Spotlight 7, Module 2b (презантация)
презентация к уроку по английскому языку (7 класс)

Литвинчук Олеся Валерьевна

Данная презентация создана для введения и отработки материала урока 2b "Читаем классику" (A classic read).


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Предварительный просмотр:

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Слайд 1

Tale time A Classic Read Spotlight 7 Module 2b Выполнила Литвинчук О.В., учитель английского языка , г.Санкт-Петербург (2019 г)

Слайд 2

Read and Translate the words Adventure Bush Cave Discover Explore Hide Huge Initials Journey Nephew Plot Raft Rock Explorer

Слайд 3

Journey to the centre of the Earth (by Jules Verne) Write the words in the past tense: Be Begin Find Go Write Hide Get See Come Know

Слайд 4

Journey to the centre of the Earth (by Jules Verne) Listen and read the text p. 18-19 Check your answers: Be – was/were Begin - began Find - found Go - went W rite - wrote Hide - hid Get - got See - saw Come - came Know - knew

Слайд 5

Journey to the centre of the Earth (by Jules Verne) p. 18-19 Complete the sentences 1) Axel and the professor heard….. 2) The men hid….. 3) Then, they saw….. 4) Axel found….. 5) The Professor suggested to…..

Слайд 6

Used to + V We use it to talk about past states and habits. + He used to skate (when he was little). - He didn’t use to skate . ? Did he use to skate ? Sometimes we can replace it with the past simple without any real difference in meaning. (see ex.5, p. 19)

Слайд 8

Write about what you used or didn’t use to do when you were six. (p. 19)

Слайд 9

Sequence of events We use as soon as when after until then to introduce time and show the sequence of events. The phone rang as soon as he came.

Слайд 10

Speaking Practice

Слайд 11

Choose the correct answer 1. We’ll continue the investigation until/when we find the murderer. 2. I turned on the light as soon as/until I arrived. 3. Amy left for work until/after she had breakfast. 4. Helen waited as soon as/until it got dark. 5. Please turn off the computer when/after you leave.

Слайд 12

Home assignment Learn the words WL 2a,b Write a short plot for the book you read (ex.7, p.19) ***Act out the dialogue in the story (ex.4, p.18) Have a nice day! Read wonderful books!

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