

P3: I'm sure, that we have universal created thing – the Internet. There I can watch TV, and even read books, newspaper and magazines. Books – on-line are the real thing!

P4: One of the ways to learn more about the world is reading books. Books help us to discover new things. They help to explore new ideas.

P5: Reading books, one can learn more about the ancient times, politics, the arts and fashion.

P6: I think reading is important because it is the perfect way to feel comfortable and relax after a difficult tense day's work.

Ответьте на вопрос:

When I think of literature I imagine? Слайд 6.

VΙI. Развитие навыков поискового чтения.

Учитель раздаёт тексты с высказыванием Герберта Уэллса о читателе.

Teacher: Read this text and try to answer the questions:


“I have been writing novels, or writing about novels, for the last twenty years. I consider the novel is an important and necessary thing in complicated system which is modern civilization.

There is an opinion that the novel is wholly and solely a means of relaxation. The reader is represented as a man who is constantly working and exhausted. He has been in his office from ten to four; or he has been waiting about and voting in the House; or he has been disputing a point of law; or doing one of a thousand other of the important things which constitute the substance of the substance of a prosperous man’s life. Now at last comes the little precious interval of leisure, and he takes up a book. He wants to forget the troublesome realities of life. He wants to be taken out of himself, to be cheered, amused, above all, amused. He doesn’t want ideas, he doesn't want facts, he doesn't want problems. He wants to dream of the bright, gay excitements of a phantom world.” After H.G Wells.

Teacher: Now we shall do some group work. Get into 4 teams of 3. Working in groups and asking 2 questions:

  1. What is the author's idea of a typical reader of his time?
  2. What did the reader of the past want to see in a book he took up after a hard day?

Тry to make up a portrait of a reader of the past. Begin working in groups.

Пример ответа.

Example: As we see it, according to the statement of H. G. Wells, a reader of the past was an awfully busy person. He tried to do everything and at once. He had been working since early morning till late at night. And an only real thing which could make him feel comfortable, entertain himself was a book. It didn't matter what kind of book it was. But a reader was keen on reading books of different genres. And only a book could cheer him up and amuse him. A reader could travel to an imaginary world with imaginary people (heroes) and feel excitement of a phantom world.


- Thank you for your interesting compositions. As for me, I agree with your points of view.

And let's remember famous people connected with the creation of a book.

The task is: listen to the texts attentively and guess who is he (she).

Слайд 7  Reading is important because…..

-Попробуйте продолжить фразу…

VΙΙ.Развитие навыков аудирования.

(Слушают небольшие тексты о писателях.

Задача – догадаться о ком идёт речь)

Text Ι

He was born in a peasant family and became famous as “a poet of the Russian village”.

He believed that “there is no poet without a homeland”. He lived only 30 years.(Sergei Yesenin)

Text ΙΙ

She is a popular English writer. Her books and plays have been made into films. Her stories are mysterious, with a very exciting story-line. This woman is often called “The Queen of crime” (Agatha Christie)

Text ΙΙΙ

This handsome man was born info an old aristocratic family. But he sympathized with common people. He often raised his voice in defence of poor people. A. Pushkin devoted a part of his poem «К морю» to this man, as a poet of freedom.

(George Gordon Byron)

Слайд 8 What famous poets and writers do you know in English literature?

Слайд 9  The famous people about books and reading.

VΙΙΙ. Развитие навыков диалогической речи.

Teacher: Many people spend their time reading. Find out if your partner likes reading. Now, pupils open your textbooks at page 23, exercise 3 (работа в парах)

Working in pairs ask questions using the expressions from exercise 3/

Each of you will have a chance to ask questions:

  • What kinds of books do you like reading?
  • Who is your favourite author?
  • Do you often go to the library?
  • Do you have a home library?
  • What is your favourite book?
  • Who do you discuss books with?

ΙХ.Итог урока. Домашнее задание

-Do you like the lesson?

Слайд 10

  • What do you imagine when you think of literature?
  • What kind of books do you know?
  • Is reading important? Why?
  • What British writers and poets do you know?

Pupils, at home you will make up a dialogue on the theme:

“Is reading important?” Use the statements from exercise 2 on page 22.

X. Рефлексия деятельности на уроке.

- Take self-assessment cards. Fill them.

 Today I learned…

 I performed tasks…

I realized that…

Now I can…

I felt that…

I purchased…

 I learned…

 I did it…

I could…

 Surprise me…

 Lesson given me for life…

 I wanted…

-Кто из вас хочет поделиться своими наблюдениями и впечатлениями об уроке?

ХI.Организованное окончание урока.

Teacher: The lesson is coming to the end. You've done everything quite well. I think the lesson was interesting and useful.

I want to finish the lesson by the slaying of M. Gorky:

“Love a book! A book is a source of knowledge. And only knowledge can make us stronger and better”.

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