Тест 4 кл
тест по английскому языку

Романенкова Ольга Леонидовна



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Предварительный просмотр:

Лексико-грамматический тест по английскому языку


A.Write How much/how many.

1……….books are there?
2…….,,. water do we need?
3………  orange juice is there?
4………. plates are there?
5………..tomatoes are there?
6……….  people are coming to a picnic?

Put the words in the correct order

1. day/a/ It’s/ nice______________________

2.the/ go/ to/ cinema/Let’s______________________

3.to/ the/library/We/went/yesterday_____________

5.Let’s/photos/ take/ some______________________
6.from/I/am/ London________________________

Form the plural

1. This picture is very nice.___________________________

2. His photo is fantastic.__________________________
3. That man is very poor.____________________________
4. That shirt is beautiful___________________________
5. That pupil is clever.______________________________
6. This woman is old.___________________________________

D/ Put must/mustn’t

1. You…………smoke at all.
2. You…………feed the birds in winter.
3. You……..be late for school.

4. You ……..water the flowers.
5. You……..write on the walls.
6. You ……..walk on the grass.

E/ Choose and write
1.I’m hungry. Let’s cook ………food. (some/any/)
2.Can you see………..people at the bus stop? (some/any/)
3. I can hear ………noise in the kitchen. (some/any/)
4. Is there……..tea with lemon? (some/any/)
5. We cannot buy_____________bread. (some/any/)
6. She has got____________flowers. (some/any/)

F/ Ask the questions
She studies at school in the afternoon.
She drinks tea in the morning.

3.What time___________________________
We went to bed at 10 o’clock yesterday.

4. Where__________________
They go to the cinema every Sunday.
5. What____________________

He likes milk.
6. What_______________
They read books in the evening.

   G/ Choose the correct answer

    1. My mother ( am, is, are) at work.

    2. I  ( am, is, are)  eleven.

    3. We ( have  got, has got) a dog.

    4. My brother ( have got, has got ) two friends.

    5. He (likes, like, liking) to play soccer.

    6. My sister ( go, gos, goes) to school every day.

    7. Look! Larry ( is swimming, swims ).

    8. We  ( is reading, are reading, read ) a book  now.

    9. There (is, are) a ball in the box.

   10. There  ( is, are) two apples on the table.

   11. I`ve  got  ( a, an,) aunt.

   12. He has got ( some,  any) bananas.

   13. Have you got  ( some, any) oranges?

   14. How  ( many, much) butter do you need?

   15. There aren`t  ( many, much) children  in the classroom.

   16. How many ( foot, feet, foots) have you got?

   17. My dog has got three ( puppies, puppy, puppys).

   18. My birthday is ( in, on) September.

   19. (Kate`s, Kate) dog is under the table.

   20. What  ( are you, you are) doing?


     H/ Write a or an

  1. apple
  2. rabbit
  3. umbrella
  4. clown
  5. egg
  6. pig
  7. elephant
  8. hippo
  9. rubber
  10. balloon
  11. insect
  12. house
  13. friend
  14. ice cream
  15. circle
  16. square
  17. triangle

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