Мои стихи к 75-летию Победы. Великая Победа.
материал по английскому языку (5 класс)

Корсакова Марина Георгиевна

Стихи на английском языке о великой победе в Великой Отечественной войне.


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Предварительный просмотр:

The Victory  is Great!

What d’you know about war?

The teacher asked  us.  

And we remembered  many words:

Some sad, some  glad in class.

Fire, weapon, cannons, tanks,

Pistols, enemies and… death.

Grief  and fear,

Bombs and front,

Murder, battle,

Danger, blood…

Anniversary  and great,

Ninth  of May and monument,

Brave and courage, proud, smile,

Blue and peaceful Russian   sky…

Joy and salute, kiss, parade,

Victory and  celebrate…

Thanks for the Victory, we say

But veterans are few today…

Remember words of war, my friend!

Remember! Victory is great!

Korsakova Marina