Лексико-грамматический тест базового уровня
тест по английскому языку (9 класс)

Вильданова Дилара Анжировна

Данный тест напрвлен на оценку знаний учащихся базового уровня


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Предварительный просмотр:


1. The Chinese ____ strong traditions.

A. have many
B. have much
C. has many
D. has much

2. ____ President of ____ United States lives in ____ White House in ____ Washington D.C.

A. – , the, the,–
B. – , the, – , the
C. – , – , the, the
D. The, the, the,–

3. Learner drivers are not allowed to drive by ____.

A. them
B. themselves
C. they
D. theirs

4. They can’t have ____ more strawberries. I want _____ to make jam.

A. some, any
B. no, some
C. any, any
D. any, some

5. When I was a child, my brother wouldn’t let me ____ with him.

A. play
B. to play
C. playing
D. played

6. Today’s weather is ____ cold ____ it was yesterday.

A. not as, than
B. less, than
C. less, as
D. as, than

7. I have my English class ____ Monday morning.

A. in
B. at
C. for
D. on

8. ____ breakfast yet? Yes, I ____.

A. Did you have, have
B. Had you had, have
C. Have you had, have
D. Do you have, had

9. I ____ a new car last week, but I ____ my old car yet, so I now have two cars.

A. bought, haven’t sold
B. buy, don’t sell
C. have bought, sold
D. had bought, didn’t sell

10. I ____ all the questions since I began working on this test.

A. am answering
B. answer
C. have answered
D. had answered

11. I was late. The teacher ______ a test when I ______ to class.

A. has already given, got
B. had already given, got
C. has already given, get
D. was already giving, get

12. Tomorrow at this time, I ____ school.

A. will attend
B. will have been attending
C. will have attended
D. will be attending

13. I ____ very busy lately.

A. was
B. was being
C. had been
D. have been

14. George ____ Lisa.

A. has been married with
B. marries with
C. is married to
D. is married with

15. The new highway ____ sometime next month.

A. finished
B. finishes
C. will finish
D. will be finished

16. You had better ____ his offer.

A. accept
B. to accept
C. accepted
D. have accepted

17. Have you heard anything from Ted? Is he still in Africa? – He ______ be, or he ______ be on his way home. I’m just not sure.

A. could, must
B. must, could
C. could, could
D. must, must

18. Paul should ____ “thank you” to you when you gave him a gift.

A. say
B. have said
C. has said
D. said

19. I ____ with my family, but now I live alone.

A. am used to live
B. used to live
C. used to living
D. was used to live

20. What time does your plane take ____?

A. off
B. out
C. to
D. from

21. After failing his driving test four times, he finally ____ trying to pass.

A. gave in
B. gave off
C. gave away
D. gave up

22. You are always ____ excuses for not ____ your homework on time.

A. making, making
B. doing, doing
C. making, doing
D. doing, making

23. I can’t speak French. I wish I ____.

A. can
B. speak
C. could
D. had been able

24. It was ____ coffee that I had another cup.

A. such good
B. so a good
C. such a good
D. so good

25. Don’t forget _______ me as soon as you _______ home.

A. calling, come
B. to call, come
C. calling, will come
D. to call, will come

26. I’d like to ask you ____ questions. I need ____ more information.

A. few, little
B. a few, a little
C. a few, a few
D. few, a few

27. Pete Sampras ____ Boris Becker in the men’s singles final by three sets to two.

A. beat
B. won
C. lost
D. gained

28. There are four seasons. Spring and summer are two. ____ are autumn and winter.

A. Other
B. The others
C. Others
D. The other

29. I have always enjoyed travelling. My sister, ____, prefers to stay home.

A. although
B. though
C. however
D. but

30. How long will it ____ to do the homework?

A. need her
B. take her
C. she take
D. she need

31. Either John ____ Mary ____ my book.

A. or, have
B. or, has
C. nor, have
D. and, has

32. The teacher wanted to know whether ____ the homework.

A. would I prepare
B. if I prepared
C. I had prepared
D. did I prepare

33. Mary has never been to London, ____ she?

A. has
B. did
C. hasn’t
D. didn’t

34. I enjoyed the film last night. ____.

A. Neither do I.
B. Neither did I.
C. So do I.
D. So did I.

35. When I ____ translating the text, I’ll go to the cinema.

A. will finish
B. will have finished
C. have finished
D. am finishing

36. I expected ____ today.

A. them come
B. they came
C. they come
D. them to come

37. If it ____ raining yesterday, we ____ the game.

A. hadn’t been, would have finished
B. wasn’t, will finish
C. weren’t, would have finished
D. wasn’t, would finish

38. How old ____ now if you ____ born in the year 1900?

A. will you be, had been
B. would you be, were
C. are you, were
D. would you be, had been

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Лексико-грамматический тест базового уровня

Данный тест направлен на оценку знаний учащихся базового уровня...