презентация на тему Food and Drinks 6 кл.
презентация урока для интерактивной доски по английскому языку (6 класс)

презентация на тему Food and Drinks 6 кл.


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Предварительный просмотр:

Подписи к слайдам:

Слайд 1

Food and Drink Food and drinks

Слайд 2

Phonetic drills [i: ] sw ee ts, t ea , m ea t, ch ee se [ ai ] p ie , i ce-cr ea m, l i ke, r i ce [ æ ] a pple, s a ndwich, s a lad, h a ve [ ei ] c a ke, b a con, cornfl a kes, t a ble [p] su pp er, p otato, a pp le, p orridge

Слайд 3

Lexical drills Get up, little Freddy, Breakfast is ready: Butter and cheese All that you please Milk and bread for little Fred. Tea and jam for brother Sam.

Слайд 4

Match the words and transcribtions

Слайд 5

Confusion 1) Nabaan 7 ) Sfhi 2 ) Geg 8 ) Limk 3) Adsla 9 ) Ccikenh 4) Upos 10 ) Ragus 5) Zazip 11) Crmea 6) Etwes 12 ) Eat

Слайд 6

1) banana 7 ) fish 2) egg 8)milk 3)salad 9)chicken 4)soup 10 ) sugar 5)pizza 11)cream 6) sweet 12)tea

Слайд 7

Replace the pictures with words Hi ! I`m Margaret Barker. I`m a music teacher and I work in a school. I don`t have time to cook in the morning. Sometimes I make and my husband and children eat it with and or . But usually we have , and . We don`t eat , or for breakfast. We have them for lunch or dinner. On Sunday I can make and . And what do you have for breakfast?

Слайд 8

I have for breakfast : fish and potatoes cornflakes with milk tea and chocolate cake chicken and rice porridge with sugar and jam bacon and eggs bread with butter

Слайд 9

Choose the right word 1) New cucumbers are ____________ . a) tasty b) favourite c) yellow 2) In the evening we have ___________ in our kitchen. a) lunch b) dinner c) breakfast 3 ) I like my porridge ____________ sugar. a) in b) with c) at 4) What`s __________ breakfast? a) for b) on c) at 5) Is any chicken in the fridge? I think __________ . a) so b) is c) not 6) Bananas are _____________ of all fruit . a) tastiest b) tastier c) tasty 7) I`d like tomato and cucumber ___________ , please. a) porridge b) ice-cream c) salad 8) I am ______________ my breakfast now . a) enjoy b) enjoyed c) enjoying favourite dinner with for so tastiest salad enjoying

Слайд 10

Ask your classmates ( Yes, please / No, thank you ) 1) Would you like a ham sandwich? 2) Would you like some porridge ? 3) Would you like some pizza ? 4) Would you like some milk chocolate ? 5) Would you like some cream in your tea ? 6) Would you like some yogurt ? 7) Would you like some hot milk?

Слайд 11

Complete the sentences I think / I don`t think

Слайд 12

Find the odd word 1)breakfast, lunch, food, dinner 2)cucumber, tomato, potato, salad 3)bacon, bread, porridge, butter 4)tea, ham, coffee, juice , FOOD SALAD PORRIDGE HAM

Слайд 13

Let`s play a game ! Eaten / uneaten

Слайд 14

Thank you for the lesson! Я всё понял, мне всё понравилось! У меня есть вопросы, затруднения. Мне ещё есть над чем работать…

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