Конспект к внеклассному занятию по английскому языку в 11 классе по теме Путешествия
план-конспект занятия по английскому языку (11 класс)

Диярова Эльмира Раисовна

Тема урока: «Путешествие».

Цель урока: подготовка обучающихся 11 классов к устной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Конспект внеклассного занятия по английскому языку в 11 классе по теме «Путешествие».

Авторы: Диярова Э.Р.,

Ветошкина Т.А.,

учителя ан. яз

МБОУ гимназия г.Советский


Teacher’s speech


Раздаточный материал

I a).


Hello, everyone! We are glad to see you here.


Warming up.

At the beginning of our lesson we’ ll exercise our tongues. We’ll do it with the help of one funny song.

Let’s sing the song “One thousand steps”.

(Singing along).  

This song is encouraging, stimulating and of course relevant for today’s lesson.

Текст песни



Reading a text aloud

We are  getting ready for the State Exam in English and today we are working out Speaking  tasks. Step by step we are trying to improve our speaking skills, pay attention to the tips we give you.

As far as you know there are four tasks in Speaking Exam.

The first one is reading a text aloud.


  • Speed: don’t go too fast or too slow;
  • Clarity: speak in a loud, clear voice;
  • Pronunciation, especially of geographical names;
  • Intonation: read with expresson;
  • Rhrythm.

Let’s practise reading (Presentation).

We divided the sentenses into some parts. Start from the end.

Ancient Egyptians made mummies of dead Egyptian people to follow the tradition of their ancestors in Egypt.

Карточки с предложениями № 1

Cypriot refers to someone from or related to the country of Cyprus including American Cypriots and

Turkish Cypriots.  

In Japan some Japanese women sympathize Chinese men but due to their tradition they have to marry the Japanese.  

Many exotic plants have been introduced on the Crimean peninsula, such as cypress, oleander, almond, and myrtle, together with palms and other

subtropical flora.

Nigeria is a religiously diverse society, with Islam and Christianity being the most widely professed religions.


These sentences remind me travelling. I don’t mind going to one of the countries mentioned in the previous task.

(Travel agent: I can offer you some tours. I’m a travel agent ….)

Буклет для турагента

I can offer you a tour! I’m a travel agent.

Welcome to Australia English Study Tours!

Our Program allows for groups to integrate within the school community. Students may be placed into classes with students of other nationalities, according to the English ability.

Would you like to go?

Duaration of the tour: (How long will the tour last?)

Minimum length of studies is 2 weeks. You can have a longer course if you like.

Starting point: (What is the starting point of the tour?)

The starting point is in Moscow at Domodedovo Airport.

Places of interest: (What places are we going to visit during the tour?)

You’ll have a great opportunity to see Sydney Opera house, Sydney Harbour Bridge, The Royal Botanic Garden in Sydney, Queen Victoria Building and of course you can relax on the best Sydney beaches.

The price for a group of ten: (How much does the tour for a group of 10 people cost?)

The 2 weeks tour cost is 120 Euro per 1 person. So for a group of 10 it’ll be 1200 Euro.

Discounts: (Are there any discounts for students?)

Of course there are! The discount for students is 10per cent.

We’ll wait for you at our office, thank you for attention.


(Presentation with prompts to ask questions).

Oh, really?! That’s fantastic. Get more information. Ask questions using prompts on the cards you have. You see the same prompts on the screen. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask questions.

You are considering going on this sightseeing tour and now you’d like to get more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:

1) duration of the tour

2) the starting point

3) places to visit

4) the price for a group of 10

5) discounts for students  

Sample answer:

  1. How long will the tour last?
  2. What is the starting point of the tour?
  3. What places are we going to visit during the tour?
  4. How much does the tour for a group of 10 people cost?
  5. Are there any discounts for students?

Карточки с заданием №2.



Close your eyes, relax and imagine that we are travelling aroud the world, visiting landmarks, sunbathing on the beach, climbing mountains, taking pictures…


By the way, about pictures. Look, we have a lot of photos.

Describe them.    Tell:

  1. (Вступительные фразы).
  2. Where and when the photo was taken.
  3. What/who is in the photo.
  4. What is happening.
  5. Why you keep the photo in your album.
  6. Why you decided to show the picture to your friend.
  7. (Заключение).

Карточки  с прописанными пунктами задания №3.

While describing, assess your partner. (‘Record the answer).

Карточки для оценивания заданий


Comparing and contrasting photos.

Task 4. Let’s find similarities and differences. We’ll work out only 2 aspects out of five. Use logical linkers.

Карточки к заданию №4 (логические связки)



Did you like our journey? With English all world is your oyster. Keep learning  English. You did an amazing work

Your score…

Thank you for you work. Good bye.

Task 1. Reading

Ancient Egyptians made mummies of dead Egyptian people to follow the tradition of their ancestors in Egypt.


Cypriot refers to someone from or related to the country of Cyprus including American Cypriots and

Turkish Cypriots.  



In Japan some Japanese women sympathize Chinese men but due to their tradition they have to marry the Japanese.  

Many exotic plants have been introduced on the Crimean peninsula, such as cypress, oleander, almond, and myrtle, together with palms and other subtropical flora.







Nigeria is a religiously diverse society, with Islam and Christianity being the most widely professed religions.




Карточки №1

Карточки №2.

1) duration of the tour

2) the starting point

3) places to visit

4) the price for a group of 10

5) discounts for students

Карточки №3

In your talk remember to speak about:

1.Where and when the photo is taken.

2. Who and what is in the photo.

3. What is happening.

4. Why you keep the photo in the album.

5. Why you decided to show the picture to your friend.

Start your talk with: “I have chosen photo number …..”

Карточки для оценивания

Английский язык. Устная часть. Дополнительная схема оценивания задания 3 (описание фото).

 ФИО эксперта_____________________________ Код эксперта ____________________








1. Решение коммуникативной
задачи (Содержание)

Аспект 1. Ответ на вопрос, когда и где было сделано фото, дан







Аспект 2. Ответ на вопрос, кто/что изображено на фото, дан







Аспект 3. Ответ на вопрос, что происходит на фото, дан







Аспект 4. Ответ на вопрос, почему автор держит это фото в альбоме,  дан







Аспект 5. Ответ на вопрос, почему автор решил показать это фото другу, дан







ИТОГОВЫЙ БАЛЛ (максимальный балл – 3)







2. Организация

Наличие вступления и заключения, завершённость высказывания







Логичность и использование средств логической связи







ИТОГОВЫЙ БАЛЛ (максимальный балл – 2)









Карточки к заданию №4

Comparing ideas

Contrasting ideas





As well

Rather than



One/Another similarity is (that)…

On the other hand

What they both have in common is (the fact that)…


Instead (of)

In contrast to

A/One main difference is (that)…

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